
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Still Here, Still Slacking

I'm not going to say that I could get used to this, not going to say I couldn't. While some strange compulsion drives me to write blog posts, it's not the end all, be all of who I am. But like Lex once famously said, "Blogito ergo sum."

But taking the time to recharge the batteries over the past cuppla has been most excellent. Work has been interesting but somewhat frustrating. New software often presents challenges when attempting to integrate updates and new features into an existing, fairly stable system. However, when the system exhibits seemingly random behavior, it is rather like attempting to herd cats.

That being said, I think we've finally got a handle on what we've been seeing and might even make progress again.

After the holiday.

A lot of folks are going to be off next week, those remaining, thorough-going professionals though they be, may be less than motivated to work too hard. Why strain when others are at the beach, I suppose?

Anyhoo, a quick glance at that opening graphic, an actual screenshot of my home system desktop, will reveal that I have plenty to keep me busy while the blog is in cruise control. I need to do this but I need to slack off from time to time.

I swore that if blogging ever became work, I would "down keyboard" and find something else to fill the hours not spent eating, sleeping, working, worshiping, commuting, reading, drumming, strumming, watching dramas of an historical nature via the magic of the Internet, and generally playing the fool.

But it has struck me lately - what happens when work is actually something approaching fun? The work is challenging, entertaining, and informative. Not to mention the folks I work with being a joy to be around.

I guess you might say I'm blessed.

Now if only the kids and grandkids lived closer...

Perhaps juvat's Monday post will inspire me to greater efforts as regards the blog. After all, next week is a short one, three days, surely I can set aside some time to write here, and on that other thing.


We shall see.

As Buck might have said, keep on keeping on.

I'll be here.


  1. No Pressure! But I do have a topic, so I've got that going for me.

    1. A man with a topic! That's more than I've had lately.

      Looking forward to it!

  2. The amount of simulations on your screen gladdens the heart, you do know Steam has their Summer Sale going on? Have to find a different background myself, what with the heat and dew points in the lower seventies here now.....hmmmm..... maybe a waterfall......

    1. I am very aware of Steam's summer sale, now it's decisions, decisions, decisions.

      Most of those games, er simulations, came from Steam.

  3. I know more than one person who moved because they said "Now if only the kids and grandkids lived closer..." Moved across the country at that...

    A job you really enjoy is a great thing!

    1. I've heard of folks doing that. ;)

      The job is awesome, as are the people on the team.

    2. Yes, but moving to California?????

    3. Well, at some point in time don't we need to retake the state from the enemy?

    4. Yeah, but it'll take at least a century to clean all the crap (literally) off the streets.

    5. It'll probably take that long to clean the crap out of the state house in Sacramento!

  4. I just make a folder called “games”, throw all those in there, and view them in alphabetical order.... and my desktop still looks like that with all the other crap.

    Some solid choices in there. I’d forgotten about Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, that was a good one.

    1. There is a folder on that desktop, innocuous enough, called "Desktop Folders." It's my "tip of the iceberg" folder, much more underneath!

  5. If you do your favorite thing non-stop day after day, at some point it's not your favorite thing anymore. And to a degree, this is just staring at electrons.

    What they said. Two of our kids started careers in the DFW area, and we needed to escape Kalifornia. we are.

    1. Welcome to the Land of the Free, and the home of Leave Me Alone, neighbor!!! Texas is special that way. We have our own power grid just to keep the paws of the "benevolent federal government" off it. I'm glad you made it out of the PRK. Now, if you can get shed of the land of plastic bananas in the DFW area, you'll be free indeed.

    2. RHT447 - True enough, though it depends on the thing.

    3. STxAR - I am not content to leave California to the enemy, someday it will return to the fold. Once the productive class runs out of money, and patience. Then perhaps a little martial law might be in order.

    4. STxAR--

      Thanks for the kind welcome. Wife and I have been Texas residents since 2016. To coin a phrase, not our first rodeo here. Her lineage runs up to Paris/Roxton. Mine runs out to west Texas. Charles Downie was my maternal grandfather--

      Mary Downie was my grandmother.

