
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

So, Did Anyone Actually Chase the Link?

Ya know, this one?

It is a pretty cool museum from what I can see. It's in St. Petersburg, can't find a website for it, of course, it's probably all in Russian.



  1. Um, I didn't. I meant to later, but... I ain't got no excuse, Sir.

    I did just now chase the link though, and I agree, looks like a great museum.

    1. Well, you fessed up, so you're not in hack. 😉

  2. Wow, that would be amazing to walk through. Bringing history to life. I wish the article had given the name of the museum.

  3. "The exhibition is largely aimed at schoolchildren, who will be able to view the exhibition for free."

    [Sigh]. Contrast this sentence, to this little ditty, from the UK.

    Children should be shielded from knowledge of what fascism/socialism/communism/authoritarianism brings? One can only shake one's head.

    1. I saw that article, what the Hell is an "Instagram star"? Some people's kids...

    2. An internet hack paid by Soros.

    3. A useful definition Beans. No doubt spot on!

  4. I was using my phone; figured I'd wait until I could see it on the PC monitor.
    Then it dawned that I have a "smart" TV that's underused.
    I wouldn't mind an opportunity to visit that museum.

    1. Same here, now I really want to visit St. Petersburg!

  5. No....because a while ago...we got in trouble for Pseudo copy right infringement. I assume when it just says source it’s just copyright protection. My bad.

    1. I try to properly attribute the photos, source is where I found it. I think we're covered by Fair Use but I like to let folks know where I get things from. Often the link is of great interest. I should have made that clearer, not your bad, my bad. Gomen nasai.

  6. Hey AFSarge;

    YEp the Eastern Front was no quarters given by either side and the Soviets and Germans used the E-tool as a close combat weapon. Going to St Petersburg is on my bucket list.

    1. German e-tool is a very effective weapon, I have one. Put an edge on it and watch out, kinda like a short ax.

  7. Yes, I went to the link. Very interesting. Didn't know this was in St. Pete. I thought just low-level scientologists were in St. Pete...

    Oh, wait, not that St. Pete, THAT St. Pete... Sorry, bad non-English in St. Pete vs definite non-English in St. Petersburg.

    Prefer the D-Day Museum in New Orleans, since, really, I tend to care more about Us vs caring about them. That and the Ursuline Convent are about the only reasons to step in that bedeviled city. Unless you're Murphy.

    1. The city built by Peter the Great.

    2. Ah, that's why my sarcasm detector went off, thought it was a low battery. 😜

  8. Amazing dioramas. Love those full-scale exhibits that put you in the action. The panic in the horses eyes as they swim across the Dnieper river was really well done.


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