
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

On Being Random

So yeah, the meme depicted above is kind of funny. That whole, "awakened a sleeping giant" thing, which Yamamoto may or may not have said. He did predict that the Japanese fleet would run wild for six months but that Japan would eventually lose. Which did happen. Still and all, from Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima/Nagasaki was a long, hard slog. My point being is that the penguin would have been dead meat ten seconds after that bear woke up. I doubt the bear would even break a sweat.

But I thought the meme amusing, so I posted it.

I'm feeling rather random today (that would be Tuesday, I know you're reading this on Wednesday). Woke up at 0400 (that would be the "butt crack of dawn" as LUSH would say) looked at my watch and said, "Ah good, I can sleep another hour and a half."

Unfortunately the rest of my brain didn't get that memo. While I may have slept some between checking my watch and then having the alarm go off at 0530, it didn't feel like it. My cat, Anya, came into the room a couple of times and meowed at me. I interpreted her meows as "Are you going to get up now and feed me?" I was not wrong.

Anyhoo, that made for a rather long day in which my brain hurt pretty much all day. I didn't have a headache or anything, it was just painful to think. Which I had to do a lot of, my work is technical, so I'm required to think. On Tuesday, that was painful.

So you get a post of randomness. Odd bits and pieces produced by synapses firing at random. (A phrase which I have always liked and have now "borrowed' from the good Captain's blog.)

Now that picture is more of a true statement than I would have believed possible in my salad days.¹ While I have taken to wearing suspenders, I'm not at the sweat pants stage just yet. Getting close though, The Missus Herself is no doubt appalled at my choices of clothing these days.

"That shirt looks like a tent on you!"

"But it's comfortable!"

"Change it!"

Sigh ...

One can but follow direction when it comes from The Missus Herself, she will tolerate no resistance. At least from me. You wouldn't believe what the grandkids get away with!

Alas, I can think no more (nor write) I'm off to my rack.

¹ No, those were not the days when I ate a lot of salad. Those days have not occurred since a brief period in 1987 when I was at an Air Force base where the food was execrable. The only base I was ever at where the food completely sucked. While they could have f**ked up the salad, they didn't, probably because they didn't have to cook it. I lived on salad for about twelve weeks. I never want to do that again. When I got home (I had been TDY over that time period) my son remarked that I looked like I had been in a prison camp. Sure felt like it.


  1. Wearing sweat pants outside the house....uh no.....CCW needs to have a gun belt, no pocket carry for me. And sometimes an over sized shirt is de rigueur. FYI read that the best time for a nap is between two and four PM. As a retiree that slot is open for use so.........:)

    1. Me, I'm waiting till open carry, full Constitutional Carry, is legal because the permitting process is expensive and long. A right enumerated in the Bill of Rights that I have to get permission to do is not a right. One of the few issues I have with the Great State of Florida (mostly because some transplanted weasels in the Miami area are futzing it up for the rest of us.)

      Other than that, nothing wrong with sweat pants. If people can wear pajama pants outside, then sweats are a-okay.

    2. Though, to open carry, probably need either a shoulder rig or an Alaskan rig. Hmmm... gotta think about that.

    3. I missed the whole Constitutional Carry comment. You're right, it's already legal but a politically motivated Supreme Court decision back in the day futzed that up. All gun laws are unconstitutional you idiot lawyer fire trucks. There, rant complete.

    4. Exactly. And which party overwhelmingly pushed gun control laws? Hmmmm? Rant complete.

  2. "...what the grandkids get away with!" Yes, I would believe. My mother had the philosophy that it was her prerogative to send them back spoiled when she was done with them. Something about teaching their parents the value of discipline...

    1. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Not that I've ever said that to my kids after feeding the grandkids a boatload of sugar near bedtime.

  3. I would posit that, if the penguin knew how to play those cymbals, there would at least be a pile of bear scat as said bear woke up.

    Of course, if penguin did NOT know how to do so and the cymbals became stuck together, he would at least have a "bladed" slashing weapon to use with that bear. Not particularly sharp, of course, but the potential is still there...

    1. Bear scat, aye.

      Good thought on using the cymbals as a weapon, might give the penguin a few more minutes of existence!

    2. It's more of a symbolic weapon than an actual weapon...

    3. Potential usage versus actual usage would kind of clash, wouldn't it?

    4. As long as the penguin used the ancient Zildninjian warrior skills, he might be ok.

    5. It's official, this is the punniest post ever.

    6. Takes a lot of brass to make a statement like that.

  4. Suspenders yes, sweatpants definitely no. I recommend the button type as opposed to the clip-on. Clip-ons have a habit of unclipping at inconvenient times such as navigating tight quarters, lifting something, reaching overhead, etc. Bib overalls are very comfortable. A suit or sport jacket hides a lot, especially in the small of the back. European style with side vents provide easier access. Old Guns

    1. I use the type which are similar to the WWII German load-bearing Y-Straps. Hooks which hook under the belt, very effective for shipboard use and other things.

