
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

My New Year's Wishes

Hello from San Diego.  It's a new year, which is very much welcome, but much like the midnight transition from 2020 to 2021, I don't know if that numerical shift means a whole lot.  When I woke up on Saturday, we still had a Biden Presidency, a shadow government pulling his strings, a free subscription to the COVID fear porn broadcasted 24/7 by the MSM, and non-stop gaslighting by the same media in cahoots with leftist politicians.  But because of all that, Americans suffered greatly and grew tired of it all, from self-induced border crises, record inflation, and policies that exacerbated all the negatives.   

Because of that fatigue, I'm hopeful that even though politi-hacks and the MSM won't change, our willingness to put up with them will.  That could mean voting out the incumbents, with a realization that their policies and narratives are almost always the cause of our pain and discontent.  It also means we develop a desire for balanced reporting, and less of a reliance on the MSM.  Therefore I have a number of actions, qualities and characteristics for Americans that I am calling my New Year's Wishes.

I wish for a year without rhetoric. That stuff is almost overwhelming, coming from everywhere, especially politician.  It's even come from the head of my Church.  Pope Francis said getting the vaccine is an act of love. That might be, but a forced act of love is called rape.  I wish he would not interject himself in public and political policy.  His job is to save our souls, not save our planet.  He needs to focus on the Spiritual, vice the Political.  His support of every vaccine, even the Johnson & Johnson one, which injects the person with actual abortive fetal tissue, has given politicians the leeway to deny exemptions based on religious grounds for so many.

I wish for more truth. We deserve to know how many people died during the vaccine trials. And more about the number of children having heart problems after taking the vaccine, and about the professional athletes in perfect condition who died in the days following vaccination.

I wish for a greater adherence to proper and just journalistic standards, with our media asking tough questions, covering both sides of an issue.  They need to have some journalistic curiosity, reporting on conflicts of interest in the financial holdings of the CDC, and how big pharma tells the CDC what to do.  They need to ask why the CDC is now pushing the vax on small children, when just a month before the shift, they declared it wasn't needed.  I wish that we would follow the science, and the rigorous debate that comes from it, not the strict adherence to the leftist view of what that science is. 

He may be the only one

I wish for greater antibody testing and acknowledgment that people who have been previously infected are better immunized than those who have been vaccinated.  If that isn't true, then I would like to see the data to refute that.  As it is, we don't know all what we deserve to know, because information is suppressed, not sought after, or not identified due to lack of antibody testing.  Not to mention how words like vaccination are being redefined.

I wish for strength of character, for the Democrats who don't actually like these Build Back Better bills, to speak up and not feel the need to toe the party line.  I wish for an end to brute force politics, where the left and the right have to capture every single solitary vote to make legislation happen.  We also need more public and rational discourse within our political process, vice the angry rhetoric that seems so pervasive today.  We must have a healthy debate within our legislative body, and to the voters who hired them, with an explanation and understanding of what a bill's cost is, and what the primary, secondary, and tertiary impacts are on Americans.  We must eliminate the blanket acceptance of a bill just because it comes from your side.  Very little is black and white, but our politicians make it seem like the two sides are mirror opposites of each other. 

I wish that every person legally in this country should have a vote, just one vote though. And that getting to that point might require some sort of proof of who you are. Some states aren't helping ensure that.

I wish for our public institutions, like our justice system, to rule favorably, and fairly, not turning a blind eye to the fraud and criminality that have taken place in our electoral process.  We need the media to care again about what is either possibly, or blatantly criminal, political, and sexual behavior with regards to private airplanes and islands, basement servers and dossiers, international payments to political family members, their laptops, and Chinese Honeytraps.

I'm also wishing for a lot of Americans to have much worse vision.  I'm tired of them seeing racism in everything they look at.  Or at least acknowledge that we're the least racist nation on earth and therefore they don't need to look for it in every act, statement, and white person doing things that they may like to do, but is something that another race doesn't do that much.

This year I also wish for healing.  I hope that the GOP gets its backbone repaired and starts standing up for conservative ideals, not conceding to massively expensive bills and policies that are bad for this country.  I wish them the strength to curtail spending that adds to the seemingly never ending growth of our national deficit.  That backbone also needs to include calling out leftists for their hypocrisies, with public denouncements of their bad behavior, and bolder responses when they do it again.  I'm tired of then controlling the narrative without someone on the right countering their points or giving example of their equal or worse behavior.  I wish for someone on the right to be more of a spokesman for conservative ideals, explaining why certain positions are taken and why the opposite is bad for America.

Along those same lines of healing, but far more importantly, is my wish that we are able to heal from the damage caused by this pandemic.  Our youth are in the midst of the greatest threat to their mental health ever, and mental illness challenges are growing daily.  Last year saw a surge in youth suicides, and they spiked among girls and blacks, which are never high stats.  Our youth weren't allowed to participate in sports, unable to visit with their friends, or go to school without a screen (plastic or electronic) in front of them.  They are suffering from the effects of being told their friends, or everyday people, are trying to kill them because they aren't vaccinated.  They are suffering from the politics of masking, of schools being ruled by the unions and how their school are closed, and then opened, and closed again, so fear and a crappy education system fills their world.  

We also need to get healthier as a nation, our obesity problem and lack of physical fitness is the biggest factor that can help us combat COVID, and many other illnesses.  We also do not need any more delays in our healthcare, the postponement of elective or other more serious treatments and surgeries.  I lost a friend in 2021 who died not of COVID, but of cancer.  It was undiagnosed for many months at the beginning of the pandemic. By the time they found it his death sentence had been written, yet not carried out until the middle of this past summer.

