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S/Sgt Stephen Hernandez sat in the snow and looked out across the fields towards Wirtzfeld, he was dirty, he was exhausted, he was now in command of 37 men. He was the new platoon leader of the 2nd Platoon of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, the Big Red One. He wasn't at all happy about his new assignment.
His predecessor, 1st Lt. Nathan Paddock, had been wounded. A German bullet had taken a chunk out of the lieutenant's neck, a non-fatal wound, but an inch to one side and the lieutenant would still be here. An inch to the other, the lieutenant would be wrapped in a poncho, like the men Hernandez was sitting next to.
Sgt. Greg Jenkins, Pfc. Harry Mitchell, Pvt. Justin Long, Pvt. Thomas Spencer, Pvt. Edgar Freeman, and Pvt. Eugene King had all been alive less than twenty-four hours ago. Hernandez couldn't shake the feeling that somehow he had failed these men who now lay cold in the snow, wrapped in their Army-issue ponchos.
In addition to his lieutenant, Pfc. Jackson Hebert, Pvt. Peter Romanov, Pvt. Brad Gonzales, Pvt. Peter Moreno, Pfc. Homer Ginter, Pvt. Riley Taggert, and Pvt. Brad Chapman had all been wounded. Hebert had left with the lieutenant, his hand had been mangled by a German bullet while spotting for the platoon sniper, Pfc. Charlie Gammell. With the exception of Pete Moreno, the other men had minor wounds, minor enough to keep them on the line for now.
Pete Moreno was wounded in the thigh, Doc Milbury had stabilized him but didn't want to take a chance on moving him. He was afraid that the wound would reopen and Moreno could bleed to death. So Doc made him comfortable, well, as comfortable as he could in a hole scratched into the dirt of a small Belgian wood.
But Hernandez had another problem, two German prisoners, guys they'd captured when they had taken the small wood they were now occupying. Neither of the two Krauts looked concerned over their fate. One, an older guy, was pretty torn up over the death of his son, a tanker in the same unit. The younger guy looked happy, happy to be out of the fighting. Kid was young, he wouldn't say his age but Hernandez thought he couldn't be much more than 17, maybe even 16. But what was he supposed to do with these two?
As he sat there, he heard someone crunching through the snow, he turned to look. A G.I. he didn't recognize.
"So who might you be Corporal?"
"Uh, John Chapman, I was sent up in the jeep that picked up your lieutenant, are you Staff Sergeant Hernandez?"
"Yup, that's me. What can I do for you?"
"I'm a replacement, I was over in the 18th before I got wounded, not sure why they sent me to you guys. I got outta the hospital two days ago."
"Who knows why the Army does anything? You're French, aren't you?"
"I'm from Louisiana, I'm a Cajun."
Hernandez thought for a moment, then said, "All right Frenchie, for now I'm attaching you to platoon headquarters, and I've got a job for you, right now."
"Sure Top, what is it?
"We've got two Kraut prisoners, they seem okay with being prisoners, so I want you to take 'em back to the company CP, okay? I can't spare anyone to go with you."
"Sure Top, I can do that."
"Alive, Corporal, I want them alive when they get to company, are we clear on that?"
"Sure Top, I've heard that some outfits have been killing prisoners because the Krauts have been doing it to our guys, but I wasn't raised to be a murderer. They'll get back to the CP in one piece, my word on that."
"What's your name again?"
"Chapman, John Chapman, my pals call me Johnny."
"Okay, go see Corporal Katz over at 1st Squad," Hernandez paused, then waved his hand in the direction he remembered Wilson's squad was dug in, "when ya get there, tell the squad leader, Jack Wilson, to report to me. Clear?"
"Got it." With that Chapman moved off to where 1st Squad was supposed to be.
Unteroffizier Karl-Heinz Köhler, Opa as everyone called him, was staring down at his boots. With any luck he'd survive this war, but he felt guilty, his wife would be all alone now until the war ended. His wife, who lived just outside the small town of Zell am Harmersbach in Baden, was relatively far from the war. As long as she stayed away from the cities, she should be okay, he thought to himself. He knew that either his Major, Jürgen von Lüttwitz, or his platoon leader, Leutnant Manfred Sauer, would write to her, to tell her of their son's death, not far from where he sat, and the fact that he himself was missing in action.
Provided of course they themselves were still alive. He was sure they were, those two were tough bastards.
He saw that the Austrian-American corporal was coming over, along with another man, he nudged Grenadier Christoph Linder and murmured, "No matter what, stay calm."
"Steh auf, Männer." The corporal, one Melvin Katz, late of Vienna, Austria, ordered the two Germans onto their feet. He explained to them that they were going to the rear, if they ran, they would be shot. He reminded them of just how lucky they were, as thanks to SS atrocities in the Ardennes, not many Germans were being taken prisoner lately.
Looking at Chapman, Katz said, "Fix your bayonet Corporal, no one fancies getting stabbed with a bayonet. It ain't the threat of getting shot which intimidates a man, it's the idea of taking a bayonet to the gut which gets his attention."
After snapping his bayonet onto his Garand, Chapman chuckled, then brandished his bayonetted weapon at the two Germans, "No monkey business fellas, or I'll stick ya!" The older German didn't react, but the younger one looked rather terrified.
It was a bitter cold morning, the trails were icy but there was enough loose snow to make the footing tolerable, but when they got to the road, it was like walking on a hockey rink, Chapman thought.
The Germans, with their hobnailed boots, had better traction than Chapman with his rubber-soled boots, he felt like he was constantly on the verge of slipping. He stepped carefully, trying to watch his footing and the two Germans at the same time. Then it happened.¹
One moment he was upright, the next he was slipping, his feet going out from under him. He fell hard onto the road, he went one way, his rifle another, and his helmet popped off and rolled behind him. He was momentarily stunned.