    2. where the heck can you find button on suspenders? I have been looking for some here in saskatchewan for years with no luck!

    3. Do a search for "button on suspenders" on the Web. Amazon has 'em, Carhartt has 'em, as do a bunch of others. I'm sure you can find them in a store which has a good line of outdoorsmen-type clothing. They're out there.

      As to finding trousers with suspender buttons? You might have to sew your own on.

    4. Used to be, the button-ons were either very expensive and found in very expensive men's clothing outlets, or found in reenactment catalogs or places like Lehman's which caters to the Amish and back-to-earthers.

      Now? Yeah, interwebs.

      Same with trousers with suspender buttons. Lehmans or other outfitters, might even try Tractor Supply, otherwise the interwebs. Or hand-sew.

    5. I'm badass with a needle and thread.

  5. (That moment when you have written your response and Blogger comes back with "Whoops, that's an error". Grrr...)

    Highly sympathetic to the "Why am I up this early"? It happens more often than not at New Home, but it also happens at Old Home as well and, due to time difference and what not, makes it a rather stupid and embarrassing time. Sadly for myself, I have learned that if I am "awake" to the point I do not manage to fall back asleep within 10 minutes, I will be up for 1.5 hours. Nothing to do but get up, go lay on the couch lest I disturb The Ravishing Mrs. TB, and wait for A the Cat to come find me and sleep on me (at least I have company in my misery).

    Sweat pants remain an item confined purely to the gym, walking Syrah the Mighty, or specifically at home and I am have no other intention of going out. At least for me, they fall into the same rather abysmal category as wearing pajama bottoms and yoga pants out: you can I suppose, but should you?

    My father over wore bib overalls in his later years. He found them comfortable and the pockets were handy.

    1. I sense bib overalls in my future.

    2. started wearing them over ten years ago (pre-retirement) when working in warehouses, running cable, replacing phone systems. Cooler in hot weather, keeps 'the boy' happier, less chance of half-moons to office staff with all that bending over. Still wear them now for inside or outside work.
      If I may, check out Roundhouse, out of OK, they make good ones, good price and made in 'Murica. Carhartt good, lower price Dickies and Liberty. Latter if you have any TSC's around.

    3. (Don McCollor)...Ran across a column once written by an older farmer. He complained so much about dressing up for Church, his wife sewed him a pair of bib overalls out of suit material (complete with pliers pocket). Worn with a suit coat, very few people even noticed...

    4. OG - I knew that. You can pick up a tractor at the same time. 🙄

    5. Don - Now that farmer had a keeper!

  6. What happens to the penguin really depends on how hungry I am.

  7. Had a similar experience the first formal night. Good in almost all aspects ‘cept one. Let’s just say I don’t have an occasion to wear a suit much around Rancho J. So, the coat, dress shirts and slacks were in the dry cleaner bag they’d been in since returned from the cleaners 18 months ago. Packing involved taking the bag off the rack and carrying it to the truck.
    Fortunately in that 18 months, I’d lost ~20 Lbs. Yay me, unfortunately,I spent the whole formal night with a hand in my pocket holding my pants up and wishing for suspenders.

    1. Been there done that, more than once. You'd think I'd have learned before this year.

    2. Juvat, something similar happened to me in 2020 when we went to Japan to train. Of all things, I had forgotten a belt which ordinarily would not have been much of an issue - we are dressed for training throughout the day - but was in that we went to Tokyo over the weekend. I spent a great deal of time with luggage in one hand, sword bag over my shoulder, and hand on my waistband.

    3. What? Cruise ship doesn't have men's clothing store? Heck, after blowing out a pair of pants at Disney World, had opportunity to buy shorts there. Blew a belt out at Sea World, bought a belt there. Or was it vice-versa? Dunno, don't care. Men's Clothes Stores are everywhere.

      You all are weird bunch.

      I mean, you probably don't even have a pair of emergency pants.

    4. I don't but after thinking about it, perhaps I should!

    5. Actually it doesn’t, or at least in a style I’ll wear and at a cost I’ll pay. Think Royal Caribbean down the pant seams. Mrs.J did a littje seamstressing and took in an inch or two ine the waist. Fits much better and if I don’t take off the coat, no one’ll be the wiser.

      Even with a downpour Roaran is beautiful!

    6. Really glad you're having a good time, rain or shine!

  8. I bought a set of bib overhauls a couple years back. Very nice. My sweat pants are jeans. I have loads of stained / faded ones that I wear around the house for chores and general covering of nakedness. Stuff down here wants to bite or scratch, plants, weeds, aminals, everything. Sweatpants won't turn a sticker, burr or teeth. No thanks.

