
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, July 20, 2024

I Think It Was Friday ...

People tell me that once one retires, the days of the week all sort of run together. Well, I'm on a mini-vacation right now and have lost all track of time.

I was convinced that Friday was Saturday because it was my second day off, as I was off Thursday to pick up LUSH and her progeny from Boston. Imagine my surprise (and joy) to awaken Friday morning, thinking it was Saturday, to discover that it was indeed only Friday.

What did we do all day?

Not much, a lot of napping was involved for the visitors from California and The Missus Herself, who also flew back from Maryland on Thursday. (Providence though, not Boston. LUSH and her progeny had flown in on the redeye Thursday morning.)

But we did go out for ice cream.

That was the highlight.

Ice cream.

Soft serve ice cream.

On a warm (the heat here has broken for a bit, no 90s, mid 80s only and lower humidity, praise the Lord) beautiful summer eve. Local ice cream place (only open in the summer) with a nice little park with a swing set and slide for the kids and Adirondack chairs for the adults.

We sat, enjoyed the lngering sunlight and ate our ice cream.

I could get used to this.

Yes, I plan to.



  1. That even looks good at 6:01 AM Sarge. Was into my third year of retirement when the first episode of "uh....what day is it today?" happened, made sure the calendar was hung up in a more prominent spot after that. Dang, now I'm going to have hit the store for more ice cream.

  2. The "What Day of the Week is it?" phenomenon struck here at about the two year point here for us also. Our method of dealing with it is two fold. One, as Nylon said. is a prominently displayed calendar (Ours is on the fridge.) That is the gospel for us. IPad and Phone calendars help, but if it ain't on the calendar it probably will be missed. The second method is anchored on Church. We go to Early Mass on Sunday which starts at 0730. This means an 0600 wakeup. My iPad and watch both go off (Playing a Merry Tune at full volume) at that point. Thereafter, the day is defined as either "X days since" or "X days until". YMMV. Looking forward to seeing you at the "Old Retired Folks" annual banquet where fishing tales and doctor visit stories are exchanged. Truth therein is negotiable.
    Peace out!

    1. Church will, no doubt, be the touchstone. The one day of the week that I'll have to get up "early." (Yes, I consider 0830 early. I'm a night owl.)

  3. Aside from neat pictures, fuhgeddabouts a bunch of calendars! Most reliable measure is checking day/date on your PC. Time checks are optional. Dilemma then becomes staying current after stepping away from your Machine for 10-minutes or so. Concur that ice cream is a remedy. And remember; ice cream works on any day ending with the letter "Y". - Snuffy McNasty

    1. My smart phone tells me the date, the time, and the day of the week. Calendars are nice for writing down appointments.

  4. Other than birthdays and major holidays, calendars do not serve a lot of value other than to remind us that time is fleeting by - which we knew anyway.

    There were many times talking to TB The Elder when I would make a comment about an upcoming public holiday and his response what be "What? It is already?"

    1. I have to have at least one claendar that shows the phases of the moon.

  5. There are only two days of the week now, Saturday X6 and Sunday.

    Concur on the ice cream. found a real nice shop in town. Not expensive and great selection.


    1. RIght now I've got Monday x 4, Saturday x 2, and Sunday. Looking forward to zeroing out the Monday count.

  6. With apologies to the Moody Blues

    Lazy day, Friday afternoon
    Like to get your feet up, watch TV
    Friday snacks are something good to eat
    Get Ice Cream today 'cause Peeps were last week.

    (we all do it....find a pack of Peeps that we had forgotten about, eh?)

    Sounds like a Good Day. Yesterday we went on a "Sonoma County Yarn Hop." Some yarn shops get together, kick in for a prize basket of cool stuff for knitters and crocheters, as well as snacks and a raffle that's just that store, and pick a weekend as a promotional thing, drum up business. Hit shops in Santa Rosa, Petaluma, and Sonoma. Today it's up to Ukiah, then Healdsburg, down to Graton Resort and Casino in Rohnert Park to do a quick charge on the car, the to Sonoma again to pick up whatever it was I won at the Store Raffle there. I think the lady said it was some sort of storage box.

    1. Moody Blues, used to listen to them all the day. Long time, no hear.

  7. Good to see the you beginning to appreciate the benefits of emancipation which await you.
    You'll love it.

  8. There is the ultimate 'what day of the week is it' device... the weekly pill minder. Though, for some reason, my body automatically knows when it is a Monday. Hate Mondays for some strange reason.

    1. Eyedrops are my thing, but it's the same every day ...

  9. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Slowly coming back up from the H. Beryl mess. Little ole Cat 1, not even as bad as Alicia, and folks still down juice. Unreal. Been catching up on your Story, Sarge, good stuff there. And, on the recent trip to Guatemala, same thing, "is it Saturday already?". Yep, looking forward some day to having to ask that question every day! Ice my misspent USAF days on Da Griff, we had Friendly's. Ahhh, Friendly's on James St. in Rome. I hear it's closed now, too bad.

  10. Our local Dairy Queen says Sunday is National Ice Cream Day. Go and have a meal, get a free Dilly Bar.

  11. Alas, it is 18 miles to the nearest Dairy Queen and they don't serve food, only ice cream.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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