
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, January 3, 2022

What a Week!

 Monday Dec 27, 2021.. Mrs J sounds reveille at 0700, Officer's Mess opens at 0800.  Sausage Kolache's are on the menu, Yumm!  Priorities and sequence of actions to be taken are reviewed and approved by the Commander.  

No, Beans, not me.

Cleaning the first guest house is #1 priority.  The (paying) guests had just checked out after an over Christmas stay.  Apparently, they were good boys and girls as Santa found them at their alternate location.  Turning the house and getting it ready for our next (non-paying) guests was the priority of the day.  These guests would be none other than MBD, SIL and MG, as well as their two dogs and a third they were dog-sitting for a friend.

You knew I was going to work that in, Dincha?

Turning the guest house is something we've gotten pretty efficient at.  Our occupancy rate for last year, all nights, with AirBnB was 58%, since we also list with VRBO the total occupancy rate is even higher.  

So, Square Corners? No problemo! My sainted Mother is sitting on a cloud up there smiling.

Tuesday, Dec 28 Reveille sounds at 0700 again.  (I'm nothing if not predicatable).  Breakfast this morning is German Sausage and Fried Eggs with a side of Iced Coffee.  It's been in the 80's for the past week or so.  Hot Coffee?  No, thanks, need my caffeine cold.

The commander calls the meeting to order.  Confirmation is presented that Little J and DIL are en route, albeit headed to Bangkok.  Apparently, China applies their 21 day quarantine to ALL arrivals, including aircrew.  So their current aircrew had flown into HK and then out and only had a couple hours left on their crew duty day, so the replacement crew-rested crew would take over there.   I know that the commander is All Knowing, but...So, I ask.  Little J had texted that info.  Apparently, Lufthansa allows Business Class to text in flight.  

Ahh, progress!

They have a 2 hour layover followed by a 14 hour flight to Frankfurt  followed by a 14 hour flight to Houston followed by a flight to Austin.  Grand total travel time? 36 hours.

But they are en route.

The commander also notifies me that MBD et al will be arriving around lunch.

After the second guest house is readied, I decide to go for a walk.  I'm headed down the county road when I encounter some life forms crossing the road ahead of me.  I'm not overly concerned as I see them regularly.

I continue on when I see the Cow Commander (also a female) turn and look at me.

If this were a video, you would see motion and increasing target size.

Very shortly thereafter, I see this.  At that point I made an executive decision, that I had walked far enough for this afternoon.  The ladies followed me for a bit, but elected not to join me in jogging.

MBD and Crew arrived shortly thereafter.

Wednesday, Dec 29, 0700 Reveille sounds.  I don't recall what breakfast was, I am prepping for dinner. MBD has requested it include Sweet Potato Gnocchi.  It will accompany BBQ Chicken with a nice Rosé.  So it is written, so it shall be.  The Chicken was basted with a combination of Franks Hot Sauce, Korean Soy Sauce and Honey.  It and the Gnocchi went fast.  As we're cleaning up, my Cell rings and Little J confirms their arrival at Austin.

They sound tired.  

We coordinate a couple of details for the next day's rendezvous and send them off to bed.

Thursday, Dec 30, 0700 Reveille sounds.  The commander announces that we are scheduled for a 1045 rendezvous  and recovery of Little J and DIL. The navigator/pilot for the operation does some quick cipherin' in his head and an 0900 departure from home base is suggested. Austin traffic is never good and has only been made worse by the import of who knows how many from that state out west.  Nevertheless, our trusty pilot got us to the rendezvous point at 1048.

Load up their bags and high tail it out of town before the commies even know we're near.

Conversation in the vehicle was initially animated, but fell off quite a bit shortly thereafter as our recoverees decided that 36 hours of travelling required a bit more sleep to recover from.

Dinner that evening was not a big production.  We were opening presents and did not know when our latest arrivals would tailspin into bed, 

It was early.

Friday Dec 31, 0700 Reveille sounds. The commander announces that while yesterday was Christmas Day, today is New Years Eve.  We will be festive! At your command, My Liege!  (But MY butt is starting to drag.)  Dinner this evening will be Pork Carnitas.  An easy meal to fix, if you start early enough.  Basically, the bone-in pork butt (gotta be bone in) is slow cooked in a 250 degree oven for 10 hours or so.  (I judge "done" by the ease of pulling the bone out).

The force structure was increased with the arrival of MBD and SIL's best friends and their dog.  MBD had asked if they could come as her friend has just completed her cancer treatments and wanted to be with friends.  She's been on our prayer list for a while.  So...Of course.

We put them up in the second guest cabin.  

Saturday Jan 1 0700 Reveille sounds.  (like the hammers of hell).  Went through a few bottles of wine the night before.  A bottle holds 4 glasses of wine, 8 people, New Year's Eve.  Need I say more.

