On tap for today is quiet time spent on the lazy river at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort. Followed by some shopping for some "big city required" support. Fritzing iPads and iPhones ("They JUST work!" Yeah right) require some Apple Store love.
So, by now you're probably wondering about "what's new". Last Christmas, Mrs. Juvat, in cahoots with Little Juvat, his Wife, and my Beautiful Daughter, decided I needed to be drug, kicking and screaming mind you, into the Apple iPad camp. They procured and gave me (I loathe the term "gifted") an iPad 3. (They JUST work. Yeah right!)
The ensuing few months have been spent making darn sure ALL my Kindle books are available. (They seem to be.) I've also been honing my skills at Bloons BTD5. Very addicting and deadly to any productive activity.
Anyhoo, to quote that famous Rhode Islander, get ON with it, Juvat! What's new?
Since my Dell Venue is on the fritz also. (They just work, also! Yeah, right!) I decided to try to use the iPad to post, since dragging my desktop on vacation would put a severe damper on the fun factor involved in testing Tuna's theory.
Knowing this was coming, I did a little prep work Saturday morning before we left. You know, deciding what to write about, finding cool pictures to highlight the post, the finding Wikipedia support to cite the absolute veracity of my tale. The usual stuff.
Got up Sunday, put a pot of coffee on and set out to write a rousing tale of training a couple Honduran Air Force officer in the basics of flying a fighter. Intending to get the post done without waking the wife or daughter, I went out on the patio, with my coffee.
There's a mid-level thin overcast, but it's warm and humid, so me and my coffee are happy. I commence to writing.
I had spent prep time in formatting the post title, since our linguistically talented host would not have accepted the Spanish word for Hondurans with a simple "n" . No, he would want it complete with the tilde, giving it the "nyuh" sound.
I highlight the word, then start looking for the ctrl key to ctrl+c, ctrl+ v the word into place.
Hmmm! Apparently, it's intuitive to hold your finger on the word whilst singing Kumbaya, thereby summoning the copy/paste menu gods. At least that's what my daughter said after I woke her up with sotto voce snarls at the machine.
But we're off!
I go to refill my coffee, and get back to find that I've lost the wifi connection. Being a firm believer in the " Save early, save often, weep not" school of computer operation, I'm not too worried. I re-establish my connection to the world. Pull up the draft and try to scroll down to where I left off. No Scroll bar! ( BTW what is it with this spell check thing, I'M writing this, if I'd wanted that to say Scrooge Bar, I'd have typed Scrooge Bar!)
"Oh Beautiful daughter, it doesn't seem to be scrolling"
"Dad! Put your finger on the screen until the keyboard appears then swipe the screen."
"Oh, of course! Duh!
Well, so now it's obvious that this experience, this voyage into the world of Apple, is not too successful, as I now want to insert a couple of pictures into the post for visual interest. Click on the blogger picture upload button. Hmmm, no upload from computer (certainly, no upload from iPad) link.
Well, we discovered that copying the picture and pasting it directly into the editor is NOT the answer.
The iPad crashes, and needs a hard reset.
Little Juvat and wife arrive with breakfast. The daughter offers me the use of her laptop (a MacBook, of course) and I finish up with it.
It's time to investigate the daytime aspects of Tuna's theory.
No pictures, sorry.
So, as Suldog is wont to say. "Soon, with more better stuff." But at least I don't have to worry about the subject for next week's post.
Sigh, the iPad. The Missus Herself has one of these, given to her by the progeny. I don't really care for it at all.
ReplyDeleteAs a one way communication's device, its not bad. Transmitting is spotty at best.
DeleteI always wondered who's the genius who came up with that name. I hope it wasn't Jobs. Mad TV on Fox did a skit BEFORE the actual product came out, with the iPad as a combination electronic gadget and female sanitary device.
DeleteYou can check out the Mad TV video on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsjU0K8QPhs It's not exactly NSFW, but I'd keep the volume down.
DeleteOT but I was just over at the John Q Public site and saw where Bucks eldest son has just been relieved of his command as CO (LtC) of the 1st Maint Sq (F-22s) at Langley!!! Typical "loss of confidence" bs quote w. no further details. Sounds like a pissin' contest to me as SN1 seemed to be a fair-haired boy "fast burner" judging from his past assignments. But from what I gather he didn't suffer fools gladly either and probably spoke the truth once too often to the wrong guy..
I should have read the comments--see you were way ahead of me. This neo-prohibitionist AF is why I wouldn't last 10 sec today. It kills good people. (I think I related the story of my roommate in UPT who got 2 DUIs yet got his wings and retired a highly decorated Vietnam-era O-6) Today? The AF would prefer his kind to become cab-drivers. GAAAKK!!!! So much for the "flying & fighting" part of the mission. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, Robin!
DeleteI'm finishing up Piotrowski's book. He's now at the serious General part of the book and you can tell that the PC BS has started to take effect at that level. The first portions of it, I thought about the decisions he'd made and why and could agree with them. In this section, the Creechisms have taken over and I'm not sure that isn't the beginning of our current problems.
DeleteVirgil and Juvat, I don't know if we'll ever know why Buck's son lost his command. Somebody over at JQP tossed out a "DUI" comment with no substantiation. I still call horsesh!t on that relief. I can't believe it. Not at all. And it probably was some PC BS.
DeleteAs to Creech...
Make it stop! IT BURNS!!!!
At the Resort, it is ALWAYS APPLE products that have internet problems.
ReplyDeleteBut, Scott Apple products just work! I hear that several times a day at school. My response is generally "then fix it". We've got one, guy 20% of our team, whose sole job is keeping iPads working. They just work, in a pigs eye!
DeleteLuckily, at Noel time, my dear hon, surprised me with the Asus laptop, love the machine hate the win 10, so I sideload Linux mint, fold back the screen and play games. Doom an a 3d setup...neat.
ReplyDeleteWith the incessant reminders of win 10 (Microsoft's version of Doom). I loaded Mint also. Like it quite a lot.
DeleteWhen it comes to blogging on anything but the PC I am a Luddite.
ReplyDeleteThe only drawback to that is when I am at the PC the cat want to curl up in my lap.
I've got that problem with the dogs. Not really a problem with the Chihuahua, the Dachshund, and the Jack Russell. The Copeland Hound and the Rottweiler/ Shepherd mix get jealous.
DeleteFor some strange reason (strange mind most likely) your post put me in mind of something I read yesterday. John H. "Beaver" Thompson, a Chicago Tribune reporter, jumped into combat multiple times with his trusty Remington portable. Of course he wasn't the only one. Blogging has come a long way! I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that there doesn't seem to be a whackapedia page for him. Here he is with Jumpin' Jim Gavin in Sicily: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/98/39/ac/9839ac00ad039577d413c5af82d2e738.jpg
ReplyDeleteI got the free iPad Blogger app. But it still doesn't do pictures. The scrolling problem is better. The Apple spell correction programming is unbelievable. If you don't hit the x on their suggestion, it assumes you want their choice? YGBSM! A typewriter WOULD have been better.
DeleteUse one at work. Don't like it, not even a little.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's not bad for Kindle books and Bloons BTD5.....oh wait, you said for work, Never mind!
DeleteLooking forward to 'that' story! :-)