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Nach der Schlacht Roland Strasser Source |
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Mental Health Break ...
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Enjoying a short vacation in the SW Pacific
OK, Campers, I’ve been out of touch for a while, and while I apologise, it was a family thing. You see, Mrs J had planned a family vacation for a little over a year. Little J, LJW and Miss B had been transferred to the embassy in Sydney Australia and both the adults were busy in their job. Since, Mrs J and I were busy in being retired, it seemed logical that we go there rather than they coming back to the states. Besides, Australia is a very cool place to visit. If you haven’t been, you owe it to yourself. If you have been, you know what I’m saying.
Flew from Austin to Honolulu, spent the night at The Hale Koa. Very nice and a very wise thing to do. Off the next morning for the final leg. 10+ hours of window shades down. Booo! Pilots like to see out the windows . But ’twas not to be.
Landed safely, baggage claimed hotel checked in to. Front leaning face plant on the bed. Next morning the family is reunited and the fun starts. MG is 3 almost 4 and starts school this fall. Very verbal and speaks well, she’s going to do well. Leon’ is almost 2, walking, talking in short but understandable sentences, he’s also going to do well. MBD has a job at the same state department section that The Rev has, so that irons out quite a few issues.
So they seem happy with their circumstances. Which is nice to see and a relief.
As I’m writing this, we are back in Honolulu, yes, Beans, at The Hale Koa. A little jet lagged, but still a long way to go. Thought I had all the right USB cables so I could add photo’s to this (short) post, but didn’t. More detail and pictures for next week's post
Which brings us to Sarge’s post. I didn’t have a functioning internet connection until I go back to The Hale Koa. And since I was a day ahead as well as several hours, I had problems logging in to the computer and setting the publication date and time. I asked Sarge if he would put up a “Just in Case” post, which he did, So, Thanks, Sarge!
Peace out y’all, More better, Next week.
Spring Ahead ...
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German infantry assaulting a French position called Le Mort Homme during the Battle of Verdun, March 1916. By Hermann Rex Source |
Saturday, March 8, 2025
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Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States Howard Chandler Christy (PD) |
"It's too soon to tell if this is good or bad. I'm taking a wait and see approach."
Friday, March 7, 2025
Wardroom Rules ...
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Thursday, March 6, 2025
Thirteen ...
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NAS Fallon, NV |
By Whisper, on March 7th, 2012
When Lex “left the keys in it” for me to be a guest blogger here about a year ago, we didn’t discuss what to do in this occasion. I am at a loss. I did feel the need to provide one place for your tributes and condolences to collect. So here it is.
As Lex would say, talk amongst yourselves.
Very Respectfully,
That post from Neptunus Lex was thirteen years ago, you can read it again here.
Thirteen years ago tomorrow.
There were over 1500 comments on that post.
The event which triggered that post occurred thirteen years ago today.
In the grand scheme of things, it's not a long time.
But a line was crossed. Life became different.
Not to be overly dramatic, but some of us remember exactly what we were doing, where we were, and what it felt like when we first saw that photo at Neptunus Lex with Whisper's byline.
"Oh no, what is this?"
Followed by, "No! Damn it, no!"
Yeah, Lex was gone.
While life goes on, I still look back on that day and can't shake the taste of bitter ashes ...
Yet what arose from those ashes are friendships which I cherish.
This blog was started to try and fill the gaping hole left by Lex's untimely departure.
Silver linings to the dark cloud of the 6th of March, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twelve.
What follows is Lex's penultimate post, which seemed to foreshadow what would happen later that day. I have added below that the first indication (in the comments) that something had gone wrong.
Terribly wrong ...
By lex, on March 6th, 2012
I supposed it had to happen eventually, everybody has one in time. And I had mine yesterday.
It was a good hop, really. Raging around down low, hiding in the mountains, waiting for a chance to pounce on the unwary. Although this is graduation week at the (prestigious) Navy Fighter Weapons School, and there are very few unwary students left. Still, good clean fun, and your host can say “Copy kill” with the best of them.
Cruised on back to the field for the recovery with few cares, being very nearly the first to land. The students being further away from the field at the knock-it-off, and the instructors taking advantage of whatever fuel they had left to whirl and flail at one another in the best traditions of the service. A tolerably precise landing, there’s the seven thousand feet to go board, and at 150 knots indicated I pulled the drag chute lever aft, bunting the nose slightly out of the aero-braking attitude to ensure a tangle-free deployment.