Maybe we need a stream of Public Service Announcements encouraging exercise.

In closing, I wish you all good health this year.  I will continue my regimen of vitamin D, C, Tumeric, and Zinc, and will repeat my annual resolution to lose some weight.  I spent an hour total on my elliptical and treadmill on day 1, so I'm trying.  Wish me luck that I'll find the discipline to keep it up.  I'm tired of my pants getting tighter and I don't wish for new pants.  Merry Christmas (it continues) to all of you and a very Happy New Year.


  1. Tuna, you may win the InterWeb today. I really have not a thing to add to this list, other than a subcategory on "healing": I wish that the level headed and clear thinking in both major political parties could abandon their need to insist that everyone they disagree with be humiliated and sorrowfully repentant before they are allowed to be considered for conversation. This Puritan element in politics - something that is decried in religion - is insuring that nothing actually gets done. When the people on your side of the fence are as active targets for your scorn and anger as those whom you profess are your ideological opponents, you are not on a path to success.

    1. Yes, that's all part of my wish list, as the brute Force politics and black and white divisiveness I mentioned create enemies vice happy Americans.

  2. Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true!

    1. Thanks, but I need a great big magic wishing well, rabbit's foot, wishbone, and every other lucky talisman for most of these wishes.

  3. I'm onboard with your wish list and I'm going to continue doing those things I have direct control over.

    My exercise torture device in the cold season is the stationary bike but oddly, that device has nothing to do with letter writing. But I digress.

    The best to you and yours.

    1. Do you mean angry letters to your congressman? That while on your stationary bike! Exercising is definitely on my list.

  4. Hey Tuna;

    That is an excellent list and all I would add to the list is the unusual influence the Teachers Union has on the CDC to write policies that involve Covid and and don't involve Covid. You are spot on about the kids being affected by this, we as a society will pay for the damage for generations done to the kids by the arbitrary short sighted policies all in the name of "Fighting Covid"

    1. Those unions and teachers and administrators got tons of money in the various covert bills so they are beholden to the government and these mandates and such. I agree with you.

    2. That was supposed to be covid bills

    3. Well, a lot of them are kinda covert, the less said the better.

  5. I'll second TB's notion of "healing," we need that. More politeness and tolerance at every level is also needed.

    My resolve for the New Year, hate no one, listen first, then question (if necessary). Life's too short for all the meaningless bullshit going on today.

    Live, love, laugh.

    Nice post Tuna.

    1. Sarge, the only thing I would add is "Listen and question - then go on my way if it does not truly matter". A lot of time and energy is wasted on a great many things that are simply not important at best or at worst, destructive.

    2. Ah yes, very true. A most excellent addition!

    3. "Healing"? I've no interest in reconciling with SCUM who try to vilify me for my skin color or my way of life when all I truly want is to be left alone to live my life as I see fit, harming no other man or woman in that effort.. Fuck all that.

  6. Nicely Done, Tuna! Yes, on the "Angry Letters to my Congressman". Although Chip Roy seems to be doing a pretty good job. But...No reason not to light a fire under his but. I may have to repost my Voting Rubric.

    1. I meant to work that into this list, but I forgot. Voting 'em out, every single time, is the only way we're going to break the back of big money, big pharma, lobbyists, and corruption.

  7. I just wish sanity and reason and learned debate would return back to our nations. Sorry, folks, but XY chromosomes make a man, XX makes a woman, anything else is an anomaly and should not participate in another chromosome's sports.

    As to all the rest of your (Tuna's) wishes, I most certainly and whole-heartedly agree.

    And there also needs to be a return of punishment that fits the crime. Stop all this 'bail reform' movement bullscat. Especially amongst violent felons, who get caught, released, offend the same day, get caught, released, repeat.

  8. Unlike our constitution, this list is a living breathing document so I will add that!

  9. Good wishes.
    Here is one more:
    I wish the media and government and health care folks would shut up for a while focused on vaccinating everyone over and over, especially since it looks like omicron manages to infect the vaccinated and boosted pretty heavily (albeit with less severity).

    Instead, they should all be telling us more about TREATMENT options if you end up getting covid, especially if you already were vaccinated. Especially focus on early outpatient treatment options. Even if they are not fully endorsed by the medical establishment or big pharma. Do hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have beneficial effects if taken early? What about monoclonal antibodies? How soon, and where, can people get any of these (assuming they help)?
    John Blackshoe

  10. Here here, I'll add it to the list. But there's no money in the treatments, only the over priced vaccine!

  11. Thanks, Tuna! Happy New Year to you and yours, and my your wishes be granted.

  12. Excellent list, Tuna. Unfortunately I am reminded of the phrase "wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which fills up faster". While I hope for your list to come true, the old cynic in me strongly suspects it will not.

    1. I'm not all that confident either. I expect more pissed off voters, but while enough to switch the legislative, we still have Brandon in the executive so not a lot will happen. Now if we can get a 2/3rd, then maybe.

  13. I wish to wake up tomorrow and learn that EVERY propagandist, globalism-minded politician, marxist professor/teacher and ALL of their slack-jawed followers have been hunted to extinction... Amen.

    1. I'll guarantee the first part- that you'll wake up tomorrow. Not sure about the rest, but I like the way you think.

  14. Scott and DrJim- thanks and HNY to you and yours.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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