
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Nor'easter 3.0

Jetty meet sea, sea meet jetty
Point Judith, Little Rhody
Nope, that's not a picture of the basement at Chez Sarge, though if this crap continues, who knows?

We've got our third nor'easter bearing down upon us as I write this. The third in less than two weeks mind you. The first took a few shingles off the roof (which will be replaced once the warmer weather arrives, the roof that is, not just the missing shingles). The second brought water into the basement.

I shudder to think what the third has up its sleeve. There's talk of snow in mass quantities. (Snow, not waffles.)


So, what is a nor'easter anyway?

Book definition:
What a nor'easter looks like from Remulak, er, I mean space:

I think I can just spot the houses of Joe and Finicky Fat Guy in that picture. New Jersey for the former, NYC for the latter. As Little Rhody is off the top of the picture, you can't see my house. And no, the scary sounding music is not what a nor'easter sounds like. They sound more like this -


That's enough of that!

(They don't sound like anything in space. 'Tis a vacuum, therefore no sound.)

Now that video made it look like the wind was out of the south. While the storm is moving up from the south, all the nastiness is coming down from the northeast. Here's a picture of the low pressure system from the nor'easter we had back in 2011 -

The winds around a low pressure system move counter-clockwise (unless you're in Britain, then they move anti-clockwise 😁) the top of that storm brought winds out of the northeast. Hence the term, nor'easter. Wicked pissah it ain't. (Chez Sarge is just a wee bit west of the eye of that monster. If you know the geography of Little Rhody, you can just see Bristol Neck, north of Aquidneck Island. I'd mark it clearly but I don't want the storm to know where I live!)

Here's what it might look (and sound) like in my AO tomorrow.

I have already planned on taking the day off from work. So I figure if I stay up really, really late (thinking that I won't go in because of the blizzard) then I can fool the storm into giving us this -

But this is most likely according to the National Weather Service -

I think I've had enough winter.


  1. Replies
    1. It's snowing like a sumbitch right now.

      Seems I recall the term "Maunder Minimum" being batted about over the past couple of years.

      Stories of the Thames being frozen over back then. Could be!

  2. I read NOAA's prediction of around an inch for Philly, and then serviced the snow thrower just in case anyway.

    Instead of all the energy and money being spent on making self driving cars and trucks, how about making something really useful, like an autonomous snow thrower? Think about it, a self starting, self steering, gasoline powered large machine with a spinning and unguarded snow auger on the front. What could possibly go wrong?

    On the other hand, maybe a surplus Keith Laumer Bolo would be perfect for snow removal.

    If you chose to leave the castle today, be careful out there.

    1. I am not going anywhere today. No need, no desire to do so.

  3. Wishing you good luck there Sarge....unfortunately Mother Nature trumps all...(sigh)...

  4. Hope that basement stays dry.

  5. 89 for the high on Sunday, woke yesterday to 35 and 20K of wind. Make up your mind, Mother Nature, how about a balmy 72?

    1. Indeed. Sunday felt like spring, today? Not so much.

  6. Well, at least you get to practice your preps and fortifications before the next few years brings a mini ice age. And you get to find one of the reasons Native Americans were thinner on the east coast when the Pilgrims arrived than 100 years previous.

    I guess the cold days promised us in the 70's are finally arriving, just slower than predicted. Oh well. Hope you've got enough heat oil for the Missus and the cats.

    1. So far, all is well.

      Knock on wood. (He said while tapping his head.)

  7. We don't have a name for what's goin' on out here, but it's coming outta the Sou'west and feels at times like someone opened the spigot.
    It isn't so bad to get an inch of rain unless it all falls in a fifteen minute time period.
    That's when you wish you had sandbags by the doors on the south side of the house.

  8. I feel your pain. We're in for about a week to ten days of rain here. I had to get out yesterday and fertilize the lawn (which I've had to mow twice so far this year!). I couldn't quite finish the job, because when I came to the backyard, I surprised two intruders making use of my pool... a mating pair of ducks dropped in for a little break from that whole migration thing.
    I didn't want to spook them, but they let me get within about 25' to take their picture.

    1. Too much rain is not good. While it might fill the reservoirs, it fills everything else as well. To include basements.

      I'm dry and warm so far. It has yet to stop snowing.

  9. I was going to say that it was 65º and windy here today, but I changed my mind.

    1. Well, we did do windy today. Subtract 34 from the temperature and we're close!

  10. My son has said they have gotten 14 and then 20 inches of snow in the past week...up state NY. And more was expected today. We have been having lake effect snow daily for the past 3 days...sunny in some parts, wait 15 minutes, then it get very dark, and snows like crazy...white-out level, then the sun comes back out. Personally, I'm done with winter. It needs to go away, please.
    Hope your power stays on...cold, wind, and no power is a lousy combination. But, hey!! Snow Day!! :)

    1. Snow day indeed! Power is still on as of 2025.

      I am familiar with the winters in upstate New York. The Nuke did her reactor prototype training up in Ballston Spa, not far from Saratoga Springs (where she lived). We visited for a few days around New Year's, snowed every day. Minimum of eight inches each day, the locals didn't even blink.

    2. That is the area I hale from. My step daughter still lives in Ballston Spa. The first year I was in W MI, it snowed 131 inches that winter...I was like, yeah, it's winter, this is what it dearly beloved said Uh, NO!! It snows 3-4, then melts, and then a couple of weeks later, ya get another 2-3...and then there is 1-3 a day of lake effect and then 2-3 days of 40's. In NY, we always got 2-3 weeks in January of -10 to -20, then it would warm up and snow more. So, I am liking W MI winters much better these last few winters. :)

      I don't want it to blizzard too much on the CT shore as we are supposed to go to the beach this summer...and I want the cottage to still be there!!

    3. Yeah, waves get pretty high in these things. I haven't heard any reports of coastal damage though, except up Boston way. They've been flooded a couple of times in the past couple of weeks.

      Pretty country up there around Ballston Spa.

  11. Serious, crappy Winter Weather is why I moved from MI to NC over thirty years ago. Empathy Sarge...

    1. 4.0 is rumored to arrive next week.

      I may need to move further south!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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