Which is precisely when nothing happened.
Ordinarily you feel a pretty good tug on the shoulder harness as the drag chute deploys. Not like an arrested landing aboard ship, mind. But the sensation is unmistakeable, as is the effect, particularly at higher speeds. Which I was still traveling at, the chute having either failed to deploy or parted behind me, there was no way to know. Look, there goes the six board. Still about 150 knots indicated. I’ve mentioned to you before how much runway the jet takes up during the take-off roll with the afterburner howling behind you. It takes up a surprising amount of pavement at idle, too. Especially with no drag chute. Time to go.
The procedure calls for full grunt, and drag chute lever forward to cut the chute if it’s a streamer. It takes a little while for the engine to make full thrust from idle, time spent nervously watching the departure end come up. At least I was still going pretty fast, so there wasn’t that far to go to get to fly-away speed. And I was light.
Tower cleared me to land on the left runway, which is a few thousand feet longer. Much to the dismay of a student whose need to land was at least as great as my own, the right runway being fouled by a drag chute, and hizzoner being low fuel state as he subsequently admitted under protest when he was asked to go-around and make room for me. But based on the timing he was now second in line for special handling. There’s a good man, wait your turn and ‘fess up first in the future. I hope you’ve learned something from this.
I was already pretty low on fuel myself, so I didn’t need to burn down gross weight. Flew about as slow as I could without risking a tail strike or hard landing, she does not like to fly slow. Still about 185 knots in the round-out. With no drag chute the book calls for aerobraking until 130 knots, and judicious use of the wheel brakes from that point on, balanced across the length of the runway remaining. You’re a long time holding the aero-braking attitude with no chute. You go by a lot of runway. Depending upon headwinds or tailwinds and runway length, one might even shut the engine down to reduce residual thrust.
I didn’t in the event, but the brakes – and anti-skid – got a pretty good workout. When I taxied back to the line the maintenance guys told me to go away for 10 minutes. Just in case the brakes might, you know: Catch fire. Which they didn’t, so no harm done.
It’s funny how quickly you can go from “comfort zone” to “wrestling snakes” in this business.
But even snake wrestling beats life in the cube, for me at least. In measured doses.
But it was not to be. Tout est fini.
As any Lexican will tell you, it still hurts.
Damn, just damn ...
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Of Garbage Disposals ...
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The Battle of Lexington William Barnes Wollen (PD) |
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
'Tis the Season for Taking
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Washington Crossing the Delaware Emanuel Leutze Source |
Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. - Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 1789
Monday, March 3, 2025
G'Day to All!
Well, it was a long trip! Austin to Honolulu, non-stop 10.7 hours in an A330. Staff on Board was fabulous. No weather, no problems. Spent the night at the Hale Koa, brought back a lot of great memories. Dinner was fabulous, Short Ribs and Parmesan Potatoes. Nice Argentinian Malbec. Followed by a decent night's sleep.
As expected, was wide awake at 0300. Breakfast at 0700 and a bit of waiting around for our afternoon Takeoff. Interestingly, we had the exact same A330 for the Honolulu to Sydney run. Takeoff was 1430 and while the planned flight line was only 10 hours and we arrived on time, it sure seemed like quite a longer trip. Mostly because everybody, including Mrs J in the window seat, put down the blinds. This former fighter pilot, likes to look out the window when I’m airborne. EVEN OVER THE OCEAN!
Alas, twas not to be.
Arrived in Sydney on time, in spite of clearing Customs with a bit of an oops! Our passports had expired a couple of months ago. (According to Mrs J, they hadn’t technically expired, rather they were inside the 6 month window prior to expiration and could not be used. Sounds like expired to me.). Anyhow...Mrs J being the excellent staff officer she was/is had gone through the process to get new ones. They arrived a few weeks ago. She also went through the process of getting new Australian visas for the trip.
All went well, arrived in Sydney, went to baggage claim, got our bags, rendezvoused with our friends and proceeded to go through customs. Being the acting travel agent for the group, Mrs J went to the back of the line. Being the baggage bearer for the gang, I was right behind her. We get to the electronic "show your passport" kiosk. All ahead go through, Mrs J steps up, the machine beeps and directs her to the officer in the manned kiosk. I step up to the machine, put in my passport and it beeps again, directing me to follow the leader.
