
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Can't Get Good Help...

Way back...
We have always had a shed in the backyard here at Chez Sarge. In fact, when we moved in, the shed (seen above in a damned near sepia tone, well, the photo was taken at the turn of the century, yes, this century) was relatively new. Not far away, to the right in the photo above, were the ruins of an older shed. Seems the previous owners got rid of most of it. Not all of it mind you, just most of it.

When we had vinyl siding installed on the manor house, in a nice Cape Cod gray shade with a dark gray roof, the shed looked rather out of sorts in its horrid beige with reddish trim avec its reddish roof. (The original colors of the house.) I redid the roof, yes, all by myself, and The Missus Herself and I repainted it in Cape Cod gray, to match the house dontcha know?

It stood that way for many a year. Then one day I noticed that the shed was no longer gray but was now a bluish-tinged sort of "not gray, not quite blue." Matters stood that way for a couple of years until we decided that we really should repaint the old thing. That's when we discovered that the trim was rotting. So we resolved to redo it with fake wood, a sort of plastic-like substance with the look and feel of wood.

Rather than rely on my feckless attempts at setting aside time to work on the shed, she eventually hired a guy. A guy who did fair work as long as you watched him like a hawk. He was not an adherent to the "measure twice, cut once" school of carpentry. More of a "that looks close enough" character.

Apparently The Missus Herself berated the poor knucklehead one too many times for he "called in sick" on the third day of the job. Heat stroke he said, bullshit I said. The Missus Herself let him know that his services would no longer be required. Ever. As in, "if you show up we'll have you arrested for trespassing."

Not so long ago...
There matters stood for another couple of years, there were days when I would gaze out upon the shed and wonder when the sides would just fall off. The frame was (and remains) stout and well-built, might have been actual 2 x 4s used in its construction. But the inside was close to becoming part of the outside and we did want an actual shed, not just a concrete pad with a roof.

So The Missus Herself went in search of another contractor to fix up the shed. She found one who agreed to give us a good price on the work, I won't divulge how much but I will say that it was far cheaper than a new shed.

Problem was, it took this guy's crew over a month to do the job. Not an actual working on it every day month, but a "we'll show up when we feel like it" month.

By my calculations (and observations) the contractor worked five hours the first day, perhaps four the second. Then they were MIA for two and a half weeks. Finally they showed up on a Saturday morning to install the new door. During that evolution they managed to trip a circuit breaker. Rather than knock on the door, they claimed to have "tapped on the window."


At any rate, they vanished like the dew on a hot day.

We waited for nigh on two weeks for their return. Phone calls were made, and not returned, texts were sent, and ignored. Until they received a text from us stating, "Finish the shed, or get a lawyer, your move."

They showed up early this past Friday and actually finished the job. Some of the detail work absolutely sucks, but I can mend that. When The Missus Herself said she was going to call them to come fix it I told her not to bother. Overall it's a fair to middling job, and it got done at less expense than some would have done the job for.

It only took them a month to perform about 24 hours of labor.

I wonder if they work for the government?

Today, ready to face another twenty years.


  1. I love doing that sort of thing! But you are inconveniently located.

  2. Or I am, I guess it's a perspective thing.

    1. It's not that either of you are inconveniently located away from each other, just that there are vast fields of morons, goobs, dinguses and other miscellaneous idiots inconveniently between you two.

  3. That first photo reminds of other photos I've seen from the seventies what with the fading......(heh heh). Getting a contractor/handyman who is conscientious can be challenge eh? Lots of trimming in that backyard Sarge, better you than me! Plenty of care and love there. That shed does look in tiptop condition.

    1. I have a crew that maintains my lawn, they're inexpensive and do a great job. Frees up my weekends as well!

  4. I'm hearing this same report for a lot of friends, that contractors just don't seem to want to work despite people eager to throw money at them. No return calls, follow-ups, when hired work performed on an "expansive" schedule.....

    Business must really be booming that so many can be ignored.


    1. Personally I think that most of them are just really incompetent businessmen. It's one thing to know how to do the work, it's quite another to actually run a business.

    2. First thing to ask for is their contractor's license and proof of insurance, if your state requires that sort of thing. Stops about half the illegals and fly-by-nights.

      Also, watch out for gypsies. No. Really. It's a real thing. Real gypsies and Irish Traveler Gypsies both operate big scam fixit outfits.

    3. Most of the contractors in this area have those things, they just aren't very good at it. At least the business aspect.

      I am well aware of the gypsies.

  5. How come all contractors can't be like th guys on TV - like Mike Holmes and the crews they find for This Old House? Very frustrating to try and find people who will do it right the first time for a reasonable price. The balance between price, quality and timeliness is often way skewed.

    1. Yup, it's obvious that you've "been there, done that."

      Maybe I need to hire Canadians?

    2. I suspect that Mr Holmes work looks good because of: 1) Creative Editing 2) a large budget 3)an almost immovable deadline 4) a large as necessary crew (directly related to #2 5) All of the above.

      But...I'm betting your shed is not in as dire a need of purging right now as mine is.

    3. From what I've heard your shed is in need of purging. :)

      About the only thing really taking up room in my shed is a large piece of furniture which I hope wants back. Soon. It's large and the shed was the only place to put it while she was between dwellings.

      Yes, the "magic" of television would have made the shed job appear to be maybe two days long. And yeah, I'm sure Holmes gets what Holmes wants, when Holmes wants it.

