
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, May 5, 2013

An Awesome Weekend

Me and Little Bit watched My Little Pony. A lot. Fascinating program. Who knew?


  1. Watching blank screen would be fun, if my 3 yr old granddaughter (I don't have one but) were there with me. Good for you, gramp!

  2. Greg nailed it, it's all about the company!

  3. I think you're in danger of becoming a Brony Sarge. When one has such a beautiful granddaughter it's not only expected but celebrated by grandfathers everywhere. I know this one is applauding!

    1. @Six: My 16 year old grandson is a Brony. You would not BELIEVE the grief he gets for that from a certain unnamed Usual Suspect. He handles it well, though... giving as good as he gets.

      @Chris: "Who knew?" Uh-oh. BIG uh-oh.

  4. Greg, Joe and Six -

    Little Bit and I did some serious bonding this weekend. Her sense of humor is very similar to her mother's. Which is nearly identical to my own. You can see why we get along so well!

  5. She is stinkin' cute! We have a supply of kid's movies to entertain the Grand-Girls. Be sure and get movies that are funny to you, too.

    1. Kids movies we have. There aren't many that don't entertain me as well. We stay away from those that don't.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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