In the middle of all this, I get a call from a car transport company.  Apparently, Little J and DIL's Tahoe is being delivered and would we be able to meet him in 15 minutes?  The vehicle was supposed to be shipped when they left Kuwait in August.  It had been in a container in Abu Dhabi for 4 months. 

Little J and I went and met him.  

Yes, his is the one in front, yes his battery was dead.  

Finally ,way after dark, we get it started and driven to our house.

Sunday Jan 2 0600 Reveille sounds (Early Church).  Rendezvous after Mass is at a local restaurant.  Mrs. J and I, and Little J and DIL all made Mass and the rendezvous.  The other, YOUNGER, group overslept and missed breakfast.  However, the commander took pity on the miscreants and cooked French Toast with Bourbon/Maple Syrup for them.  And all I got was a Chicken Fried Steak and Eggs at the restaurant. Bummer Dude!

Up to this point, the weather had been fabulous, highs in the 70's/80's.  Saturday it got to 82.  Waking up this morning, it was 19 with a wind chill of 10.  Oh, and our pump froze, no water.

Shortly there after the younger generation headed back to their respective domiciles.  Little J and I replaced the dead (long dead) battery and got the car back up and running.  As you are reading this, we'll be getting it inspected and then enter into mortal combat with shoe clerks who'll recite chapter and verse why they can't register a Texas Titled vehicle in Texas after it has been overseas.  Oh Goody.

Mrs. J has stated that if we're successful at that feat, I'll be authorized a nap. In the meantime, she's trying to figure out what the latest STUPID DECREE by the unelected bureaucrats at the CDC regarding cruises are going to do to the Wine Cruise planned for the 9th (oops) 16th of January.

Please Lord!

How did I make it through this with a little sanity?

A dry erase calendar,  Hah Beans, Fooled you, you thought I'd come up with a computer program dincha?



  1. Excellent AAR juvat and good luck with those "crats at the DMV, it seems that they exist to challenge sanity. Seeing everyone arrived safely....most excellent!

    1. Thanks, Nylon, battle will commence very shortly.

  2. What a delightful (if exhausting) week Juvat! So happy everyone made it back in one piece and the menu sounds delicious.

    Curious: When you first mapped out the rental idea, did you have a goal of occupancy rate? Does this hit what your goal was? Better luck with Air BNB versus VRBO?

    1. Thanks, TB. It was just what Christmas is supposed to be, Family and Friends celebrating together.

      Re: Curious. When we first started out, my sister needed a place to live, so one of the Guest Houses (we call them Cassetas) was her house. When our new house got built, she moved in to our old house as part of Operation "Everyone move one house clockwise" which concluded last November. The final stage of that was to renovate her Casseta and make it into a guest house.

      Our initial goal was to cover the construction loan for the two cabins with the Short Term Rental income. So we set the rate to cover that with 6 nights a month. That was 7 years ago. It took us a while, but we've been well above that occupancy level for at least 3 years. We had an issue with the AC/Heat for a month (waiting for a part on a ship off California) which just got fixed last week, so we haven't had both cabins rented but once. We'll have to see what happens now.

      It's interesting you should ask about the two companies. Our rate is the same for both, however VRBO's fees are slightly higher than AirBnB's so their published rate is higher. Both agencies collect State and County Hotel Tax, VRBO pays the State tax for us, and sends us the County tax for us to pay. AirBnB sends us both State and County Hotel tax for us to pay. So, Mrs J has to do a little mental Arithmetic to figure out what our tax bill really is. Fortunately, she's good at that sort of thing. I think the difference in price does make a difference as a slight majority of our guests reserve through AirBnB. Mrs J also says that the reporting features of their website is better than VRBO. (A good example is the 58.3% Occupancy rate was directly off their website. We couldn't find an occupancy function on VRBO's. It might be there somewhere, but wasn't as "plain day" as AirBnB's.)

    2. Thank you Juvat! I think I came in midway during the "Amazing Roulette of Homes" so the back story is super helpful.

      Very useful feedback about the companies as well (and occupancy taxes as well). At The Ranch there is a cabin which at some point could be used in a similar manner, so it is something that my sister and I are starting to talk about. Honestly, county hotel taxes are something that had never occurred to me, but of course they would be a thing. Sigh. So much to learn.

    3. TB,
      Yep, everybody is eager to reach out a hand to get in your pocket. Very few will reach out a hand to help you. I think that's a universal aspect of people in government.

    4. True Juvat. I need to remember that we are viewed as tax donkeys first and foremost.

  3. Why bother with the maple syrup if you have bourbon for the French toast? Or better yet, just use rum!!!

    1. MM,
      Most of the rest of the family are bourbon drinkers. I had a bad experience with it in my misspent youth, so I'm the only Rum guy. In answer to your question, I think the syrup gives some viscosity to the bourbon and sweetness. Myself, if a bourbon drinker? Bourbon in a glass, dunk the toast if needed.


