Monday, June 24, 2024

Busy as a Bee!

 I'm not sure what this is called. It's been so long I've pretty much forgotten what it's called.  I think it's something like Vacay, but since Blogger put a squiggly line under it, that can't be right.  My 4 years of HS Spanish says it's vacaciones  and since I can say "Hello" and "One more Beer, please" in Spanish I'm virtually fluent, right?  Google translate says that's "vacation".  Huh?  What's that?

End Sarcasm

So, Mrs J and I, along with Little J, LJW and Miss B are traveling to College Station to visit MBD, The Rev and the other two grand kids.  Additionally, we will be honing our construction skills, as that slavedriver, MBD, would like her laundry room improved. 

She wants a clothes folding shelf in there.

Your wish is my command.  

I am looking forward to a new project as I have finished the two that I have been working on.

First, the Quilt Display


I think it turned out pretty well.

I also turned a rolling pin for Mrs J and she asked me to create a place to store it while still keeping it handy (I think the urgency might involve the rolling pin and my head as she tries to hammer some sense into me.  Good luck with that, Honey!)

But, this also turned out pretty well.

Unfortunately, this is going to take all weekend with RTB on Monday.  So...This is the best I can do for a post as scheduled.  

I suspect this will be very similar to my actions come Monday PM.

Peace out, y'all.  Bigger, Better, Faster next week.  Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.



  1. Nice work! What wood did you use for the Husband Encourager?

    I've always found it interesting that you need to go back to work to recover from a vacation .

    1. Joe,
      Thanks, the “encourager” is Oak. The rack is Maple, stained to match the cabinets above. Learned a bit about Oak in the project. It’s a not onlt a “Hard Wood”, it’s a VERY hard wood. It took a few hours to turn it. I would have liked it to be a bit thinner, but ran out of time/enthusiasm/patience. This was a practice project, so the lessons learned were quite useful.
      On to the next one.

    2. One place I worked we had to cobble together long pallets for shipping stuff to our North Carolina plant. Ten foot. Did it by joining two regular sized pallets with 2x4 stringers on the side. Once one of the pallets was an oak pallet that had been on the stack of pallets for a while. Nail gun was set to about 80 pounds. Kicked my hand back. "Hmph? What the heck?" upped it to the max of 120, same thing. That oak was so hard that the 16d nails barely went in at 120#.

    3. Joe, I can believe that! Wow!

  2. true enough that recovery thingy, but upon returning top the job it's the period of retraining that's more than interesting.

    1. We’ll be RTB’ing shortly. Nap is definitely on the schedule.

  3. Quilt display is looking good, and that rolling pin does appear to be rather.....ah......solid. Pups do know to relax, don't they? Take that lesson to heart juvat.......... :)

    1. I’ve been practicing the pose a couple of times this weekend. Getting pretty good at it. Next step is to try it out on the bed! The floor is a tad hard. ;-)
      Thanks, Nylon

  4. I think Creek means the Indian tribe, not a junior river. In your neck of the woods, it'd be the Comanche.

    I remember one vacation where I replaced a power steering pump and a radiator in 40 degree rain. I ALWAYS expect a few weeks to recover from vacaciones. ¡Buen Suerte!

  5. STxAR,
    Did not know that, thanks!
    My time in Korea completely turned me off to cold weather. 40 degrees means a fire in the fireplace, a sweatshirt added to the day’ uniform, a wind proof jacket over that to go feed the horses and as little as possible outdoor activities as possible otherwise.
    On the project front, MBD made a command decision and postponed the construction til next time.
    She wanted family time as Little J and his clan will be unavailable shortly. Frankly, I’m good with that after the last few months.
    It was a great weekend!

  6. Love that quilt hanger, came out really good!

    1. Sarge,
      Thanks, yeah I’m very happy with the way it turned out. More importantly, Mrs J likes it also, so…Win Win!

  7. The work looks great Juvat! Enjoy the week with your family.

    1. THBB,
      While it wasn't quite a week, more like a long weekend, it was fabulous. Both sets of Grandparents were there, Both of our kids and their spouses were there. All of their kids were there (3yrs, 2yrs, and 8mos, where else would they be?). Lots of stories told by all from the youngest and the family history updated. Introduced the grandkids to swimming, they took to it, well, like fish.
      As I said a fabulous weekend.

  8. Very nice quilt hanger!! And it looks lovely there.
    I have a maple rolling pin that is a family heirloom, which I love. Now I have a wonderful Christmas idea to ask the woodworking guys in my life for. I had never seen a rolling pin holder, but I like it! And I have just the spot for it to go!
    Enjoy your family time!
    And, yes, naps!! Absolutely a family tradition in my family -- of course, we usually use either the bed, the recliner chair or the couch, not so much the floor. But whatever works best for you :)


    1. Suz,
      The hangar was a piece of cake. A 3" hole saw, with the hole in 2X5 1/2" x 5 1/2" pieces of a maple slab glued to another part of that slab that fit in the gap beneath the cabinet. Glued and screwed the ends on the larger piece and screwed it to the bottom of the cabinet. Piece of Cake.
      As mentioned, the family time was priceless. I'll cherish those memories for a very long time.
      But...Yes, it's a little late for a nap now. Tomorrow however....

  9. Some say people are a lot like their dogs. Not a bad thing.
    Cats, however.....

    1. JB,
      Well, when I nap, it's not a cat nap. It's more like a winter long slumber. Other than that, our two cats are quite cool. Unfortunately, the young GP thinks they're toys, so they're confined to the master suite. They have taken it over and have modified the rules of existing there. It involves a lot of scritching and belly rubs.

  10. I thought I had something profound to say about oak.
    Then I thought some more.
    I always wanted to have a woodworking shop, but somebody else always wanted something else.

    I've been told I was on a vacation.
    But the party that told me wasn't there, so they don't understand that it was just away from home on a trip.
    Ten weeks is a long time, but we weren't really ready to come home yet.
    So it was almost like a vacation.

    1. Skip,
      My wife giving me that workshop for an anniversary present a few years ago (4? 5?) was the best present I've ever received, other than her hand in marriage, of course. Absolutely keeps me sane.
      10 weeks almost certainly counts as a vacation. Unless your at work Boss is there with you, of course.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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