
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, January 1, 2022

A New Year

Let me start by saying that I've never been a big "fan" of the New Year celebration. The reasons for this are lost in the mists of time, I scarcely remember myself when I developed this dislike of celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of another. What really changed? The number of the year, that's about it.

But for the last three-plus decades I have celebrated the arrival of the 31st of December. Why, you might ask. Well, it's my oldest daughter's birthday. Not to give away her exact age, but she's been on the planet for a while now. Successful Navy officer, wife, and mother. She is also having great success in her current position at Naval Reactors. She's always been a go-getter, a tireless worker, and now she's an awesome Mom. (Yes, she takes after her mother ...)

Happy Birthday Nuke! You're doing great, don't ever stop.

In other news ...

The trip to Maryland was great, far too short due to dental "issues," but fun nevertheless. We got to spend Christmas with family and got to experience the joy of watching the young'uns open their Christmas presents. Young Robbie, the youngest of my clan, has gained an appreciation of his surroundings, him being all of sixteen months old, and had a great time.

Of course, he's an outgoing kid, bright and curious, so he found the glittering lights, the laughter, and the great food to be right up his alley. He took it all in, though he doesn't understand the reason for the season, he enjoys being with his family most of all. I think that's an important lesson right there. Ah, the wisdom and innocence of youth.

No doubt you've noticed my lack of a presence here over the past two weeks, a brief foray at Christmas but naught else, I break that fast here only because I wanted to start the year off with a post. And a tip o' the cap to juvat, Beans, and Tuna for filling in in my absence, which shall continue for at least another week.

Work on the book continues apace, editing the more obnoxious grammatical errors, putting in missing words and such, has busied me at times. I have to say, reading all those posts, collected in one place, has been entertaining, for me anyway. I still need to add in the missing endings for the Brits and the Poles but that shall happen sooner, rather than later.

I am enjoying the tale, the working title of which is Almost a Lifetime, a Novel of World War II. I can't remember who suggested that but I do have it written down somewhere. I do like it as a title.

While I'm not working on the novel full time, I am doing other fun things, I do need to keep at it. Some of the emotions which came up while re-reading what I wrote have been startling. I guess I can turn a phrase.

Now if I could only type consistently ...

May 2022 find you well and prosperous.

At the very least, may you be happy.

Bonne année!

Wszystkiego najlepszego w Nowym Roku!

Glückliches neues Jahr!

З Новим роком!

Happy New Year, my brothers and sisters!


  1. Happy New Year, Sarge, to you, your biological,family, your friends and your Chant family as well. I hope 2022 is better in all aspects for everyone!

    1. The New Year may be vastly different from the old, or it could be "more of the same." As 2021 was a good year for my family, I have hopes. It may well be the last year in which I'm gainfully employed, I might hang up the spurs a year from now and enjoy retirement.

    2. Retirement is good. And, if your wife is anything like mine and I think she is, boredom will not be a concern. Glad you had a good trip. Details on the Juvat Clan roundup to follow.

    3. We don't do "Honey Do" lists, so I've got that going for me ...

      For now.

    4. Sarge, I can assure you that my father TB The Elder, had many years of gainful non-paid employment following his retirement. Babysitting his grandchildren and clearing the larger part of 90 acres with a backhoe were high in the list. I think one keeps busy, just not (overall) at the work one does not care for.

  2. Happy Birthday Nuke!

    Happy New Year Sarge! I am largely ambivalent about the actual "New Year" celebrations: once upon a time we had lovely self written mystery parties with friends (which was an amazing way to spend New Year's Eve), then we migrated to "parties", which are less fun. Now, it is pretty much an evening where (like last night) we turn in early and grumble at the people setting off fireworks starting at 2230 ("Get Off My Lawn"...).

    Glad you have had some time to decompress and enjoy the family. You should think about putting Beans on the spot more: I am used to Juvat and Tuna having well written and interesting posts, but Beans has done some amazing writing this week. Betwixt you and I, I hope he continues it.

    1. Beans has indeed outdone himself this past couple of weeks. I hope he continues!

    2. Thank you and I shall try. Got some good people just here at this blog to try to emulate, not to mention all the others, drjim, OldNFO, Borepatch, Bayeau Renaissance Man, etc.

      If my stuff is half as good as theirs, I'll be happy.

    3. Beans, the only limited advice I can give is keeping writing. Eventually it all seems to work out.

  3. Happy New Year Sarge, juvat, Tuna and Beans and all the est of the chanters, may you all have good health during the coming year.

  4. Merry New Year to you Sarge, your NUKULAR family and us'ns out here. May your wish come true on your timing, and the rest of your gainful employ be a profitable and enjoyable endeavor.

    I, like TB, have been very impressed with the wind that Beans has been able to produce. It has been interesting, without being odoriferous. Quite a good job.

    May God bless us, everyone.

    1. That is an interesting way to put it. Not odorific. Which is the intent I try to make. Now next week... Muhahahaha...

    2. Oh dear ...


      What hath STxAR wrought?

    3. It will be a world class post. Trust me. Truuuuuust meeeee...

    4. I only take credit, never the blame! Ha!

  5. Happy Birthday Nuke! You have an awesome Dad--good job on the parent picking.

    Happy New Year Sarge, Juvat, Tuna, Beans and the entire Chanter gang! I enjoy reading not only the very interesting, educational, and well-written articles and stories, but also the comments. I learn something neat and interesting just about everyday from y'all. May you all have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2022.

  6. Happiest of New Years! I understand it's got a low bar to get over; let it be a huge improvement on its recent kin.

  7. Back when daylight (hssssss, burnsss, glowing orb of pain, hsssssss) was my normal thing, Mrs. Andrew and I would generally make it to about 11:45pm and then pass out. Wooooo. Now that I am a creature of the late afternoon and night, making it to midnight isn't a big deal.

    But, yes, the fireworks, arguments, screaming people, drunken lady who could only sing one half-word to a whole song (for an hour, at the top of her lungs) and what sounded like actual gunfire was quite interesting. One time during the 10 hour barrage, Kegan the wonderdog was to go out, stuck his nose out, tilted his head up to look at me and passed along the message of "No Copulating Way," turned, huffed, and got back up on the bed, harness and all. Have I said lately that he's a smart dog? He's a smart dog. And a good boy, yes he is, yes he is.

    Glad you've had a nice, quiet, mostly pain-free vacation and reset. I like the title. And your description of life with the grandnuke sounds pretty much idyllic. Times like that makes me understand the extended families that all live on the same block or at least in the same city or 30 minute driving time.

    1. My trips to Maryland are just that, idyllic. It's a lovely place and being with family is a very big deal.

    2. New call sign request: The Nuke-trino.... an offshoot so to speak...

      Being an rf guy, mine were all spurs (spurious emissions) or harmonics....

    3. One does not request a call sign, they just happen.

  8. She isn't at Naval Reactors in Pittsburgh is she? I just turned down a job offer from there. Nothing against it, except for the drive and the pay cut I'd have taken.

  9. Happier New Year than last, y'all.
    Hope the tooth fairy got caught up and took care of you at last.
    Congrats on the willpower to (a) get on with turning excellent bits and pieces into the finished product, and (b) resisting any urges to resume daily blogging when you got others to cover the space. (We'd probably even show up if a day or two saw nothing new- it's not like we are paying for all this great stuff, so we must be grateful for whatever crumbs fall our way.)
    John Blackshoe

    1. I am getting a lot done on the novel. Not as fast as I'd like but you can't rush these things.

      Thanks JB!

  10. I trust that you’ll let us know when we can pre-order copies?


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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