
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Almost Forgot...

Started doing this blogging thing five years ago today.

Five years, 2,078 posts (including this one), 1,246,004 page views, and 29,560 comments. So far. And I'm still enjoying it.

Five years ago it was just me. Now I've got Juvat and Tuna. They have contributed a great deal. (Now I've just got to get down to Texas to actually meet Juvat in the flesh. Heck, I see Tuna all the time now, and that's a good thing!)

Mustn't forget Colin Kimball either, while he's not a regular he has contributed a few, very well received, guest posts. (Haven't met Colin in person, yet, but we have chatted on the phone. Which is something as I ain't a big phone guy. Never know what to say and all that. If I get to Texas I need to look him up as well.)

Thanks to all those guys.

While the diverticulitis might get me down, it's not going to knock me out.

Here's looking forward to many more years of this blogging thing.

Tip o' the hat to all my readers, I suppose I could do it without you, but what would be the point?

Now, back to bed. Though I am feeling significantly better today, a clear liquid diet doesn't induce one to be very active.



  1. Replies
    1. Heh, I love it. Pentablogaversary has a nice ring to it.

  2. HUZZAH!

  3. I'll hoist a pint of something appropriate at lunch today.

  4. Happy Birthday to us! (sung of course) (off key of course) (Loud...need you ask?)

    1. Loud, off key? It's a Pentablogaversary miracle!

  5. Happy to carry my microscopic weight around here. I'm impressed by not on the five years, but the fact that you and Juvat keep it a daily read for the Chanters, with no gaps. Posting daily isn't easy. Happy Birthday! Sorry about your gut being under the weather. By the way, a friend of mine and a fellow Lexican had the call-sign Semi given to him by his squadron-mates after he had some of his colon removed. Take it easy and feel free to post funny cat videos instead if you feel the need- we'll understand and be entertained in the mean time.

    1. Should have been "not only the five years."

    2. I sure wish Blogger would give us a comment editing tool.

      Sometimes the keyboard is not your friend.

  6. Happy blogiversary, even if you're not 100% at the moment. We all hope you'll assume your original, upright position in due course.

  7. Congrats on hitting another blog-milestone and hopefully not passing any kidney stones! Get better soon.

  8. Thanks for all the hard work you and your fellow authors have done here. This blog, along with thediplomad and BayouRenaissanceman blogs I visit just about every day. Good stuff! Good luck with the GI issue, fiber is your friend.

    1. DiploMad? Bayou Renaissance Man? We're in good company!

      Thanks Nylon12.

  9. Congrats! Verily a significant milestone.

    I was wondering though, re your down chit and previous post, what are the chances that the ct tech knows what a semicolon is or how to properly stuff one into a sentence?

    1. Thanks Shaun.

      As to the semicolon, physically speaking I have one. Lost part of my kit I have and will no doubt be docked for that when I check out of this world. (Lost my damned gall bladder as well, let's not mention all the hair I've lost over the years. But I digress... First time I've done that in a comment BTW.)

      As to knowing how to use one grammatically speaking? I only have the barest of notions on that. (It took Buck months to get me to use commas and quotes properly.)

      As the CT tech was young, lovely, and female, I would forgive her not knowing how to use a semicolon in a sentence.

      Seriously, you used semicolon and stuff in the same sentence? Made me queasy that one did, but you medicos always did have odd senses of humor.


  10. Five years. Eighteen hundred and twenty six days. Forty-three thousand eight hundred and twenty four hours. Two million six hundred and twenty nine thousand, four hundred and forty minutes.... Seems a lot longer! : )
    Congratulations! Five years is a big deal. An effing big deal according to Tail Gunner Joe Biden! Keep up the good work, gents!

  11. Happy Blog Birthday! When you go to Texas to see Juvat, you can stop in OK. The Lazy B is always welcoming. Buck stopped by a couple of times. Fun times.

  12. Don't know how I missed this post. Anyway, happy blog birthday, a day late. ( And likely a dollar short, too. )

    Paul L. Quandt

    1. Don't feel bad, I almost forgot myself!

      Thanks Paul.

  13. Right here in formation with Paul, Sarge. Late as usual, old "Blue Four" VX :)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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