    Spenders, now that is something I need to look into. I lost 20 lbs due to the pneumonia, and it's still off and away. Those same britches are now big in the middle and require a belt. Belt and braces isn't too far off the horizon. Can you poast a link to the brand. I'd be interested to see what you use. I'll tune into the 1MC for your reply.... That is all.

    1. Dickies makes 'em, here's the link on Amazon.

    2. Also available at fine home improvement establishments like Lowes and Home Depot. No. Seriously. In the work cloths section (where you find tool belts and back supports and suspenders and safety sunglasses (my preference are DeWalts, as cheap as I can get them, that way when I lose them it's not a big financial loss. But they also make some really killer fancy safety sunglasses.))

  9. I've never seen the word execrable used to describe USAF food ever. I've always experienced outstanding DFAC grub, even when in the desert! Shows how high your standards are! Meanwhile I was eating mystery meat in sauce over rice on the daily out of the wardroom.

    1. Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) used to be at the Medina Annex, the chow hall (when I was there) was horrid, absolutely horrid. I'd rather eat WWII C-Rats (which I have) then eat the food there. But yeah, everywhere else I ever ate on an Air Force facility was pretty damned good.

      Mystery meat in sauce over rice? Classic Navy chow.

    2. I spent 27 days in the field during REFORGER 83, C-Rats dated 1943 5 meals out of 6, the 6th being last night's supper mermited out to us arriving somewhere around 0230. 4 moves a day with towed artillery. I gained 18 pounds (weight, not British money). OG

    3. You cannon cockers have all the fun.

  10. Replies
    1. I actually love a well-made S.O.S. But I'm weird like that.

    2. Well-made S.O.S. is much like well-made sausage gravy. Delicious.

      Unfortunately, most restaurants use canned SOS or sausage gravy and those aren't delicious. More IMAT food (it makes a turd.)

    3. Growing up, we would have S.O.S. from time to time (my father served in the Navy and knew it from there). I think we always called it S.O.S. until one time he actually spelled it out. 10 year old me thought it was hilarious.

    4. My mother always insisted on calling it "chipped beef on toast." Which my Dad thought funny. Once he called it S.O.S., it remained that forevermore.

      Much to Mom's chagrin.

  11. Suspenders, Pearl Harbor, and execrable chow, the epitome of random.

    Would’ve loved to have a salad option on that Tin Can… heck, would’ve loved some fresh vegetables.

    1. Oh yeah, fresh vegetables at sea, now there's a concept.

  12. Ah, randomness, or random brain farts as my Dad used to call them. Yeah...

    I am quite used to getting up a couple hours before I need to. But that's more bladder related than insomnia related. Especially since I stuck the 2x4 under the edge of the mattress to keep the wonder-dog from side-jacking me out of the bed. (Side-jacking is just like it sounds, using jacks to move things horizontally, not vertically. Can be used to move small things or quite large things, like whole buildings or concrete tunnels. Or Beans.)

    Suspenders and sweat pants. Hmmm. I could pull that look off if I needed to. But here in Florida, as soon as it gets cold, everyone jacks up their heaters to 82 degrees so you have to dress in layers, lots of layers. Maybe get some of those male-stripper easy-rip-off pants so when I go to the doc's office I can be toasty warm in clothing and then, whoosh, strip down to shorts and t-shirt quickly. Imagine their surprise. Ah, hmmm... I have this funny feeling that Mrs. Andrew will put the kibosh on that plan. She, after all, wouldn't let me do a period crusader hat (imagine a straw gardening hat with those Mexican chi-chi-balls hanging all around the rim - to chase flies away, no, really. She wouldn't let me do that. Dangit.)

    1. Dear Lord I am so glad you're married. I cannot believe the Hell which would be unleashed on this Earth if Mrs. Beans wasn't there to put the kibosh on your mad schemes!

      (Uh, the hat, can you buy those or do you have to have them custom made? Asking for a friend.)

    2. Garden section in spring for the hat, sewing section or craft store for the Mexican chi-chi ball pom-pom thingies.

      And as Norman coordinates, stripes do go with patterns. The more eyeglareing, the better. I was never allowed to reach my full potential, sigh.

    3. For Doctor's office visits a kilt is very practical. Especially for the urologist. OG

    4. Should read ...seeing the urologist.

    5. OG #1 - I can see the practicality of that.

    6. OG #2 - Glad you clarified that. It would be worse if you had said "proctologist." Though that too would be practical. Then you would have definitely needed the clarification in your second comment. 🙄

    7. OG, you're not trying to blow smoke up my skirt, are you?

  13. Did anyone notice that the polar bear has the wrong American flag?


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