We go over there, the officer, types on her computer, it beeps, she directs us to go sit "Over There!" We follow orders, now is not the time to be belligerent. About 10 minutes later (with the 6 other members of our group waiting for us in the Australia side of Customs), a customs officers comes by and insists we follow him. We walk to the other end of the terminal where he directs us to sit down. I've been sitting for the better part of 24 hours, I don't want to sit down.
However, I realize this is not the time nor place to not follow orders. I sit down.
About 15 minutes later, a different officer comes out with our passports. He says we don't have valid visas.
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot!
My master arm switch is turned on, AIM-7 selected and locked. I'm ready to "take action". Fortunately, Mrs J is WAY smarter than I. She explains that we have brand new passports, less than a month or so. She also says the Visa paperwork was presented to the Customs officer.
He agreed that they were shown, however, they did not match the dates that were in their files. I start to stand up, yet am frozen in my seat by the stare from my wife.
Yes, Dear!
She explained that we had new passports and she had gone through the process to get visas and we had used the new passports to get them. Sounds logical to me. Our active passports and the visa's matched up with them.
Sounds logical to me, but I'm not a bureaucrat.
Fortunately, the Aussie officer had a bit of logic also. He said, he needed to go back and look at the record again, and would we take a seat and wait til he got back.
Again, Mrs J gave me the silent signal for "Shut up and Color!"
A few minutes later, the officer returns and says "Well, that's strange!"
I manage to get "How's that?" before Mrs. J can get a word in.
He says, that while our passports were valid, the visa's they had on file were from our last visit to Australia and therefore, didn't match our passport numbers they had on record. Fortunately, Mrs J had the Visa paperwork handy, which had the issue date (with an issue date of a couple of weeks prior to our trip) on it. She presented that to the officer.
Fortunately, the officer had a good personality, he let out a "Well, we screwed that up" and apologized for the delay.
The silver liner on this episode was, by the time Mrs. J and I got to Baggage Claim, the rest of the gang had rounded up baggage carts, pulled bags, loaded them on the carts and were waiting at the Baggage Claim exit.
We walked out the door, our van was there waiting, we loaded up and went about our merry ways. Managed to find our BnB and I did a front leaning face plant on the bed!
Australia, we are here!
And...... *
* Apparently the owner of the BnB we're staying in has a similar sense of humor as I do. Mrs J was "doing her business" when the roll of toilet paper ran out. This was on the remaining tube. She started laughing loud enough for me to need to investigate. Both of us got a good laugh. Gotta love the Aussies!
Sunday, March 2, 2025
December 1812: Mentir Comme un Bulletin¹
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Napoleon in Smorgonia Zygmunt Rozwadowski (PD) |
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Marshal Ney Supporting the Rear Guard during the Retreat from Moscow Adolphe Yvon (PD) |
29ème Bulletin
Molodetschino, 3 Décembre 1812
To the 6th of November the weather was fine, and the movement of the army executed with the greatest success. The cold weather began on the 7th; from that moment every night we lost several hundred horses, in consequence of bivouacking. Arrived at Smolensk, we had already lost many cavalry and artillery horses.
The Russian army, from Volhynia, was opposed to our right: our right left the Minsk line of operations, and took for the pivot of its operations the Warsaw line. On the 9th, the Emperor was informed, at Smolensk, of this change in the line of operations, and conceived what the enemy would do. However hard it appeared to him to put himself in movement during so cruel a season, the new state of things demanded it. He expected to arrive at Minsk, or at least upon the Beresina, before the enemy; on the 13th, he quitted Smolensk; on the 16th, he slept at Krasnoi.
The cold, which began on the 7th, suddenly increased; and on the 14th, 15th, and 16th, the thermometer was sixteen and eighteen degrees below the freezing point.
The roads were covered with ice; the cavalry, artillery, and baggage horses, perished every night, not only by hundreds, but by thousands, particularly the German and French horses.
In a few days, more than 30,000 horses perished; our cavalry was on foot; our artillery and our baggage were without conveyance. It was necessary to abandon and destroy a good part of our cannon, ammunition, and provisions.