    4. Who wants large piece of furniture back? Inquiring minds want to know.

    5. Hhmm, something ate a portion of that comment, most odd.

      Should've said "which I hope The Nuke wants back."

    6. Likely story, the 'something ate a portion...' but considering Blogger has eaten whole posts of mine before...

      Ah, storing it for the kids, yup, you're stuck with that sucker for a while.

      Does TN read this blog? Seeing as LJW reads and now comments, mayhaps your progeny can at least read the blog...

    7. They occasionally stop by, not often. Both have commented once, precisely once. It's the whole "Dad being Dad" thing which keeps them away. They're also both far busier than is healthy.

  6. Hear, hear. A good contractor is worth his weight in gold.

    Here in in the DFW area (and surrounds I suspect) the norm is white guys running crews of Mexicans. (For any SJW reading this, that's not racist, just real world). Mileage varies widely, so you gotta do your homework. Invite two or more outfits over for the "free estimate", then grill them like a Perry Mason re-run.

    We have been most fortunate to find our contractor, Rex. He lives close by, and does all his own work. Among other projects, he re-tiled the shower in our master bathroom, floor to ceiling. It is a roomy walk-in shower. He added a grab bar and a shampoo shelf. Flawless. He is not the cheapest, but is very fair. Sometimes works 10 hours at a stretch. Sends a text message if he is going to be late.

    Best part is that he let's me do the shopping. I've done enough of my own home repair that we can confer on the list, then I shop a Lowes or Home Depot where I get 10% of as a veteran. We just pay Rex straight time.

    1. RHT,
      The Flugelmans are in the process of buying a house in the DFW area. If you're ever in the mood to share Rex's info I would be most appreciative, in the way of a bottle of your favorite libation, or a heartfelt "Thank You". A good and reliable contractor is like a rare gem, one does not reveal their whereabouts lightly. Our present target has a walk in shower that will need upgrading and I've heard upwards of $2.5K to do it.

    2. Yup, you guys should talk.

      Another reason to read The Chant.

    3. "Another reason to read The Chant."

      Indeed. A vetted want ads column. Who knew?

      Flugelman, happy to oblige. How do we PM?

      On another topic, found this over at CW's place--

      As the Chant's official Crowd Control Guy, I think it would make a find addition to my kit.

    4. I think that our noble host would have to hire someone smaller than him to use said system. Might be a good reason to have LUSH send the grands over for summer, though it might be a little hard on the hedges, fence, neighbors, the parking lot behind OAFS, the business behind the parking lot....

      But my philosophy is "If you have the room or the money or both" so go ahead.

    5. RHT447 - Yes, a nice piece of kit, though a bit cramped.

    6. Beans - Simpler to just park an M-16 in the backyard. (The halftrack with quad .50s, not the rifle. But you knew that, dintcha?)

    7. Let me know when they have Fighter Camp. Until then, or I win the Lottery....

    8. I daresay the M-16 (quad mount .50 cal on a halftrack) would violate The Missus' yard rules somewhat. And putting something equivalent with ROK markings might just PTSD the lady.

    9. juvat - Fighter Camp? Hhmm, I wonder if she'd let me put in a runway...

      Nah, I'd need a lot more land.

    10. Beans - Now that you mention it, I swear I remember seeing M-16s emplaced around Taegu.

      But yeah, violates the yard "rules."

    11. RHT, jbwlms0 at gmail will work. Thanks in advance.

    12. PM sent. Subject line: "DFW contractor".

    13. Glad you guys can coordinate this via the blog. I feel so useful. (Most days, not so much.)

  7. Surprisingly enough, find out if there are any Amish in your area. Very nice, very neat, and allowed to drive vehicles and use power tools for work purposes, depending on what the local Bishop says.

    Other groups are, well, check at the local VFW (of which you qualify for, Mr. Korean War Vet. (yes, yes you are, accept it and join) or other veteran groups.

    Just stay away from the drunks in Warrick.

    Shed looks nice. Good example of the 10 foot rule.

    And someone actually tried lying to your wife? Insane. He's lucky he's alive if TMH is anything like Mrs. Andrew when she detects lies and obfuscation.

    1. And... through your church? Usta be, back in the day when I went to Mass, the weekly bulletin would have adverts in the back, and also the church maintained a list of parishioners' businesses to pass around.

      Though some real scammers will work the system, the fear of God usually chases away the schmucks and idjits and just down-right creeps pretty quick.

      Do what RH477 has done. Try to find a handyman that can be 'your' handyman. Fence fixing, roof patching, plumbing and so forth. Having a long-term relation with said worker will help in the long run.

    2. Beans the 1st - No Amish in the area that I know of. I used to be a member of the VFW, dropped out, other than the USAF, I'm not much of a "joiner."

      As to attempting to mislead TMH? Poor fool, never knew what hit him.

    3. Beans the 2nd - I have an electrician like that, have no real need for a handyman. Most of the stuff you mention I can do. It's just the big TMH projects which require a contractor of sorts. I'm trying to limit those as I approach retirement.

    4. Again, try vetting people through your church. One of the reasons for Church is community. And handymen are part of the community.

    5. Small church, I know everyone, nothing available there for any big projects TMH might (or might not) wish to pursue between now and retirement.

  8. The transformation of your back yard is amazing.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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