
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Google Street View
Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness.  Home is where the heart’s tears can dry at their own pace.  - Vernon Baker (S)

I have lived in many places in my life.

As a child I lived with my parents, two brothers and a cat. We laughed there, we cried there, we learned there. When I think back on the love in that place, it almost breaks my heart that it is gone.

It's gone because we boys all grew up and moved outward and onward. We carved out our own homes in the world. Married, raised children of our own. In my home I always tried to recreate the atmosphere of trust and love I had when I was growing up.

We succeeded, I think, mostly through the efforts of The Missus Herself. She is something.

Beauty, an iron will, intelligent, compassionate and a great sense of humor.

I won the lottery right there.

Over the years we've lived in apartments, condominiums, duplexes and now a house of our own.

Google Street View

Fort Collins
Google Street View
Google Street View

Looking across the fields at our home in Waldfeucht, Germany.
Google Street View

Our three kids have all moved on now and have families of their own. I now understand the tears in my parents' eyes every time I left to go somewhere. For I spent my career thousands of miles from my parents and where I grew up. The closest assignment I ever got to home was Omaha. Fifteen-hundred miles isn't exactly "just across town," is it?

Now our kids live in California (two) and in Virginia (one). In terms of my assignments in the Air Force, The Nuke, down in Virginia, is practically next door. ("Only" 450 miles, give or take a yard.)

So where is my home now?

I have a home with my wife, our two cats and a koi pond.

I have a home with my Mom. Whenever we go to visit, it feels like home to me.

I have a home with each of our three kids.

All of these places, I feel at home. I feel like I can kick my shoes off, speak freely, laugh often and cry when it's appropriate. I can even belch and scratch should the need arise, but only when the ladies are in the other room. Though honestly, The WSO can belch and scratch like a pro, must be the naval aviation background, am I right?

Any way you look at it, home is what you make of it. It's also a place where there is love. Because without that, why bother?

Home is here as well, in a very real way.
Google Street View


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Really, I couldn't have said it better.

    1. Thanks Juvat.

      (BTW, love the placeholder. Eases the Old Sarge' state of mind.)

  2. Replies
    1. But is that a good thing?

      Those Lions' functions wouldn't be the same without you.

  3. Nice post, made me un-cranky for a few moments.

    1. Thanks Joe.

      (And did Mrs Cranky notice?)

    2. She would have liked it too, but she doesn't even read my posts.

  4. Very well said. I still feel welcome and loved at my mom's house, but she (and my late dad) relocated some 15 years ago - long after I was married and gone. So the house she lives in was never "home" to me. I still feel truly at home wherever my wife is ... and that's as it should be.

    1. Indeed. For that is a fine definition of home. Where the heart is.

    2. Sarg/

      Buck is in the ICU in Lubbock, TX. SN1 just left a post and ask for prayers. Both sons are now driving from VA down to Lubbock. Prayers.

    3. Aww Crap! Will certainly add him to our list. Lubbock's not THAT far a drive. Let me know if I can help.

    4. (we go into Christmas (not holiday) break this week. I can take time off if needed.)

    5. Thanks Virgil, I saw that over on Facebook. After reading Buck's latest I've been very concerned.

      Prayers are being offered and will continue.

  5. Wow I loved the schweinshaxen the gasthaus in Waldfeucht put out.

    That was one of the high points of my tour in Gelienkirchen.

    My buddy lived in Waldfeucht - our family was down in Neiderheide.

    I kinda miss Germany. Some of the germans.. nazzo much

    1. That gasthaus had some excellent food.

      When were you at GK? I was there Jan 92 to May 99. (Yes, a long time.)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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