
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, February 10, 2025

Workin’ hard for the money!

 Well, Campers, apparently Sarge, our beloved leader, is a two timer.  He confesses to being "under the weather" (medically) as well as "under the weather" atmospherically.  So…he’s “under the weather” twice.

Back in the day, Juvat's mom would have prescribed a hot toddy* and a rain coat and sent him out to play.  "Both will toughen you up" was her response to any complaining.

But, rain is forecast for the next few days down here in "not so sunny" Texas.  Shouldn't be a problem as the next phase in the "Prep for Selling" campaign, is painting (professional  hired).  We are rearranging furniture out of the way of the painters.  Upon their completion, we will move it into a revised/decluttered final arrangement. Speaking thereof, the weather has cooperated  which enabled the "Declutter the domiciles on Rancho Juvat" campaign that's been going on for a couple of weeks now.  By the time you're reading this, the 40' L x 10' H x 8'W (AKA 3200 Cubic Feet) rented dumpster has been completely (and I do mean completely) filled and carted off to the dump.  

This was turned into...
This! With just a snap of the fingers!...Yeah right! 

I have high hopes that my back will spring back to it's normal youthful self (sometime this millenia).

So, this week, or maybe next week, should have our old house ready to be put on the books for a B&B that will berth 10 folks.  Our current 2 B&B's handle 4 each (6 if you're real good friends and don't mind a sofa bed fold out).  As to 10 folks, upon researching B&B's in the area, Mrs J. discovered that a demand has become popular for a place to have a "Hen Party".  Not sure I know the actual specifics and I absolutely know that I don't want to find out, but it's basically a group of ladies coming to the 'Burg for a long weekend of shopping during the day, and what a bunch of guys would call "shooting the breeze" at night.  I am also lead to believe that a copious amount of wine tends to be consumed.

But, hey, it pays the bills.  And if we can show an income stream as part of the package to sell the property, well....That's indeed a good thing.  So, go for it, My Dear, I like the way you think.

Once this project is completed, focus will be on readying the "new" house, our current domicile.  A bit of paint touch up, decluttering (AKA moving extra "stuff" out of the house) and either making it disappear forever or just put it out of sight until the movers arrive.  Mrs J and I are pretty much agreed that the first option is the one that should be acted upon more frequently.  

We ain't getting any younger and as we've discovered lately cleaning up is hard on the bones.


But, Mrs. J has put her seal of approval on my "redo" of my office.  And, while there are a few boxes behind me in this picture, they will be shortly transported to storage somewhere.  Probably in the storage closet in the pictures above. 

 So, lots of things going on down here, progress is progressing, the end, while not in sight, seems to be approaching.  Heck, we've even got a few calls asking if we were selling and expressing some interest.  So, maybe, this plan might just work.

Peace out y'all!



*BTW, the hot toddy, made with very cheap Bourbon , could very well explain my loathing it and my preference for Scotch.  


  1. Well now.....that really is a light at the end of the tunnel and not an engine approaching. Interest shown already, ah.....when a plan comes together, good to read juvat.

    1. It's actually a pretty nice place. ~25 acres, close to town, but far enough away...Just need to be closer to the kids and grandkids. Painters come tomorrow to paint the interior of the old house. Once that's done, we (read Mrs J) can figure out the decor and we (I) can move furniture and hang things as directed.

  2. Funny how events of our childhood persist forever. Nasty Burbon hot toddies for you. Peanut butter and honey on white bread for me when that was all we had to eat decades ago.

    I've relearned to enjoy peanut butter (make a tasty PeanutButter Pad Thai), cook a little with honey. Still don't choose white bread.

    1. Michael,
      Yeah, looking back, it certainly doesn't seem as bad as it appeared back then. Peanut Butter Pad Thai, care to share the recipe or a link thereto. Big fan of Thai Food.

  3. I bought a pallet jack and shrink wrap for palletizing during my move. I stacked boxes on the pallets, wrapped them down, just like you see in a warehouse. Made the move very simple and easy. You could do that when you pack your newly cleaned storage room. Especially if you have room for a lift gate truck to back up to the door.

    Mom and dad made toddies for us too. I think they bought CurrDog Nasty® whiskey. I do know it was the cheapest stuff known to man. equal parts lemon, honey and alcohol, boiled on the stove and sipped slowly. Cut the crud and helped us hack up our lung biscuits. I still get yo-yo throat just thinking about that odious stuff. Taught me to avoid Al K. Hall my whole life.

