
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, June 28, 2019


The blogger is out...

Come back tomorrow.

To keep you entertained - Thoughts/Comments/Observations/Snide Remarks?



  1. Where is the hot dog, and the Chevy emblem?

  2. My dad was a Chevy guy through and through. Never let him forget that he bought a Vega though, some of those mid-seventies cars GM put out were just.....just.....ermagawd....... When it came time to trade it in, the dealership had to send a tow truck to their house since it wouldn't start that day.

    1. Yeah, American vehicles aren't what they used to be.

  3. I thought MOM was supposed to be in there somewhere, too? It doesn't have to be my mom, you could put Raquel Welch up there, and I'd be okay with that....

    We had both growing up. First car I remember was a 1965 Wildcat. When dad got a little fast, there was a squawker on the speedarmature (east Texas for speedometer). "Make the chicken cluck, dad!!" And the magic blue light on the dash that would only work if you could snap your fingers like dad did. Mine thubbed, not snappy enough I guess. Ran on ethel. High compression engine.

    Then a 69 Ford pickup, and my Uncle Steve's '60 Impala, 73 LTD (a donut fiend), 2 door Merc, 69 C10 with a 327 and a fourbarrel. It could scratch in third gear..... On dirt roads it was "Very interesting......"

    Then my cars, 64 Starfire (Rocket 88 powered, another ethel burner), 74 Fury police car (360 and Torqueflight 747 that wound out of first at 50 MPH!!!! It handled like go kart, oh I loved that car, not quick, but fast) Then the 74 Olds 98 with a 455. You could put 32 people in the back of the olds and still have room for a disco ball....

    Ah, youthful exuberance......

  4. Biden looks very Presidential...apparently it is very important to look and act Presidential. Who is it again that makes the look and act Presidential rules that are more important than results? Then again we have never had a President named Joe, what are the odds?

    1. I dunno about Presidential, he looks more like the creepy uncle you only see at family reunions. Fortunately.

      Does Joe Stalin count?

    2. You stole that last from me. Great minds think alike.

      As to the meme, getting results is necessary for a businessman to stay in business. Getting re-elected is all that matters to a politician. Term limits are starting to look more and more beneficial to me. Both for a given office as well as a total number of years in any form of governmental employment at any level.

      But that's just me....being charitable.

    3. I borrow, er steal, it's what I do.

      Roger that on your second point. I am a FIRM believer in term limits.

      I no longer wish to be charitable to these demons in human form.

  5. Why didn't you put the apples in the pie?
    I believe that we need to continue to pray for the President. The political class - Republican and Democrat, Socialist all, have failed us. They have set themselves above we common folk and are protected from any meaningful queries by a monopolized media.
    Let's hear it for the internet and possibly the "Epoch Times". Hip, hip, huzzah!

    1. Yes, I concur, the political class has failed utterly.

  6. I don't think the words "political" and "class" belong together.

    We have changed our apple pie recipe to include only one type of apple, and we have started using pie weights and pre-baking the crust.
    We began to believe that mixing the types of apples resulted in some of the apple slices being under cooked, and others turned into applesauce.

    Research continues.

    My "can't leave things well enough alone" gland is a bit enlarged but it plays well with my selective OCD.

    1. I see what you did there, John.

      As to apple pie, all the pie makers of my family have always used the same type of apple in a single pie. Mixing apple types seems risky for the reasons you state.

      For the record, I LOVE apple pie.

    2. Pro tip, use apple brandy, not water in the crust. Oh baby is it flaky and apple flavored to boot. The alcohol doesn't activate the gluten. Some yummy, let me tell you....

  7. No comment from me is needed, they have all been written.

    However, have any of y'all been watching Jordan Peterson videos? I find him very articulate in expressing values which I hold and I believe that many in this community also hold.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. I haven't, there just aren't enough hours in the day.

    2. Yes sir, I sure have. He has opened my eyes to some things I'd never thought of. His analysis of Disney movies for instance.

  8. Northern Spies make the BEST apple pies!!! THey don't mush, hold their shape and are not too sweet. And, why, when you can have apple would you want any other type of pie?? Apple pie is my first, second and third favorite type of pie...Then I like lemon meringue, and occasionally a blueberry, if there is a LOT of vanilla ice cream around. But I got a steal of a deal on strawberries today on the way home from a patient's house...$3.50 a quart for 3 quarts...big, red, juicy, sweet with just a touch of tart...gonna make strawberry shortcake in the next 24 hours...and then freeze the rest, if there is any left. First I have to finish my paperwork for has just been nuts crazy for the past several weeks!

    So far as American cars go...they have improved dramatically over the junk that was for sale in the 80's...and I love my Impala...has 228,000 on the odometer tonight...and still going strong!

    1. I was just thinking today, "I wonder where Suz is at, haven't heard from her in a while?"

      And "voilà!", there you are. Welcome back!

      Concur on apple pie, it's the best!

    2. I have been reading like 1AM on my way to haven't been "talking" to imagine, right?!?!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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