This army, so fine on the 6th, was very different on the 14th, almost without cavalry, without artillery, and without transports. Without cavalry, we could not reconnoiter a quarter of a league's distance; without artillery, we could not risk a battle, and firmly await it: it was requisite to march, in order not to be constrained to a battle, which the want of ammunition prevented us from desiring; it was requisite to occupy a certain space, not to be turned, and that too without cavalry, which led and connected the columns. This difficulty, joined to a cold that suddenly came on, rendered our situation miserable. Those men, whom nature had not sufficiently steeled to be above all the chances of fate and fortune, appeared shook, lost their gaiety - their good humor, and dreamed but of misfortunes and catastrophes; those whom she has created superior to everything, preserved their gaiety, and their ordinary manners, and saw fresh glory in the different difficulties to be surmounted.
The enemy, whom saw upon the roads traces of that frightful calamity which had overtaken the French army, endeavored to take advantage of it. He surrounded all the columns with his Cossacks, who carried off, like the Arabs of the desert, the trains and carriages that separated. This contemptible cavalry, that only make noise, and are not capable of penetrating through a company of voltigeurs, rendered themselves formidable by favor of circumstances. Nevertheless, the enemy had to repent of all the serious attempts which he wished to undertake: they were overthrown by the Viceroy, before whom they were placed, and lost many men.
The Duke of Elchingen (Marshal Ney), with 3,000 men, had blown up the ramparts of Smolensk: he was surrounded, and found himself in a critical position, but he extricated himself from it with that intrepidity by which he is distinguished. After having kept the enemy at a distance from him during the whole of the 18th, and constantly repulsed him, at night, he made a movement on the right, passed the Borysthenes, and deceived all the calculations of the enemy.
On the 19th, the army passed the Borysthenes at Orza; and the Russian army being fatigued, and having lost a great number of men, ceased from its attempts.
The army of Volhynia had inclined on the 16th, upon Minsk, and marched upon Borisow. General Dombrowski defended the bridgehead of Borisow with 3,000 men. On the 23rd, he was forced, and obliged to evacuate this position.
The enemy then passed the Beresina, marching upon Bobr; the Division Lambert formed the advance guard.
The 2nd Corps, commanded by the Duke of Reggio (Marshal Oudinot), which was at Tacherein, had received orders to march upon Borisow, to secure to the army the passage of the Beresina.
On the 24th, the Duke of Reggio met the Division Lambert, four leagues from Borisow, attacked and defeated it, took 2,000 prisoners, six pieces of cannon, 500 baggage wagons of the army of Volhynia, and threw the enemy on the right bank of the Beresina.
General Berkeim, with the 4th Cuirassiers, distinguished himself by a fine charge. The enemy could only secure his safety by burning the bridge, which is more than 300 toises in length. Nevertheless, they occupied all the passages of the Beresina: this river is forty toises wide, and had much floating ice on it, but its banks are covered with marshes 300 toises long, which present great obstacles in clearing it. The enemy's General had placed his four divisions at the different debouches, where he presumed the French army would pass.
On the 26th, at break of day, the Emperor, after having deceived the enemy by different movements made during the day of the 25th, marched upon the village of Studzeanea, and caused, in spite of the enemy's division, and in its presence, two bridges to be thrown over the river. The Duke of Reggio passed, attacked the enemy, and led him, fighting two hours. The enemy retired upon the tête-du-pont of Borisow. General Legrand, an officer of the first rate merit, was badly, but not dangerously, wounded. During the whole of the 26th and 27th, the army passed.
The Duke of Belluno (Marshal Victor), commanding the 9th Corps, had received orders to follow the movement of the Duke of Reggio, to form the rear-guard, and keep in check the Russian army from the Dwina, which followed him. Partonneaux's division formed the rear-guard of this corps.
On the 27th, at noon, the Duke of Belluno arrived with two divisions at the bridge of Studzeanea.
