
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Waiting for the Snow ...

OAFS Photo
Once again inspiration eludes me. Try as I might, I just can't write. At least not at the moment.

As you can see by the title, we're awaiting what might be a "major" snow event here in Little Rhody. The weather guessers are thinking five to nine inches in our area, the possibility of upwards of a foot further north in the Bay State. As I write this, Saturday evening, it hasn't started snowing yet. But it's coming, as you can see on the screenshot below.

It's moving this way from the west and from the south. We're about to be surrounded methinks.

The Nuke had to fly out of Dulles Saturday, short notice work trip. She called, the weather was going to shite while she was driving, but the forecast didn't have anything there picking up until well after her flight took off. No, she's not heading into that mess above, good thing too.

And of course her son Finnegan starts running a fever just before she left the house. He's been teething and she thinks it's that causing the fever, Lord knows he catches every bug common down there. Hopefully that's it.

I finished watching 1883 and was moved by it. It's a well done series all by itself but it is a prequel to Yellowstone (which I'm three seasons in to). You don't need to watch one to watch the other, both stand alone on their own merits quite well.

1923, on the other hand, is something of a disappointment so far. I've watched barely half of the first episode and find myself thinking of other things to do. The characters so far have not engaged my interest (the aforementioned shows' characters had me interested in the first minute), and the story so far is, quite frankly, boring.

I'm going to give it a chance, perhaps I was spoiled by the quality of 1883, much like dining in a very good restaurant one night then having a routine pizza the next. I mean even mediocre pizza is still pizza, but when you've just dined on prime rib? We shall see. The whole cattlemen versus sheep herders has been done to death. At least when I was a kid it seemed every other cowboy show covered that. I must exercise patience according to juvat, so I will.

I will be watching the Superb Owl tomorrow (hat tip to Pawpaw for that one). I really don't care who wins, just want to see a good contest without too much idiocy in officiating being on display. or idiocy in the broadcast booth as well. I'd mute the sound but I like hearing the sounds of the game and the crowd. Just wish they could teach the damned announcers not to chatter to fill every second.

Sigh ...

I'll see what I can come up with next week, juvat will be along tomorrow.

I do think that the Muse is taking this retirement thing way too seriously.

Epilogue: I made it through the 1st episode of 1923 and watched the 2nd. Things did pick up, now I'm hooked. Give it time. Like juvat says, "Patience."


  1. "I do think that the Muse is taking this retirement thing way too seriously." Perhaps she is just taking the opportunity for an extended vacation as well.

  2. Snow? What’s snow?
    We don’t need no steenkin snow!
    Supposed to be in the 70’s today. Our Third guest house is ready(ish) for a test run if yuo need to thaw out!

    1. '70s?! Wow, it's actually not too bad, we had maybe four to five, if that.

  3. Too many of the game announcers seem to think folks tune in for them instead of the teams involved. Waiting for the second season of 1923, just wish seasons were longer than eight or ten episodes, remember when a season had 24 or 30 episodes? Now if you'll excuse me there are some clouds out there I need to go and yell at.......:)

    1. According to my calculations, the second season of 1923 is available.

  4. I was wondering about that. Some of the more faint hearts in my old haunts in central Maine have already called it for the day, out of an Abundance of Caution, of course. Hope the snowfall is light and fluffy in Lil Rhody, but Yeah, likely lots of it and that - thick and wet

    1. We didn't get all that much, stuff looks wet, I'm waiting for the temps in the mid-30s to clear most of it. After all, I don't have to go anywhere, do I?

    2. 8+ inches of mostly fluffy snow here in NH.

      Just shoveled my part awaiting the snowplow and helped my 80 something neighbor with his.

      My snowblower just kept clogging so Manuel Labor did it.

      Michael the anonymous

    3. Yeah, you folks were supposed to get more, you got more. I'm not jealous.

    4. I remind myself "it's water" for the often dry summers here.

      Also gets a lot of mass folks (see I can restrain myself LOL) to come up here to ski and spend their money.

      Was AMAZING though when I was going to Walmart that the TRAFFIC in that area with a Market Basket was insane.

      The Walmart staff I chatted with were amazed at the volume of bread-milk-eggs folks. But then again most of the plates I saw weren't NH.

    5. Ah yes, the bread-milk-eggs people, we have them here. I often wonder what they do with all that stuff when the snowpocalypse doesn't materialize. (And it seldom does.)

  5. and here I keep thinking it must be Global Warming - uh! sorry: that should have been Global Climate Change (?)

  6. Mayhaps Madame Muse isn't inspiring because you don't need the escape and unwind now that you aren't commuting and dealing with that work thingy.

    As to the winter weather, yeah, nah. Glad to not be dealing with sticking snow. Though we've had some seriously hellacious fog at night.

    1. I think you're onto something vis-a-vis the Muse. I have nothing I need to escape from, knock on wood!

  7. We tried Horizon the other night and it was pure awful. I have no idea why anybody thought that mashup was good but thirty minutes in I had two names and a zillion people I didn’t know anything about and didn’t care about and Lord, we’re they stupid. I understand Guinness gives strength to the muse. You should have a few, for the strength….

    1. Now that ain't a bad idea! The Guiness that is, I couldn't get into Horizon either.

  8. the muse will come haunting you one night shortly.
    Warning: keep paper and pencil handy bedside!

    1. I don't work that way, it either stays in my mind, meaning it's a good idea, or it doesn't, which could mean anything.


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