  4. Superb holiday AAR, I've noted that some of the bovine species, even the domesticated ones, can be rather hostile. Sometimes it's just curiosity, but curiosity in an animal that size can be painful.

    Dead battery on a car shipped from overseas? Been there, done that.

    Glad your tribe was able to gather and be together over the holiday season. Can't wait to see what the unelected d-bags at the CDC come up with. Oh to have a Congress who did their jobs! A pox on both their houses!

    1. Thanks, Sarge.
      As we speak, Little J is on the phone with USAA trying to get insurance set up for the Tahoe. MBD will be keeping it and using it occasionally, She, and her hubby, are on our insurance policy with USAA. It's an interesting conversation I'm listening to. We'll see how it turns out.

      It was an excellent week.

      Congress doing their jobs? What a concept!!!!!

    2. MBD should be covered also on USAA. It's not difficult, just not the average thing one does. Theoretically not a problem.

      As to Congress...

    3. Yeah, we're starting that process with her now. Mom and Dad will still be footing the bill for a while, but it will be THEIR policy.

  5. That method of living is so foreign to me. I can hardly imagine it. The pictures help. My kids have experienced that, but I never have.

    Yeah, the critter isn't a toy. I had one about murder me by leaning on the fence with me in between. My power house lefts and rights were just love taps. He moved when he was good and ready. I was almost blue...

    And that calendar! Yes! I need one of those. Excellent idea. My eats have gotten a bit predictable, andut I really like to cook. That is too cool. I used to plan meals by the week. I need to revisit that.

    Severe clear today. CAVU. Have a great week!

    1. STxAR,
      It was nice to have a houseload again. Little J and DIL will be staying for a month or so, so we'll have a chance to EASE back into just Mrs J and I. But the house is quite a bit quieter now.

      I've always kept an eye on the cattle while walking. This was the first time they seemed to take an interest in me. The zoom on the camera for that second picture was pretty well near max, but they were moving toward me. I picked up the pace and kept an eye on them and the other eye was looking for places to go/trees to climb. Fortunately, they lost interest fairly quickly.

      Got the calendar from Amazon. it's magnetic as are the pens. It is pretty handy at getting rid of the WTH are we eating tonight-itis.

      Clear is good. Above freezing is better.

  6. Happy New Year and a continuing Merry Christmas, Juvat! What a busy and fruitful week you had. It is beyond good to have family around to celebrate.

    I am in there with STxAR on that dry erase board, we could do with one like that. Currently, our refrigerator door is covered with pieces of paper held on by magnets.

    1. BillB,
      Thanks and yes it is.

      As to little pieces of paper. I only showed you the freezer door. The fridge door is covered with....

      You guessed it.

      Happy New Year to you also.

  7. I use a menu on the computer as I also use it to make up the shopping list for the upcoming weekly trip to Publix and the monthy trip to Walmart and Sam's. I tried one on the refrig, but since the only one who goes into the kitchen is me, and I don't use the computer in the galley-style kitchen...

    Glad you had a good week.

    As to your pump and well, have you ever considered insulating the pump house or putting it in a pump house and then insulating said pump house? Seriously, even here in Florida only people living south of the I-4 corridor don't insulate their pumps. And getting a light socket and putting an old school incandescent in there in the 40 watt range will keep said insulated pump house warm enough to keep your pump and well from freezing. And they (well/pump houses) are remarkably easy to make, especially since you have all the tools and skills to slap up 3 regular stud walls, one with a simple door, put a roof on it, sheet the thing and put a simple asphalt shingle or metal roof.

    As to fridge door covers, that's where I have my magnetic hooks for the potholders, oven gloves and the apron (no frills, basic black, had for years.)

    1. I tried one of those programs but didn't like it for a couple of reasons. One of which is it's not in the kitchen, another is people asking "what's for dinner?" Granted most of the time now it's just Mrs. J and I so the question isn't asked all that often, but the other advantage is she can quietly make her requests known. And, since it's in her handwriting...

      Water was back on by the time we got back from town. That having been said, the pump house is HIGH on the list now, even higher than it was.

      Fridge door covers...Different Strokes for Different Folks.

      Happy New Year to both of you!

    2. I just use Word or the LibreOffice version. So simple as it's only me.

      I use the fridge door as storage as I literally have a galley kitchen. Can stand and stir stuff in the pot with one hand while washing in the sink with the other. Not that I'm coordinated enough for that. But it does force me to stop the crap accumulaton on every surface.

      And Happy New Year to you and yours and all of yours and your little dog(s and cats) too!

    3. And glad you are getting a well and pump house. Last year was bad enough. Nice thing about the weather right now is even when it's warm, it's not midsummer bake the clay hard hot. Contrary to what the climate alarmists are saying.