Partonneaux's division set out at night from Borisow. A brigade of this division, formed the rear-guard and charged with burning the bridge, marched at seven in the evening and arrived between ten and eleven o'clock; it sought its first brigade and its General, who had departed two hours before, and which it had not met with in its route. Its efforts were in vain. Some uneasiness was then conceived. All we have since been able to learn is, that the first brigade set out at five o'clock, lost its way at six, went to the right instead of proceeding to the left, and marched two or three leagues in this direction; that, during the night, the benumbed with cold, it rallied at seeing the enemy's fires, that it mistook for those of the French army. Thus surrounded, it was taken. This cruel mistake must have caused us a loss of 2,000 infantry, 300 cavalry, and three pieces of artillery. Reports state, that the General of Division was not with his column, and had marched alone.
All the army having passed, on the morning of the 28th the Duke of Belluno guarded the tête-du-pont upon the left bank: the Duke of Reggio, and behind him all the army, was upon the right bank. Borisow having been evacuated, the armies of the Dwina and Volhynia communicated; they planned an attack on the 28th, at break of day. The Duke of Reggio caused the Emperor to be informed that he was on the left bank. The Duke of Elchingen immediately followed the Duke of Reggio, and the Duke of Treviso the Duke of Elchingen. General Doumere, commanding the Fifth Division of Cuirassiers, that made part of the Second Corps that remained on the Dwina, ordered a charge by the Fourth and Fifth Regiments of Cuirassiers, at the moment when the Legion of the Vistula was engaged in the woods, to pierce the enemy's center. The enemy was defeated and put to the rout, together with his cavalry, that came to the assistance of his infantry. Six thousand prisoners, two standards, and six pieces of cannon fell into our hands.
On his side, the Duke of Belluno vigorously charged the enemy, defeated him, took from five to six hundred prisoners, and did not suffer him to advance within reach of the cannon of the bridge. General Fournier made a fine cavalry charge.
In the battle of the Beresina, the army of Volhynia suffered much. The Duke of Reggio was wounded, but his wound is not dangerous. He received a ball in his side.
The next day (the 29th) we remained on the field of battle. We had to make our choice between two routes - that of Minsk, and that to Wilna. The road to Minsk led through the middle of a forest, and of uncultivated marshes, where it was impossible for the army to feed itself. On the other hand the road to Wilna led through a very fine country. The army being without cavalry, deficient in ammunition, and horribly fatigued by fifty days' march, carrying in its train all the sick and wounded of so many battles, stood greatly in need of getting to its magazines.
On the 30th, the headquarters was at Plechnitsi; on the 1st of December at Slaike; on the 3rd at Molodetschino, where the army received the first convoys from Wilna.
All the wounded officers and soldiers, and whatever else could be of embarrassment, with the baggage, etc., were sent off to Wilna.
To say that the army stands in need of re-establishing its discipline, of refreshing itself, of remounting its cavalry, completing its artillery, and its materiel, - this is the result of the exposé that has just been made. Its repose is of the first necessity. The materiel and the horses are coming in; General Boureier has already more than 20,000 remount horses in different depots.
The artillery has already repaired its losses. The Generals, officers, and soldiers, have suffered greatly from want. Numbers have lost their baggage by the loss of their horses, and several by the effect of the Cossacks' ambushes. The Cossacks have taken numbers of isolated persons, of geographical engineers who were taking positions, and of wounded officers who were marching without precaution, preferring running the risk, to marching slowly, and going with the convoy.
The reports of the General Officers, commanding the different corps, will make known what officers and soldiers have chiefly distinguished themselves, and the details of these memorable events.
In all movements the Emperor has been continually marching in the middle of his guards - the cavalry commanded by the Duke of Istria (Marshal Bessieres), and the infantry commanded by the Duke of Dantzic (Marshal Lefebvre).
His majesty has been well pleased with the fine spirit shown by his guards. They have always been ready to show themselves wherever their presence was needful; but circumstances have always been such that their appearance alone was sufficient, and that they never were in a situation which required them to charge.
The Prince of Neuchatel (Marshal Berthier), the Grand Marshal (Duroc), the Grand Equerry (Caulaincourt), and all the aides-de-camp and military officers of the household, have always accompanied his Majesty.
Our cavalry was dismounted to such a degree, that it was necessary to collect the officers who had still a horse remaining, in order to form four companies of 150 men each.
The Generals there performed the functions of captains, and the colonels of subalterns. This sacred squadron, commanded by General Grouchy, and under the orders of the King of Naples (Murat), did not lose sight of the Emperor in all these movements. The health of his Majesty was never better. (Source)
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