Monday, July 1, 2024

juvat update: June 30 '24

 Happy 1st of July to all readers. May you have a happy safe Independence Day and may all the rights won in that war and all the subsequent wars remain intact.  As to the largest news item I've seen in quite a while, the camouflage was certainly ripped off the president, wasn't it?

No, Beans, the lower case was deliberately used.  If I offended anyone, well...sorry. However, I've been offended for pretty near four years now.

Ok, end of political commentary.


As I reported last week, we'd been over to College Station for an informal family reunion.  We had a blast, but like all good things, this too passed.

 But there are quite a bit of fond memories that weekend created.  That was much needed.

June has been a busy month.  Of the 20 weekdays available, Mrs J or I had Doctor related appointments on 13 of them.  It gets a bit old.  However, this past week, we did get a bit of good news on the health care front.  Mrs J had a "sorta" colonoscopy ordered up by her surgeon.  He wanted to take a look at the colon and see exactly where the cancer had been and whether he'd have enough room to sew it back together after removing the dead cells.  He's fairly confident that he does.  Mrs J was/is not looking forward to a colostomy bag.  

I'm not even going to begin to link to that definition.

But, on the other side of the dynamic duo, I'm scheduled for an EKG this morning as you're reading this and another one tomorrow.  Seems my stress level is causing me to have somewhat irregular pulse rate spikes.  My first medicine, started last month, worked pretty well for about 3 weeks, then gradually stopped working.  The NP prescribed a fairly hefty pill for 4 days to handle things until the EKGs but which sent me to bed in the evenings pretty early. Depending on today/tomorrow's results, they'll figure out a plan of attack.

I gotta admit, that plan of attack scares me, and I used to be fearless.  They're going to shock my heart which will stop it (for a very short period of time, I pray) then restart it and they say that will take care of the Atrial Fibrillation. We'll see.

So, if I'm a little slow replying to comments, well...


To get off the woe is me platform, it's been great having Little J home.  LJW is a lot more relaxed.  Miss B has a permanent smile on her face and her learning "stuff" pace has sped up even more than expected.  As I mentioned in earlier posts the reunion will be good for both of them.  Movers are coming tomorrow.  They fly out to London Town on the 8th.

Mrs. J and I will miss them, but we're already planning our visit to London.

While his birthday was a little earlier in June, we celebrated it this past Saturday.  Had a couple of friends over, told embarrassing stories about him (which were reciprocated against the storyteller), and much laughter ensued.

His birthday cake was quite nice, 

Had just a tiny touch of Bourbon in it, quite nice.  Although, it is hard to believe he's 40.

My how fast time flies.

He did get a bit back at me though.

They came up for dinner last night and this was what I saw driving up.  Now, that picture doesn't quite convey the "heart thump" I felt when I first glanced at it.  You may not actually pick it up.  So...

That would be MissB driving....ostensibly.  Yep, that's a couple hundred heart beats I'll never get back.

Yes, Beans, that's Little J's Maroon covered Left shoulder beside the registration sticker.

He was fined one glass of wine for startling his old man.

On a final note, Tony the Hay Guy has changed his operation a bit.  Rancho Juvat now has 3 new residents.

That's Papa Moo on the left, Mama Moo on the right and Baby Moo in the background.

I have no idea what his final plan is, but they seem to be quite content and are mowing the front pasture quite well.

And finally, just a reminder that "Being Cool is not a part time Job!"

Peace out, Y'All!


  1. Well, ya just couldn't let Mrs. J have all the medical limelight eh juvat? Ya just had to horn in............. :) Prayers out to cover that huge heart you have sir, seriously. Don't worry about comments, we can keep ourselves busy. Good to see Miss B smiling, in her case Reunion Time is Best Time.

    1. Nylon,
      Well...I wish neither of us had been in the limelight. But, both prognosis seem to be doing ok. EKG this morning was normal. If the same happens tomorrow, they won't have to do the procedure, I can continue on meds only, so good news.
      Yeah Miss B has a bit of fighter pilot in her. "Never give up, Never surrender!" Love all three of the grand kids, but she's got a special spot in my heart.

  2. Ah, family. That's what matters in the end. Good on you and yours.

    Love the license plate K(i)LL 1775. Do they call the vehicle 'Lexington' or 'Concord'?

    1. Haha! It was dubbed "the beast" by a friend in Kuwait, but that's a great new nickname especially this week!

    2. Beans,
      I didn't put 2 and 2 together. Love it! Thanks.

    3. LJW,
      Beast is an apt description!

  3. Lots happening up there. Glad you are getting the old bods tuned up. Want to have you around for a long time. Prayers up.

    It was 2.5 miles of dirt road to get to dad and mom's after the pavement ended. Spurious emission 1 drove the first mile on my lap, SE 2 drove the second, and SE 3 drove the last half. When I got a company truck with 4wd on the fly, #3 took us into the cotton field. He was grinning widely when he pulled into the ditch. Everyone screamed... Great times.