      Josephine Roessler's father, Anton, was the cartographer of this map (click "prev" for map #7, the "view full size")--

      When I was a young lad in California, Ronald Reagan was governor. I never did care much for plastic bananas.

    5. Excellent family history. I've met people that wouldn't spend the night in Sanderson. Big flood in the 60's washed a lot of folks away.

      That is good sheep country out there.

  6. Good to see you don't waste your money on worthless pc stuff. You have a few of my fav's on there.... Albeit mine run on PS4. You ever try Fallout? I found out I'm a bit OCD.... if there is a box or desk drawer or filing cabinet, I have to see whats in it... It's crazy....

    Rest easy, enjoy the week, regale us when the muse comes back.

    1. Hey, check out this slacker. It appears he was anything but out of ideas:

      Good grief, why didn't I know about him sooner???

    2. I had not heard of this guy either - what big brass ones he had! Thanks for the link!

    3. I haven't tried Fallout, yet. 😉

    4. So Tom, perhaps they needed to up-engine his Piper. A lot of brass to haul for a stock Piper!

  7. As some may know, Miss Jeanie and I moved from Santa Cruz CA to Ormond Beach FL several years ago. Southwest Airlines and Delta have provided safe travel back and forth twice or three times a year for us and once, each, for the kids. For family reasons, we'd have rather stayed in SC. Realistically, I couldn't afford to retire there and the place has gone hispanic on me (oh and drugs too). No one to have an adult conversation with. I don't think I'm prejudiced against much o' nothin' or anyone, but I found out I could be, if given the chance. To my shame.

    1. Sometimes prejudice is an acquired thing. I don't hate the folks who live in squalor and drug-riddled apathy amongst us, only those who made them that way.

      I'm looking at you, politicians, a pox on your houses.

  8. First off...don't move to California...WAY too expensive, and I strongly suspect it will get worse before it gets better...And I know well how things cost in RI. Or the rest of New England for that matter. But Calli is worse!!

    Secondly: I really like the background on your home desk top!!! Very cool!! And just look at all the, I mean simulations you have!! Isn't it great that electrons store in such a compact space?? Imagine if you had to build shelves to hold all of those!!!

    Thirdly: We ALL have days...weeks even...when we just wanna do what WE wanna do. Ya don't have much control over that at work as everyone tends to get told what the big bosses want done next, unless you own the company, but I don't think you are in that kinda business. It truly is a blessing to have a job where you like the work, as well as the folks ya work with, and the money makes you happy, being able to keep a roof over your head, food on the table and the cats in kibble and well as the Mrs. in lovely plants.

    Lastly: This is YOUR blog...YOU are King and Supreme Commander here. Write or not. Don't feel guilty!! We usually play well amongst ourselves when directed to do so. And, if not so directed, we will be here when your Muse comes back from her vacation. :)

    1. I think the Muse went to Tuscany this year.

      Can't say I blame her lingering there. I've been there, it's beautiful beyond description.

  9. What a bear said about the plethora of icons. Yeesh, makes my eyes bleed.

    I'd be posting some deep metaphysical posts right now but... I've been living out of a Benadryl bottle lately, which means taking Benadryl to stop the nose running, which puts me to sleep, Benadryl wears off, I wake up, nose runs, continue. Nose running isn't a summer creek, it's the mighty Mississippi of Phlem during a flood. Bleh.

    Soon as I can be coherent for longer than an hour at a time...

    1. 'Tis the allergy season, I understand.

      The deal was "when you feel like it," and that remains true.

  10. Just stopping by to say Howdy!
    So glad I left Cali (after 70yrs, slow learner) for the PNW. I did bring my armory with and there are two rivers between me and Portlandia so I can be as well armed as I want.

  11. I think that all of us go through this sort of thing. I know that I have, more than once.

    1. And you've been at it a lot longer!

      I really appreciate the effort you put forth, don't know how you manage.

  12. The reason my desktop doesn't look like that is that I tend to put links into my favorites on the drop down list.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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