
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Vietnam Veterans Day

To honor my elder brothers...


...and sisters.

To those who came home...

...and to those who did not.

Thank you.


  1. My feelings for today are of the lukewarm variety. With all the Vietnam Vet FB groups I belong to, it's like visiting a memorial every day.
    My feelings, from when I first heard of today's dedication:

    1. I hadn't known of this before.

      Just wanted to acknowledge (and thank) those who were there.

  2. And a pox on all who proved they were against the war by mistreating those who served there. The years haven't lessened my contempt.

  3. I read a book by Giap, in which he concluded that we beat him, but that it didn't matter, as the Congressional Class of 1972 gave South Vietnam to him. There are a LOT of Democrats of that era that will find the afterlife unpleasant.

    Thanks, guys, for doing what needed to be done, under horrible conditions. You are the Sons of the Greatest Generation, and you did your Fathers Proud.

    1. You're right about the afterlife. They should be able to chat personally with Giap. One hopes.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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