
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Enjoying Life

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As I sit and look out the window of The Nuke's dining room I can't help but feel rather content. It's a sunny day, we're finally out of the deep freeze for a few days, and I'm getting to spend time with people I care about.

What more could one ask for?

The world continues to be insane (nothing has changed since Cain slew Abel, only the scale really) but the pockets of sanity far outnumber the pockets of insanity. But the pockets of sanity don't make the news, do they?

On the drive down to Maryland last Friday we saw snow on the ground the entire way. Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. Seven states in 420 miles.

Uh Sarge, I though you said the distance from where you live to where The Nuke and her tribe live is 400 miles, give or take.

And yes, it is, usually.

But if you take the path that does not pass through the Bronx, i.e. travel up and over the Tappan Zee, then it's around 420 miles.

Was it worth the extra 20 miles? Why yes, yes it was.

I use Google Maps as my navigator (used to use Waze but Google bought that so there isn't much to choose between the two any more) and on Friday she (female voice, so she) directed me off I-95 and over to I-287. Ah ha! She wants me to take the Tappan Zee¹ route.

After getting off I-95 we drive a couple of miles and the navigator now wants me to get off this road and follow another. This, not being my first rodeo, was not done. It was just a different path to get to the George Washington Bridge. Now if I wanted to go that route I would have stayed on I-95. Sure, that part of the route can be slow. But am I in a hurry? No, I'm not.

An extra 20 miles but well worth it, the scenery going over that bridge is very nice. First time I've seen the surrounding hills with snow on them. Very picturesque, very lovely.

Even with all that, we still made really good time. (Though it should be noted, the folks who maintain the Garden State Parkway really, really need to repaint the lines. Couldn't tell in some spots if there were three lanes or five!)

We celebrated Finnegan's birthday on Saturday in fine style. Watched some football on Sunday, the games turning out the way I expected but not the way I wanted. One thing, with today's technology, why is the NFL still allowing the officials to determine the outcome of games. The Chiefs/Bills game was an effing embarrassment to the league, at least in my not-so-humble-opinion. It was a well played close game, decided (at least in my estimation) but a couple of really bad calls by the officiating crew.


Now we're just chilling while everyone else goes back to school/work. Finnegan though, has opted to skip daycare and do "grandma-care" this week. I mean can you blame him?

He's only two but he's a blast to hang out with. He and his big brother Roberto are big Star Wars fans, though they haven't really watched more than snippets of those movies. They both have toy light sabers and when Finnegan deploys his, he even does his version of this -

Mostly the "da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-DAAA" part and he really gets into it. He pitches his wee voice a little lower and even takes up a fighting stance with his light saber. Kid is a cutie, with a combative streak a mile wide. Gotta love it.

So we're chillin' and livin' large. Life is good.

I was going to go back through the first part of the Prequel/Prelude story while down in Maryland, only to discover that it's on my other computer. Sure, I could recreate it from blog posts and I still might ...

But that sounds far too much like work.

And I avoid that like the plague these days. 😎

I wonder why?

Be seeing you.

¹ The Tappan Zee is a broad expanse of the Hudson River, looks a lot like a big lake. I don't use the new name for the bridge.


  1. Ah.....The Imperial March....John Williams gift to school bands everywhere...excellent way to start the day Sarge....enjoy Family Time!

  2. 20 miles falls well within the "more or less" on any journey of 200 miles or more. If planned, or semi-planned (HEY! Let's see where this goes!) it's almost alway worth it.

  3. When we were up that way (2018?) with the RV we bypassed that bridge as it had a hefty toll ....

    1. Going into NY the toll on the GW is a bit over 16 bucks. Going into NJ it's free. The bridge over the Tappan Zee is a bit over 6 bucks, either way. I choose to avoid traffic, not tolls. But I see your point.

    2. Sarge, like you I prefer to avoid traffic. My Grand Forks ND to Hoffman MN trips were on state and county roads paralleling I94 and I29 (196 miles, 4 hours). Slower than the interstate but seeing more than two cars at one time was heavy traffic. Just set the cruise control and enjoy the scenery.

    3. Looks like this is a popular opinion, but I'd rather drive a little bit longer with less traffic than to sit and not move. And the scenic drive is often worth it.

  4. Sarge, Glad you’re having fun. Keep up the good work!

    1. I feel a vignette coming on.

      No, seriously. 😎

  5. should never miss Da Bron'x (even though my folks dragged me away from there 75 years ago)
    it's one of the finer examples of a multi-cultural, multi-lingual bedroom community (to the world's finance center) that's become nigh 99% uni-cultural, uni-lingual and an excellent example for future sociologists (maybe even anthropologists)

  6. We live in an enormous nation. Wisconsin is 25th land area. But if you enter the state on I-90, 420 mile later, you are still in Wisconsin, albeit, you are in St. Croix county, and ten miles from Minnesota.

    1. 420 miles on I-10 in Texas and you are just barely half way across the state. Good thin Texas is so nice because there sure is a lot of it!
      Don't take my word for it, go check it out yourself!

    2. Been there, done that. Texline to San Antonio, 621 miles, back in 1987. (Went back the same way.)

    3. Mrs. J and I are pretty much in the exact center of Texas and it's a long way to anywhere from here. Just the way we like it, and hope it stays that way. Wish we could institute some kind of IQ and driving tests to determine if people are qualified to move here, but, alas....

    4. I-10 through Texas is a long drive, but so is crossing Montana... I had to look... (I've done the Texas drive 5 times & the Montana drive 3 times)

      I-10 through Texas is 880 miles
      I-90/94 through Montana is 552 miles
      From Mexico to Oregon in Calif (via I-5 for the most part) is 796 miles.

    5. juvat - You are pretty much miles from the nearest border.

    6. Rob - My vote for most boring drive is across Kansas on I-70, miles and miles (roughly 420 miles) of not much.

  7. Tappan Zee is absolutely better than going "downtown." However, even that is far too close to the metropolis for my taste. And usually destined for points further north than Little Rhody, I avoid the Tappan Zee in favor of crossing the Hudson at Newburgh on I-84. Or, even better cross at Albany on I-87 and pick up the Mass Pike. I avoid NYC as much as possible, as often as possible.

    Enjoy life any way you like, now!

    1. Yes, the New York metro area is not my cup of tea.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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