    1. STxAR,
      Thanks for the chuckle. We'll do it for real when they get a little bit bigger, or at least big enough to reach at least the top or bottom half of the controls.
      Hopefully, we'll avoid ditches though.

  4. Time with family is always good.

    Take care of yourself, juvat, you bring a certain amount of class to this here blog.

    1. Sarge,
      Yes, it is. Going to be a tad challenging getting back to just Mrs J and I, but we'll struggle through.
      I appreciate the thought, Sarge, (providing the "class" wasn't preceded by "low". Just sayin' ;-) )

  5. The term president is capitalized only when used in conjunction with the personal name of the one holding the office. Or, first word in a sentence if you want to be pedantic.

    1. It's the thought that counts

    2. "The term dumba$$ is capitalized only when used in conjunction with FJB."
      "The term 'swisscheese4brains' is capitalized only when used in conjunction with the personal name of the current one holding the office."

    3. Rick,
      Did not know that. Guess Sarge will have to correct his current book, or just say "What the Heck, My Book, My Capitalization!" But, having not known that, there's only one person whom I hold in such contempt that I will always refer to in lower case. Feel free to take a guess.

    4. Anon,

    5. Boron,
      Good points!

    6. So have you done the LBJ memorial finger lifting lately, juvat?

    7. Beans,
      No, not in the past 3.5 years. Seems there's someone more deserving of the extended middle finger salute. Now granted it's unlikely that when he passes, he'll be buried here, but if that happens, I'll have to figure out how to do a double salute at 70MPH safely. I'll manage it, but will have to hammer out the details.
      Heck, Brandon makes all the other lousy president's look like heroes.

  6. "...irregular pulse rate spikes..."
    unfortunately that's our very nature
    they missed mine just prior to putting in a new aortic valve - can you believe it!
    I'm half (?) out of it on the table and the MDs: "you've got this .... weird heartbeat and we can't go ahead with the valve operation until we put in a pacemaker."
    Me: "so whier y' standing 'round; gitta dun!"
    That was over 5 years ago and they've been watching me like a hawk ever since.
    Until Mrs. J is totally out of the woods, the stress ain't gonna go 'way.
    Now I jes gotta pray a bit longer each day.

    1. Boron,
      Glad things worked out for you. Today's EKG went well, NP was happy with the results. And, I feel better on the new meds. We'll see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully, it'll be similar results, and I can get on with things.
      Again, I appreciate the prayers.

  7. Prayers up, Juvat (yes, I have not let you out the prayer list, no matter how much you have failed to mentioned yourself). That is great news about the ability to repair Mrs. J's damage.

    So glad that you got to spend time together with the family, and that Little J and family can now go as a unit to their next assignment (And pictures! We expect pictures of the trip!).

    1. THBB,
      Thanks, Yep That's the next (and hopefully last) major hurdle. We'll see what will be.
      Yeah, we've had a blast the last couple of weeks. Wish it could be longer, of course, but he's got to get back to work. New job, new responsibilities, new challenges, I vaguely remember those times. Sometimes I miss them, then I visit my woodshop and those thoughts are replaced with bigger, better, faster ones. Life is good.
      It'll be a bit before we go visit. Texas has pretty well taken any tolerance of extreme cold out of me, so it's probably going to be next summer before we go visit. However, photos will be copious in number!

  8. Progress is good, with family on the move, and medicos pretty happy. Prayers up for continued progress.

    Well, it will not really be "just the two of you" when the clan departs. You do have your new bovine family there now, plus your rental guests can keep you occupied.

    1. JB,
      Good point, however, the Bovine residents are not very good conversationalists. They are, however, significantly larger than me. I don't even think I could take down the calf, even if Mom and Dad were restrained.. Guests can be even more difficult although those, thankfully, have been few and far between.

  9. Juvat, as usual late to the blog by one day. Happy to hear the news on both Mrs. J and your good self. Prayers continue. Little J has need of a several Guardian Angels as he progresses to driving on the "wrong side of the road", so he's move up on "the list" as well. I endured driving anomalies while in Singapore and on returns to the US. Once while on leave, I missed a turn heading for Lockhart for BBQ by making a a U'e and thanks to a long straight highway, noticed someone in the distance driving on the wrong side of the road...didn't take long to realize I was the idiot who forgot what side of the Texas highway to drive on. Blamed that one on jet-lag. Offered the Singaporeans a repeat performance, thankfully on a quiet Sunday morning with little traffic, on arrival back in country.
    Hope the canines in your family are getting along with the new bovine residents and aren't resentful of the move-ins. Ours resents the Brangus cattle when they get too close to the yard fence, but we're working on his attitude adjustment.

    1. Cletus,
      It was a similar experience when we got stationed in Okinawa. They drove on the left also. What made it worse was we were frequently deployed to South Korea as Uncle Kim was a bit rambunctious back then. They drove on the right. My solution was to be the driver. And put myself in the lane where I was closest to the middle of the road as the steering wheels were positioned for the law.
      Cows are in the front acreage and fenced in. Dogs are all the way at the other end of the property and fenced in there. With a little bit of luck, neither know the other exists.
      One can hope!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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