    1. STxAR,
      I'll have to look into that option. I'm assuming you had your own trailer to load/move your stuff. But, I have a sneaking suspicion Mrs J is going to hire the pro's, the trade off being, cost of movers vs cost of Back Surgery. We'll see.

  4. Replies
    1. Rob,
      Gonna need it....and extra strength Advil!

  5. I heard They are not making real estate anymore, so don't be too quick to trade off a quick sale vs a handsome profit. You got that "location. location, location" thing going for you, and a rather unique package of land, buildings, potential uses (short/long term rentals/ hippie commune; compound for polygamists, etc). That really cuts down on the number of potential buyers. But, there are potential buyers desperately looking for such a unique combination, and they realize that there are very few out there, and will be tickled to make your acquaintance.

    Realtors (tm- pejorative) are delighted to take their significant cut, and many/most are in it strictly for their cut, and would sooner be done with messing with the owner and take the money and run.

    Your own best interests may be to hike the price up a bit over their recommendations and be patient, and not very negotiable. Someone out there will want your great homestead. You can always consider offers, and people will always offer less (or a LOT less) than asking.

    Yeah, I get the "closer to family and healthcare" motivations, but being somewhat allergic to "weird" I'd put a bit of a buffer between now home and weird central.

    All my free advice comes with full money back guarantee, and YMMV.
    John Blackshoe

    1. JB,
      Actually we're much nearer to Weirdville USA (AKA Austin for the non-cognecenti) than we would be in College Station. While A&M has a large and diversified student body, there's a much lower ratio of weird to non-weird.

      Thanks for the suggestions vis a vis Realtors/buyers/prices. Not looking forward to that part, signing a contract for something close to asking price would be nice though.

      Appreciate your inputs.

  6. Do not be afraid to call in a cleaning crew for your big house. Don't kill yourself.

    1. Beans,
      Believe ME! That's the next step. I can schlep stuff to the dumpster pretty well, actually cleaning stuff...Not my ken!
      Killing myself would be kinda counter-productive. Just sayin! ;-)

  7. Re John Blackshoe's recommendation re price-- I'm guessing you will be VERY surprised about the offers you will receive when ya get that far. Most folks I know set a price and then find themselves entertaining offers substantially higher then they ever dreamed. Don't know what the real estate market is in TX, do know there are a LOT of NY/CA types heading there, ALL of whom are used to looking at NY/CA prices, not only for real estate, but also taxes, and are making offers that reflect that. "Pricing the natives right out" is a frequent phrase heard...just saying. And with the opportunities for business as well as the land you and Mrs J have...

    Just saying, ya might be surprised. My advice is to take every penny you can get and run!!


    PS: YES to professional cleaners, and HUGE YES to professional movers!!!! TRUST me on this!!! Cause my attitude on moving is just UGH!!!

  8. Suz,
    Thanks! We know a few realtors around town and talked to them about the market. Suffice it to say they recommended asking prices way higher than what we thought we might get out of the deal. So all good advice, thanks! But “Tis a long way between the lip and a sip!”
    We’ll see how it goes.

  9. Moving, the mere thought of it fills me with dread. I still remember moving here from Germany. Colossal PITA, I said, "Never again."

    Of course the little voice in my head said, "Never say never."

    Bon chance avec tout ça! Or as they say in the theater (and in the Luftwaffe) - break a leg (Hals und Beinbruch)!

  10. Or, as Walter, the huge barn penguin cat, ( black, with white tummy ), that moved indoors with me, and has never been heard to meow would say, " SQUEAK, SQUEAK SQUEAK! "

  11. Life is too short for cheap bourbon Juvat! You need to step up your game and your tastes might change.

    1. By the way, any idea why I am unable to comment using my desktop? The phone works fine, but I'm unable to log in apparently or it won't accept my login. I tried the cookie settings but still no workie.

    2. What browser are you using? Are you logging in via Google or something else? Lots of possibilities here, Google sometimes gets loopy and does bizarre things. How long has your desktop been up? The oldest IT solution there is is to power it off, then back on again. Sometimes that actually works.

    3. Sarge, IMHO and experience that last suggestion works 95+% of the time.

  12. Glad to hear things are coming together (or going away as the case may be)...

  13. That is real progress, Juvat. Well done.

    I swore only one more big move. That happened, which probably means one more. Sigh.

    1. THBB,
      Life goes that way, doesn’t it?


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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