
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Oot and Aboot ...¹

A long time ago in a galaxy far. far away I wanted to be a tank crewman. The Army kept trying to convince me to do something else, I didn't want to do the something else. "Tanks," says I. "Missile technician," says they.

So I joined the Air Force.

Anyhoo ...

Family coming in this weekend, I'm picking up LUSH and her progeny in Boston (probably as you read this) today. They fly back out on Monday.

Long weekend for me, long trip for them.

Why the short trip? Well ...

LUSH and I are going to a Foo Fighters concert at Fenway upon Sunday eve. Last time we did that was six years ago.

Better seats this time. (So LUSH tells me.)

Not sure how much blogging will be done betwixt now and Monday but hey, I might have the odd moment here and there.

Ya never know.

Rock on.

¹ My paternal great-grandfather was Canadian.


  1. Safe travels eh? Have fun with da family eh? Take off eh?.............. :)

  2. Lots of Canukistanians at a school I went to. "Ooo Oooo! Theres a moose aboot the hoose." (Translation: There is a mouse about the house.) I would giggle or out right chortle. My buddies from the 'stan.... not so much. And names..... Frose.... Friesen..... Hahahahhaha......

    I am really glad there are foo fighters. I haven't had to worry about foo, haven't even seen foo. And they play music too? Talent.

    1. The Foo have been fought and have been defeated.

  3. Have fun Sarge!

    (I, too, at one time wanted to be a tank crewman. In retrospect, I would have made a very bad recruit, so it is probably for the best. Still fascinated by them though.)

    1. Juvat loves to blow them up, so probably good we stayed away from them!

    2. Back in the Day, on the Nellis Range, Me and my Maverick hit a tank right at the seam between the turret and the chassis. Maverick did a great job. Gib hollered "Pull!" which I did expeditiously, slightly exceeding the G limit of the aircraft. We passed over the turret close enough to see the graffiti painted on it. Debrief was interesting, learned quite a few bad words that day. Most directed at me!

    3. Hits on the turret ring are awesome.

  4. Have a great weekend, you, Muse, and family!

  5. I have kids & grand kids coming up for the weekend too, good fun! Enjoy the concert...

  6. Sounds like fun, enjoy!

  7. Have a great time, Sarge!
    Been reading but not commenting; by the time I've gotten to read you have had more than enough commentary without me piling on.
    Boat Guy

    1. Pick up at Logan was uneventful. Boston traffic sucked, but I state the obvious.

  8. Hope everyone has a great time. Any excuse for a visit, party, or concert.
    You can write just about any time, but visits can only be done when visitors are around, so please do give that priority.

    Canadian speak is unique and recognizable, so thanks for the footnote explaining how you came to be using it.

  9. Clank-Clank said the tank. Beasts have two saving graces; 1) they make so much noise they can be avoided, 2) smoke they belch controls insect population. On the downside, their logistics trail makes Mother's weep.

  10. On of Mauldin's cartoons shows Willy and Joe watching a passing tank. "I'd rather dig. A moving foxhole attracts the eye".


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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