
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, July 21, 2024

On the Water ...

OAFS Photo
Saturday around lunch time, I was informed that we would be going down to Fort Adams, in Newport. I cautioned the clan that one doesn't just "go to Newport" in the summer. There are always lots of things going on down there. Festivals, exhibits, touristy things galore.

Alas, I was outvoted. When we arrived at Fort Adams, we discovered that unguided tours were right out, there's a festival going on, dontcha know?

So hey, let's spring for the guided tour for 50 simoleons for the family. I pointed out that it was 1530, the place closed at 1600. So really, even if they would do it, do ya really want to pay fifty bucks for a 30 minute tour? (I doubted that they started that late, though not huge, Fort Adams is big enough to need at least an hour.)

So blah, we didn't go in the fort. But right next to the fort is where Rhode Island's own SSV Oliver Hazard Perry is tied up. Let's go peek at that. So we did, couldn't go onboard but it was enough to take in the sights and enjoy the sea breeze.

So we did.

OAFS Photo

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A racing crew preparing to go out.
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OAFS Photo
We ended the day chilling in the back yard. A lovely, stress-free, relaxing sort of day.

My favorite kind.


  1. A good day indeed!

    A reminder to enjoy your families.

  2. Excellent photos Sarge, sail ho! Lot of work, sweat and money went into that ship. Top half of the masts are wood while the bottom half are steel.

  3. Nice. I have many (mostly happy) memories of Newport. Stationed there off and on for several years. Built my first house in Portsmouth off Turnpike Avenue.

    1. Whenever we head down to East Main Rd, Turnpike Avenue is the way we go. For those who wonder, Aquidneck Island has two Main Roads, East and West. I work off West Main Road, East Main Road has less traffic so it's a good way to get to Newport in the summer.

  4. Lovely way to spend a day, with family!!

  5. Sarge, that last picture of the garden is amazing.

    I am one of the people that if there is not at least 1.5 hours available to do the museum or sight, I will not go (especially if I have to pay). I am a leisurely browser of history.

  6. There is something about red sails .... Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

  7. A wonder-filled day with family! How great life is; thanks for sharing.

  8. Cannot ask for a better way to spend a day, although it can be equaled with variations on the location, and the participants.
    Your garden is indeed very special. Well done to the supervisor and the groundskeeper.

  9. Nice photos. Good thing you gave him credit otherwise the photographer might sue you for copyright infringement!

  10. Sarge,
    Just out of curiosity, what does the SSV in the Ship's name mean? Glad you had a bit of family time and it looks like a pretty nice day for it.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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