
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Fly Navy...

Big Time's squadron, VFA-146, the Blue Diamonds
Screen Capture from the Video

...The Best Always Have!

Dedicated to the men and women of Naval Aviation.

One of my homes away from home.


  1. Well done! Better than the third cup of coffee this morning to get things moving.

  2. Hey Old AfSarge;

    And my favorite museum is the U.S. navy Museum in Pensacola....been there twice and will plan another trip when we go to visit my brother near Destin. Very good story :)

    1. Love that place. The youngest received her wings there in the Atrium.

  3. Once again, your filler is better than many people's blogs.

  4. Well....Maybe not THE best!

    Just Sayin'

    1. I was wondering when you would chime in...


  5. He's getting short in his DH tour right? Maybe joint duty to follow?

    1. Not sure what his next move is, War College? Maybe?

    2. That would be great- see the grandkids daily!

  6. second (or third, is it?) the motion about both liking the videos and about your 'filler' being better than other blogs' main course. Just spent the last several days moving the youngest back to NC from San Antonio, alternating with him driving the 16' rental truck. Reinforced how much I HATE governors - on vehicles (but also many in state capitals/capitols). Made a long trip even longer. And while playing Tetris in loading the truck in SA and moaning about the humidity there, having Louisiana saying, "Hold my beer!" with both the heat and humidity. So the point being, I have been like Suz in that I have been reading late at night and too tired to comment much. But as always, have very much enjoyed the comments to the posts and learned a lot from both. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! And Sarge, hope you are getting some well deserved time to yourself, or at least to doing things that are pleasing to you. Like John said, I can't imagine how much time it must take to do the quality job you do on the blog. Thanks for that!

    1. I thought Mississippi was hot, then I visited Louisiana. Yup, hold my beer!

      Thanks Tom!

    2. Biloxi get's the gulf breeze. Cuts the humidity some, not all. Painting houses at Columbus AFB taught me the meaning of the word Humid.

      However, Little Juvat and LJW seem to be setting an entirely new meaning to Hot and Humid.

    3. There is the breeze.

      Little Juvat and LJW have my sympathy!

  7. LSE.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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