
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, January 27, 2025

Busy, Busy, Busy

 What a week!!!  Haven't been that cold since I went skinny dipping in Korea in January after cutting a hole in the ice!

Ok, that latter might be a  bit of an exaggeration. Well, at least the skinny dipping part was.  Most of the thermometer temps here were in the 20's and the "feels like" temps were in the single digits.  That had several big effects on us.

First, the fixing up of the front porch at our old house, now being transformed to a B&B that'll sleep eight, came to a complete halt.  Hammering fence nails, cutting cattle panels and sawing wood framing with numb hands didn't seem like a very safe idea.  

Mrs J, being the ever vigilant and talented project planner, shuffled the plan schedule and reprioritized the "Indoor Plan" to the # 1 priority and moved the outdoor plan to "Later" status.  It's still pretty cool outside, but tolerable.  However, the probability of percipitation this week is well above 50% every day.  That's the weather guessers prognosis and could change.  At which point, we'll reprioritize.


However, there is actually a lot of progress being made.  I can now see the top of my desk and now remember that it is made of wood and not envelopes, paper and notepads.  Who knew?  Cleaned out the closet in there.  OK, to be precise, I moved all the stuff that was in there into the office itself. 


 Found out that we have quite a bit more wine in that closet than I thought we did. Was a bit concerned that some of the older bottles (inherited from my Father's collection when he passed) might be a bit past their prime.

So, with Mrs J's permission, we tried one of the oldest ones with our Barbecued Hamburger, Corn on the Cobb and Home Fries.

Yes, Tuna, that's me exhibiting my Gourmand skills!

Oh, Man!  Was that 24 year old Pinot Noir good! Nay, Excellent!

Another treasure uncovered in the closet stirred quite a few memories,  There were several cardboard mover's boxes in the closet also.  They were full of pictures.  Some were fairly recent, pictures of our grandkids for example.



Others, well,  not so recent.  Pictures of my parents and grandparents dated from when my parents were about the age of my current grandchildren.  

Now that's a treasure!!

Reminder of a time when things weren't quite so pleasant!

Unfortunately, since Mrs J's standing order is to declutter and depersonalize the house (under the direction of our realtor), I've got to move those boxes out of sight in the attic for the time being.  The plan is to purchase a Skylight picture frame, and load the pictures into it.

Folks, those things are cool.  You, or anyone you add to the permission list, load pictures on it and they rotate through automatically.  We've had one for a few years and it's great.  We're going to get a second one as the pictures in the boxes are very numerous and the Skylight is limited to 8GB of storage.  The oldest picture gets deleted to make room for the newest.  So, we're going to start from scratch and monitor upload file size and see how we do since these photos are priceless.

Going to have to figure out how to balance, the "decluttering" the house with the scanning and uploading pictures.  Probably will need a new box for storing uploaded pics and only bring down a manageable number to handle that process without cluttering.  

Oh well, it'll keep me off the streets at night.

So, as I said, making progress.  Weather is supposed to be nice this week, so maybe the porch will be finished.  To do list for today is to call the Realtor and get his recommendations for a handiman to fix the back door on our current house and replace the shower stall in the old house (covered in hard water residue).  

I don't know if we'll be ready to post the "For Sale" sign in March like we/he wanted, but soon.

Hope you all weathered the weather last week safely.  

Oh and, one more, just for the embarassment factor.

Someone's first Christmas!


 Little J, back when he was "Little".

Peace out, y'all!



  1. Point 1. Clutter. I know exactly what you mean, we go from a state of frenzy cleaning and sorting and putting everything in its place and throwing things away to mass clutter, don't know where anything is, no way are we having guests over. I think we're currently in between two of those states.

    Point 2. Gourmand skills. That sounds delicious, you're making me hungry, and I commend your patience on waiting 24 years to drink that Pinot. Haha.

    1. By the way, I'm not up at 2:30 in the morning, I'm on the East Coast for work and I couldn't sleep.

    2. Tuna,
      Point 1. Found a lot of stuff I didn't know or had forgotten that we had. Additionally, since most were in stuck in a closet somewhere and left, they were an easy decision. Give them to Good Will if they had any utility at all or place them in the fecal matter container. No Mercy!
      Point 2. It WAS delicious, the problem now is staying away from the remaining bottles, lest we don't have them for a "special" occasion.

    3. Tuna,
      Always knew you Navy guys didn't know the difference between night and day! ;-)

  2. My mom passed and I ended up with old photos of just people. Some were marked and I could put names to faces for the digital copy but most were just people from long ago.
    Good luck!

    1. While Mom was in her final stages of Chemo, she started going through the pics and making notes on them. She didn't make it through all the boxes, but she made a pretty good try at it. Also, those notes will help identify folks in other pictures that she didn't make it to.
      Time passes faster than we think, don't waste it!

  3. That digital storage will keep you hopping for a bit, good luck with the weather and indoor/outdoor tasks juvat.

    1. Nylon,
      Well it's something to do in the evening when my Back is going on strike.
      Thanks, we've been consulting/threatening the weatherman.

      To no avail.


  4. Why is it that "declutter" leads to a new clutter all its own?

    1. Joe,
      Hypothesis...the "Stuff" is partially deaf and gets confused when it hears "DE" clutter and "THE" clutter. Dealing with the DE clutter is more difficult than leaving the clutter, hence..

    2. Declutter leaves clean flat surfaces, clean flat surfaces collect clutter so you have to be quick!

    3. Rob,
      Unfortunately, even "The Flash" isn't that fast!

  5. Clutter is just a word for too much stuff. I have lots, no desire to declutter here.

    1. Whilst cleaning out my office, soon to be a third bedroom with a desk, I found 4 generations of phones and 3 of hand held computers. (No Beans, I lost count of how many calculators I found.) I wish the kids were closer so we could stay, but "It 'tis what it 'tis!"

    2. Relics of the past, that's what those are. Museum pieces.

    3. And not worth a red cent! :-)

  6. Our outdoor cats have a heated cat coop for cold weather. But last Monday night, it got down to -18°F, and Angel, a ten year old calico, and Walter, a seven year old penguin cat, ( black with a white tummy ), decided that eighteen below was not their cup of tea, and moved indoors.
    Walter has joined Peaches, Stitch, and Elsa and, on my bed.

    I now have a heated bed!

    1. StB,
      Our two cats are members of our bedroom suite. The Great Pyrenees very firmly expressed their dislike of felines early in their taking over the living area of the house. Wish it were different, but it's not. The cats seem to have adapted to the situation and, you're right. A sleeping cat does keep the bed warm.

    2. Lilyana, our Great Pyrenees, thinks cats are a bit of all right, but, at 120 pounds, her idea of playing, and the cats idea, differ greatly.

    3. StB,
      That’s our concern also. It would only take a swipe or a nip and that would be that.

    4. That is why Stich is my biggest fan in the car world. Lily was chasing him, and corned him in the fourth floor hallway, outside my bedroom.
      I fully believe that she was playing, and intended to boop him on the nose, so he could be " it ".

      Stitch was terrified, and clearly believed he was about to be eaten. I rescued him, and now, unless Lily is outside, he lives in my bedroom.

      But I am very fond of him, and am happy to let him live there

  7. Slow and steady (and safe) wins the battle. Good thing 'she' is planning the order! ;-)

    1. Old NFO,
      Agreed, on both. Fortunately, she does allow me to step in when I need to. Generally power tool related. I've got this thing about keeping my fingers, toes and other parts of my body attached. Just sayin'


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Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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