    4. I am putting together my "Cookbook" in Word as something to pass on to the kids. Translating torn out pages from Magazines over the past 40 years or so is entertaining. Finding the recipe online makes it much easier and I've got a couple of sections done. Just takes time.

    5. Beans,
      Re the well house, last year's winter storm Uri, made me a little overconfident. In our insulated, light bulb heated well house the pump froze and broke most of the PVC between it and the guesthouses and our old house (AKA ~$6K yo fix), but our new well sitting out in the open was fine. I think that was in the back of my mind regarding the weather. Hard Lessons Learned are Learned Best.

  8. Yay on having the gang all there!!

    Bummer on the frozen pump!!! Hopefully, it unfroze without issue, or bursting anything expensive...

    And that is a GREAT pic of MG!!

    when I was a kid, my folks bought an old farm house and one of the first things I got for a Christmas present (I was 3 and a half) was a 3' x 4' chalk board with a chalk tray on the bottom. It was hung in the kitchen--fit perfectly in the space on the wall between the living room door and the dining room door--and was used for years for dinner plans, honey do lists, kill list of how many chipmunks wandered into the trap, what was the latest bird to be sighted at the feeder that was new/different/returned, etc. Mom, who did Braille, used to write her Christmas list ideas for us kids up there until we got good at reading Braille, then the list turned into Shorthand, as none of us could read shorthand at the time. It was also a great place for childhood drawings.

    Hope the rest of the New Year is a happy as the first day was.

    Of Congress/government shoe clerks...I'm not saying nothing as Sarge has pointed out that this is a family friendly spot...but, thanks for the reminder...I need to do some car license/registration stuff myself...

    1. Suz,
      The well was giving us water by about 10 AM. The only damage found so far was to the PVC connection to the horse trough. That's been fixed. The well and pressure tank are now wrapped with several layers of blankets and tarps, so should be ok for the short term. The well house IS next! Mrs. J is moving money, although with the latest CDC edict, we've lost several people from the upcoming wine cruise, and of bigger impact, their commissions. So..

      Your Mom sounds like she was an excellent parent and teacher.

      Both Little J and Mrs J's overdue registrations were taken care of with no problems. So, we got that going for us on Jan 3 '22

      Have a Happy New Year!

  9. So Cow commander and her flight had increasing target size? Non hostiles though right? Although, you were jogging away, so maybe.

    1. At the time, their intent and status were undetermined. Target recognition was complete, but their mission objectives were unknown. As I was outnumbered by a lot, prudence and situational awareness indicated a retrograde maneuver and RTB. As the opponents continued to follow for a short while, I executed a 180, pushed up the throttles to mil power and jogged away.

      At no point was I below the kill floor, I saw the opportunity and I took it.

    2. One should note that the Cow Squadrons tend to move in disorganized and masses and once movement has begun, they can become erratic and unpredictable in nature. Being close to them at this moment means retrograde or evasive maneuvers become increasingly difficult.

      Or, that is what I have heard. Second hand. Never experienced it at all. Not once. Nope.

    3. Wear a hat. Snatch it off, start waving it and hollering. The motion will start them, turn them or dissuade them. I've used that several times. A waving jacket is helpful too. Anything to look bigger and have some motion. They are prey, and will act like it. Side stepping them up close is an art. And they can kick to the forward and rear flanks pretty well, too. Like waist, tail and turret gunners, there really isn't a safe place to be when they want to hurt you.... except outside the pipe lot fence.

    4. TB,
      The only time I've seen them in an organized mass is when the feed truck shows up and honks. As to the rest, agreed. Retrograde early is my modus operandi.

    5. STxAR,
      Given that this is Texas and I have no hair on the top of my head, a hat is pretty much required. Waving and hollering was next on my list should retrograde fail and they continued to close. Finding a tree to climb was next after that. Unfortunately, the land they were on doesn't have a lot of fences on it.

  10. Y'all survived, which is good. The battles were at least a 'tie'... LOL Good luck with the cruise!

    1. OldNFO,
      Thanks, Mrs. J lost about $1600 in commissions with cancellations yesterday. We'll see what today brings.

  11. Juvat, last time we had lunch in the 'burg my CFS (chicken fried steak) was the size of one of those pieces of currency that equals two quarters, however the price had increased significantly. "Used" to be one of my favorite places for breakfast and/or lunch. If you can recommend another restaurant for a CFS/Schnitzel with fried eggs I'd appreciate a private reply.
    Regards and Happy New Year,

    1. Cletus,
      I've had good luck at Western Edge which is on the next block west of the fire station. No schnitzel but the potatoes are usually pretty crispy. It's only open for breakfast on the weekends however.

    2. That's toward our end of town. We'll give it a shot.

    3. They've got two CFS plates on the menu. I haven't tried the one at the top, because I can't get past how good the one on the bottom is.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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