
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Howdy, All Y'all!

 It's 5:35AM, and oops.  Brain dead, comatose caused by cooking Turkey Dinner #3 (1 being Thanksgiving, 2 being Christmasday, and 3 being New Year's Day.)  I am officially tired of cooking turkey dinner.  So it's good that I have leftovers.

Other than that, even verbose Beans gots nuttin.

So Happy 8th Day of Christmas!

And some pleasant Christmas music from my new favorite lady singer, Anna Hawkins.

My go-to Christmas Favorite.
And it's only good when "Fall to your knees" is sung and you feel like falling to your knees.

Catch you on the bounce!


  1. My Dad loved O Holy Night and when I hear it I have the happy memories.

    I'm off to the Tubes of Yew for a binge of Ms. Hawkins' music.

    Well done.

    1. My dad loved OHN also. Guess I got it genetically.

  2. She has quite the voice, thanks for posting these two vids Beans. Too cold to say much, minus thirteen now.......the cold it hurts it does.

    1. I've got the opposite. It's just warm enough to not make the AC work right, so it's that weird blah not cool not warm somewhat too humid and still blah. I was hoping for a cold New Years so I could open up and cool off the apartment but no, globull warming or something (or it could just be regular random Florida weather.) Which was probably good because the tweakers and skitzos and loons and walloons and pultroons and other weirdos were setting off fireworks starting around 4pm as they apparently didn't run out of fireworks or ammo the night before.

  3. That is quite a bit of turkey Beans!

    Thanks for sharing the music! I am always partial to anything with a harp.

    1. Mrs. Andrew and I love oven roasted turkey, seasoned with pepper and poultry seasoning on the skin. Along with candied yams, cornbread dressing and cranberry sauce. I could eat it a lot more all year long except turkey breasts get a tad scarce after Christmas.

      So I've got 2 dinner's worth of all the fixings set up in the freezer and the rest will go to turkey pot pie. Now all I have to do is wait for a daytime temperature in the 50's so I can boil the 6 turkey breast carcasses and the accumulated pan drippings down and make concentrated turkey stock. Have to wait until it's cool outside because Mrs. Andrew loves the result but hates the smell of the boil-down.

  4. Beans, you're a good and faithful Chanter- getting up early and making sure the blog wasn't left unfilled. You're far more turkey tolerant than I. 2 days would be more than enough for me, but 1 has been our norm. We do eat ground turkey about 1x/month though. A full bird? You must really love it.

    1. Love me some holiday dinner, and then the leftovers like turkey sandwiches and turkey pot pie and having a turkey dinner in the freezer just in case I don't want to cook and I'm out of leftover enchiladas or lasagna.

      It just seems right to have a daily post. Saw yours that never got out of "Draft" and had a momentary panic. So I emulated our noble host and punted with blabbing and music.

    2. No worries. I hadn't heard from Sarge on whether my rant was a go or not so I left it in draft. Sarge, would you have had your first "no-post" day ever if Beans had not taken charge and carried out the plan of the day?

    3. We did have some "no-post" days back in the early months of 2012.


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