Monday, March 17, 2025

Où est Juvat?

Well, the short answer is that he's still traveling. Had a text message in the wee hours of Sunday morning informing me that his access to the Internet has been spotty, at best.

So here it is, this is what Mondays without Juvat feel like.

Yeah, it sucks, but it is what it is.

But it is St. Patrick's Day, so we've got that going for us ...


  1. Best O' Luck to juvat traveling.....that first photo brought to mind this..."Those aren't PILLOWS!"

  2. Made it to Austin, prior to faceplanting the bed. Short two hour ride to Rancho Juvat and all will be well.
    Stories to follow

  3. Huzzah for arrival!

    Nothing but my empathy, Juvat. Last Friday was the 24 hour + return - even when they go smoothly (and this one did, relatively) they are no fun. Three flight segments of 15 hours, plus transfer time, plus the 1.5 hour ride back from the airport to home makes for a very long day.

    1. Don't care for those long flights to the Far East (which is actually the Far West for us Yanks).

  4. My wife and I are spending the day in Boston, which seems to have a couple Irish people. Great parade they throw, very patriotic, very pro-military and first responder, and a million kids on spring break or something. Crowded it was.

    1. It's also (as Joe noted above) Evacuation Day. When the Brits packed their ships and left Boston rather than face the cannon Henry Knox and his men brought down from Ticonderoga.

  5. I should go look for a picture of the green river in Chicago... that would really make it official! :-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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