Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Tired? Moi?

This daycare bug gifted to me by grandson Finnegan is proving to be a rather persistent foe.

I'm getting better but damn, it's taking far too long.

Last weekend all I did was sleep. Okay, I got up, watched a movie or two, blogged a bit, but damn, slept an average of eleven hours a night Thursday to Saturday. Kinda blows the whole day, dontcha know?

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (is that a train?, no, just a light.) but this bad boy lingers.

A co-worker tells me that her Dad has been coughing and hacking for a few weeks now, heard that this sort of thing has been "going around." 

Ugh, this thing is sapping too much of my energy, bear with me, this too shall pass.

Just don't expect anything clever in the meantime.

The Muse wants to make sure I ain't contagious!



  1. Went through the same thing in November/December 2019, right after the boss got back from a business trip to China. It went around the shop a couple of times. Right now SWMBO and I have been fighting some low-level crud for a few weeks. Just enough to feel BLAH! and sap the strength.

    1. Same thing here I think. Low level crud. messes up the sinuses, takes ALL of one's energy.

  2. Hope you're not sleeping on sandbags Sarge.........:)

  3. Sarge, hope you feel better soon.

  4. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Having the coughing sludge is even more fun in the cold weather. You can have a furnace going full blast, and still the cold seeps into your bones from outside. Consider this a Get-Well card!

    1. It will be taken as such, You are right about fighting this in this kind of cold weather, no fun at all!

  5. Sarge, I am also surprised at long these things have been hanging on. These days, I expect such an event to last not less than three weeks, which seems ridiculous to me. I am not sure if it is me getting older, viruses getting stronger, or just that I do not rest like I should, but it does seem like a marathon now every time.

    Best of luck and hope you feel better soon!

    1. I long for the days of "one week to ten days, you'll feel better then." But you're right three to four week marathons now. I had "the covid" when it first became "popular," didn't last more than a week. After vaccination everything takes forever to clear. Thanks big pharma, thanks gubmint.

  6. Well, despite your addiction to the binnacle list, your superb choice in photos exemplifying your thoughts is undiminished.

    For those non-nautical types, some disambiguation between binnacle and barnacle may be necessary. Take it from the Navy History and Heritage Command:
    "Many novice sailors, confusing the words "binnacle" and barnacle, have wondered what their illnesses had to do with crusty growths found on the hull of a ship. Their confusion is understandable.

    Binnacle is defined as the stand or housing for the ship's compass located on the bridge. The term binnacle list, in lieu of sick list, originated years ago when ships' corpsmen used to place a list of the sick on the binnacle each morning to inform the captain about the crew's health. After long practice, it came to be called binnacle list."

    John Blackshoe

    1. And that's something new I've learned this day. 😁

  7. I've had it since before Christmas. Lung congestion and snot creating, along with the sinus infections and all that. Reminds me of the twice-yearly allergy attacks that used to sideline me for 2-3 weeks when I was in school. Saps any last remaining bit of energy or enthusiasm, like you stand at the sink to brush your teeth and you're wondering where you're going to find any energy to do so.


    What's funny is this is far more severe than the Covid, more people in hospital, but because people are getting treated for secondary infections and issues, it's not killing people like the Covid did. Still killing old people and those with lung issues, just the medicos aren't putting people on respirators and are treating with antibiotics, fluids and other things and people are surviving. Makes one wonder about 2020, doesn't it?

    1. There is much that makes me wonder about 2020. I'm rather hoping 2024 will not be a repeat of that year.

    2. I just worry that the "cure" is actually now part of the cause.

  8. Ended up in the Hospital Jan 3rd. Had to have a section of my big toe on my left foot removed (not diabetes). Had massive doses of IV antibiotics while I was waiting on the the tests to make sure that they got all of the infected bone. That came back good just in time for the antibiotics to mess up my kidneys. Stayed an extra three days until that started to straighten out. Got out last Friday, just in time to walk in to this coughing mess. Can't take anything for the cough because of the other meds. If it isn't one thing it is another.

  9. It's being called the hundred day cough here in the UK. I had a persistent cough since late September/early October. It was just enough to stop you doing stuff, or if you did you were knocked out for a few days. Only now have I been able to start exercising, so far so good and fingers are crossed. I did sleep a lot as well. I blame the grandchildren myself.

  10. Whatever. I thought it was a reaction to rotting leaves not covered by snow, which has finally arrived, just a little. Don't like, Doc says everone seems to have it. Which should be scary.

    1. Should be but we've all been conditioned to either blindly follow the CDCs advice or mistrust the gubmint entirely. Who you gonna believe?

  11. It is January with the high temperature below zero. I have my usual winter 'cold' (lasting from Nov to Mar). Nothing serious, just occasional nose blowing and coughing. Find the sofa under a couple blankets is the warmest spot in the house (especially with a soft warm kitty snuggling close). No need or desire to go anywhere, do anything, watch TV or even read. Just relaxing in a state somewhere between daydreaming and dozing.

    1. I could do that. Sounds almost like hibernating!


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