Tuesday, December 6, 2016

And So It Begins...

Monday, 05 December 2016, 0710 EST
Woke up yesterday with that whole "sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, feverish" thing going on. Time for some DayQuil™, thinks I, not NyQuil™, as daylight is not far off. While it is still oh-dark-thirty, Mister Alarm will be singing the song of his people in just a few minutes. But first, the feline staff were requesting my presence in the kitchen, as they are wont to do upon my arising.

So, first I hit the medicine cabinet for a shot of DayQuil™, and was sore tempted to return to my slumbers, but both cats were waiting expectantly upon the stairs, eyeing me with this aura of "don't you dare go back to bed, we know it's Monday."

Well, they seem to know when I have to work and somehow they have gotten into my pay accounts and know that I am out of Paid Time Off (PTO) for the year. Whoa, unto me, for that is true (though I have salted away two and a half hours so I can leave early on the 22nd of December). So after the DayQuil™, I provided the feline staff with their rations, then stumbled back upstairs to gird my loins, er, get ready for work. (I've been asked to leave my loins out of polite conversation, which I include the blog as being. Sort of.)

As I stumbled through my morning ablutions, I kept thinking of how crappy I felt. Then I started thinking of the tasks which lay before me that day and felt a little better. Though work can be a bother at times, my work right now is rather interesting and piques my curiosity on a nearly daily basis. (A long winded way of saying "every day," I know, but there it is. It always irks me when people say "on a daily basis," but I will use it from time to time just to increase the word count. Yes, that phrase does make its way into the documentation I am occasionally called upon to produce for my employer. And no, I don't get paid by the word. If that were the case I would ever have a thesaurus by my side.)

Um, I thought you were called Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Now where were we?

Oh yes, moving right along. After getting all ready for work, feeling a bit better thanks to Mister DayQuil™, I threw open the curtains and what to my wondering eyes did appear?

Alas no, but close, very close, you're in the right stanza at any rate.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer. (Source)
Yup, that stuff seen in the opening photo, new-fallen snow. Though there was a sliver of moon the night before, she was long gone by the time I awakened and noticed the white stuff scattered about the neighborhood. (And all over my car, which required brushing off, sigh, times to come...)

Still and all, the sight of snow, and less than three weeks to Christmas, put me in a holiday mood, regardless of how crappy I felt due to that whole "sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, feverish" thing. Which Mister DayQuil™ was helping to alleviate. Though I think seeing the snow helped too.

Which puts me in mind of this. (Sean, Mike you can sing along!)

Ah yes, 'tis the season!


  1. A new theory on why the Tyrannosaurus Rex had such short arms was just released, Scientists believe that the dinosaurs replaced all communications with texting.
    The young people at work explained the benefits of texting, and I summed up what they said by restating, "So, texting is a series of one way messages, and the messages are created by rapid finger movements." I paused, appeared to be deep in thought and then said, "You have invented the telegraph."

    1. Hahaha!

      That first bit might also explain their extinction.

  2. Always good for a chuckle, Sarge! Thanks.

    Hope you get to feeling better.

  3. To be fair to T-Rex, he was the most famous dinosaur known for bearing small arms....

    Feel better soon.

    1. Hahaha!

      I'm better than yesterday. Though barely.

  4. Feline staff can be pretty adamant, much like wives and two year olds.
    I love seeing pictures of that white stuff...
    ...when they're from somewhere else.

    1. Snow is always lovely if one doesn't have to drive in it or shovel it.

  5. My thoughts and wishes are for you to get well soon.

    Paul L. Quandt

  6. *wow* I never took you for a dropkick Murphy fan....Very good post BTW

  7. Replies
    1. The Missus Herself deserves 99.999% of the credit. All I did was move heavy things.

      But thanks WSF.

  8. Not only singing along, but I've been practicing that bit where he jumps through the window. I haven't been able to find any breakaway glass, so I may be spending Christmas in the ER!

    1. Hahaha!

      (The Missus Herself has warned me that any spiking of turkeys on the dining room floor will be met with severe consequences!)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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