Monday, February 3, 2025

So...It Begins!

 Well, Campers, there's a bit of "firsts" involved in this post.  First, this is my first post done entirely on my Mac Laptop.  Still getting a bit used to it, and there are a lot of similar actions to my old PC, but there are also a lot of procedures that are done completely differently on the Mac.  Still does the same thing, however the keystroking is different.  So...Patience juvat!  

Yeah, right...Me? Patient?  

This is gonna be a fairly short post as there is another "First" in progress.  As I've mentioned before, we've made the decision to sell our property in "The Burg" and move to College Station to be closer to family.  That began yesterday.

You may remember this picture from a couple of posts ago.

Well, Saturday, Mrs. J declared "Fight's on" (a peacetime air to air radio call to start an air to air fight).  It was quite an engagement.  We had the dumpster delivered on Friday. My first thought was "Man, that's huge, we're not going to need a second one."

8' W X 10'H x40'L. Nah Never gonna fill it

 Remember what I said the "Junk expands to meet available space"?  I have complete proof that that's the case.

However, we have made considerable progress on the storage closet.  Yes, Beans, we were ruthless.  Unless we had a confirmed need for "stuff", military records, a walker etc. it was going to da dump!  

 Got some sweeping to do and a little more "disposing" and some replacing shelving at the far end of the area in the picture.  But, this will be the place where we store the stuff from the main house to declutter it and ready it to be sold.  

Still got the back porch to cleanse.  What little room we have left in the dumpster will undoubtedly be filled, Maybe, just maybe, we can get a smaller/less expensive dumpster.  In all likelihood, that's not gonna happen.  But, one can hope.

But, I've been sleeping well at night.  A little (OK a lot) stiff and sore in the morning, but "It 'tis what it 'tis".

Peace out y'all.



  1. Am house hunting here in Houston, where yall at?

    1. Fredericksburg, ~70 miles NNW of San Antonio.

  2. That's a good sized dumpster juvat, neighbor across the street has one in his driveway (he's moving also) that is maybe three quarters as high. Amazing how things accumulate over the years eh?

    1. Nylon,
      Amen! Brother, amen!

  3. I don't envy you & your task at all...some years back we downsized to an RV and you appear to know what has to's just gotta go.
    Good luck!

    1. Rob,
      Well, it isn’t fun and I’m usually pretty sore when we call it a day (as is Mrs J), but there is quite a bit of satisfaction in the progress. Not as much as there will be on completion of course, but some. Even more so, I’m sure, when the adventure is finished and we’re settled in College Station bouncing Grandkids on my knee!

  4. I will NOT show my wife your post, lest she get infected with the "throw it out" disease. My sister got on that kick a while back and mercilessly thinned her possessions.
    I have the "collector" gene, and am aghast at such barbaric vandalism and wanton destruction of historic (or maybe just mildly interesting, or possibly potentially useful someday) stuff.

    But, you made a good start on YOUR project.

    1. It is so hard to watch all this good stuff get tossed in a dumpster! But I understand.

    2. JB,
      Yeah, so do Mrs J and I, but once we got started it started to fade with each additional aspirin we took. The storage bin pictured above is finished, the back porch is next and we took a lot of biggish stuff there just a bit ago. So we may not need a second dumptster or if we do, it'll be smaller (i.e. less expensive). Next step will be to stage our house, set up the old house as a B and B and put it on the market. Only a couple of billion things yet to do, but progress.

    3. Rob,
      As I mentioned, most of it wasn't "good" stuff anymore, so wasn't to bad. Especially after we got going, stuff got less and less important. We still saved some stuff that we really appreciated, but not all of it.

  5. That is great progress Juvat! I am coming to thr conclusion do it now ratjer than later as well.

  6. No interest in a massive yard sale to help cover moving expenses? You know what they say...One man's dumpster is another man's treasure.

    1. Tuna,
      We thought about it and are going to do one, My sister has a lot of sewing related stuff, that Mrs J. inventoried and offered to a lady who teaches sewing. She turned us down saying that the stuff was quite valuable and could be sold on one of the sewing websites. She would take anything that was left over. I thought that was pretty thoughtful on her part.

  7. Going from a stuffed 3 bedroom house with a full 2-car garage and a shed to a 1 bedroom apartment, yeah, I feel your pain. But it's better to do it now than when it's positively required and there's no time left.

    Amazing how much stuff accumulates when one isn't forced to move every 2-3 years, no?

    1. Beans,
      No kidding! On both points.

  8. Progress, however small, and a workout is good for you!

    1. Old NFO,
      I've got a Dr appointment next week. It'll be interesting to see what the numbers are.

  9. Just waking up I guess. Or perhaps I'm just in shock at this major change in your lives. Still and all, you do what's best for you.

    Sorry, I'm groggy from the long drive on Sunday and in the beginning stages of the winter crud, courtesy of my grandson Finnegan.

    Press on to the goal juvats, you've got this.

    1. It gets a touch overwhelming at times, but we believe this will be the best in the long run for alcon.
      Glad you made it home and had some good family time.

  10. Good luck, be safe and God bless.

  11. What I see these days is a lot of people scrambling to find homes for their precious things they cannot bear to throw out and yet there are few takers. I think I will probably finish up with the things I have right around me, right around the time I finish up and move on.Of course, I'm writing this from the 3rd floor study in a 100 year old house so we'll have to get back to you on how that works out. :)
    Good luck with the house-hunting and the RSO&I. I haven't used that term in over 20 years....

    1. HMS Defiant,
      We kinda reapplied the military method of moving. e.g. “you only get to take so much stuff”. The difference was we’d had 26 years for the “stuff” to reproduce (exponentially it appears). So, lesson learned. “To the dump!” Will be a triennial battle cry!
      We hope!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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