Sunday, December 17, 2023

What? No Post?

Chez Sarge à la nuit
OAFS Photo

Got caught out with nothing in the hopper.

Was over on the Cape yesterday visiting family. Lost track of the time.

Ah well, go read the folks on the sidebar.

I'll be back.


  1. We all need a day off sometimes Sarge. Enjoy!

  2. I was concerned that something might have happened. Glad and Thankful to be wrong.
    Peace out

  3. "Distracted by the Season" is frequently used here, and "Hey! I still got a real life!"

  4. How DARE you let real life intrude!

    Enjoy! Truthfully, if you don't post until Stephensmas I don't think anyone would think I'll of it .

    Merry Christmas, and may God keep you safe in the New Year.

  5. I started working on something and then our internet went down. Finally up by 6pm on Sunday. Withdrawals and all...

    1. I fought that battle most of Thursday and Friday. An "upgrade" was being installed, so they said. We shall see.

  6. I am glad you are safe and well. It was a cold, windy, dark rainy day. It was kind of depressing, but then George climbed on top of me, snuggled down, and started making biscuts, purring, and radiating warmth, so the day turned out OK.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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