When he looked up, the older Kraut had his rifle, the younger his helmet, he felt certain that he was a dead man. He was stunned when the German helped him to his feet and handed the rifle over to him.
"Alles gut?" The German said. Chapman didn't understand.
"You, okay?" The German tried his limited English.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay Fritz." In truth he was mortified, the German had had the drop on him, why didn't he kill him? Then he and the kid could have taken off.
The older German gestured behind Chapman, the younger German was trying to give Chapman his helmet back. Chapman took it and hastily put it on. He motioned with his rifle to tell the Germans to stay in front of him.
"Karl-Heinz, meine Name ist Karl-Heinz," The older German said, while patting himself on the chest, "nicht Fritz."
"Hey, I don't speak Kraut, is that your name, Carl Hans?"
"Nein, Karl-Heinz." The older German said it slowly.
"Ah, okay, Karl Heinz, I get it, your name is Karl. Let's go Herr Heinz, let's move." Chapman gestured with his rifle, thinking that the older German's last name was "Heinz." To Opa, it didn't matter, "Karl" was close enough.
When they arrived at the company CP, Cpl. Chapman noticed that they already had quite a few prisoners in hand.
"Yeah, poor bastards are cold and hungry, smell bad too. Don't get to close to 'em, most of 'em are infested with lice. Probably haven't bathed in days. Dumb shits shouldn't have started the war I guess." The sergeant who was taking a roll of the P.O.W.s spoke enough German to get the names down. It was clear that he didn't hate his job, "Hey, beats being up on the line with you dogfaces!" He chuckled.
"Can I go now, Sarge?" Chapman asked. He wanted to get back to his new outfit before dark.
"Yeah, yeah, you're good Corporal, get outta here."
Opa watched the man who had brought them in leave. He pondered why he had given the man his rifle back. After some thought, he realized it didn't bother him, he was content knowing that his second war was over.
Now to survive captivity.
¹ Today's post is based on a true story. Johnny Chapman was a real person, this actually happened to him.
Link to all of The Chant's fiction.
I am glad Opa is on his way to the States, maybe even Camp McCoy, in Wisconsin. I want him to survive, and the CONUS would probably be the safest. Although a French low camp would get him home faster, after the War.
ReplyDeleteWe shall see.
DeleteWith a US camp, first he has to survive the Crossing of the Atlantic. Mines, the occasional U-boat or FW Condor, and, of course, crossing the Atlantic in winter time, never a fun thing even today with today's mega-ships.
DeleteHe's alive for now. He'll be cleaned and deloused and fed. As long as some rear-echelon puke doesn't decide to go all 'Rambo' and shoot him some huns. Alive, fed, clean. That's all one can ask for in the early days of 1945.
DeleteBy early 1945, the RN and the RCN pretty much had the North Atlantic tamed. The weather is a good point, though, but that is Karl=-Hienzes problem, not mine.
DeleteOpa has seen enough. The kid knows no better. Nice to see that SSgt Hernandez has not lost his humanity in this whole thing after all he has seen and gone through. I suppose it would be easy enough after all that. Good man. I know its fiction, but been reading so long that I feel I "know" these guys.
ReplyDeleteHave you watched "The Liberators" yet? Amazing 6 part series.
Watched first episode, haven't made it to the second one yet. Looks interesting.
Delete@Coffee Man, I'm right there with you. I feel like I know them. I can't imagine the hole after a Paddock leaves, or your buddy dies... I'm invested in this...
ReplyDeleteIt's tough creating, then living with these guys for so many months, then having the story take a dark turn.
DeleteNicely crafted Sarge.
ReplyDeleteOut of curiousity, was this based on some kind of actual event?
John Chapman was a real person and the incident with the two POWs actually happened to him. A story related to me by a reader.
DeleteThank you Sarge. Given the situation in 1945, I can see that happening.
DeleteIt's a good story, again shows that humanity doesn't wear a certain uniform or speak any particular language.
DeleteInteresting how this series has become my first go-to of the day... Thanks, Sarge.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteIt's my second, as I want to find out what happens in some silly paintball game in Alaska...
DeletePaintball game in Alaska? That requires a post I would think. Just sayin'...
DeleteThe Whiteboard comic at the-whiteboard.com Start at the beginning, it gets better.
DeleteAh yes, The Whiteboard.
DeleteThe two how have survived.
ReplyDeleteAnd most Germans, once surrendered to the US troops, were rather courteous. They were the most like us of all our enemies. The Italians were kind of hard to figure, as they alternated between playing rough and being courteous and downright obsequious as both enemy and prisoner.
The Japanese, though... well, the ones who surrendered because their spirits were broken were easy, just had to make sure that nothing sharp was near them as they had a tendency to try to purge the sin of surrender with their own blood.
The others, the ones who surrendered falsely, were the issue. They surrendered in order to kill their own if they looked like they were going to spill intel, and to kill our rear troops to force the US troops to not take prisoners.
Kind of like the Middle East. There's an art to separating the fanatics from the forlorn. Separate them, keep them far away. Treat the forlorn as humans and wait for them to pull out of their depression. With the fanatics, lock them away, far away.
Unfortunately, with the Japanese, we really didn't get a chance to take too many prisoners. Whether that was good or bad still remains to be seen today.
Excellent story. Sometimes your short ones are better than your long ones. Not saying that you write bad ones, no. All your stuff is of the finest vintage, just some is better than others.
Glad Opa is alive. Hope he stays that way (see my comment at beginning of comments that was in response to a comment.)
The Japanese were an enigma to Americans, to many, they still are. Very different cultures are often hard to fathom.
DeleteI think Opa is safe for now, it's his wife I worry about...
I had a math professor in college that grew up in Japan, if I remember correctly. I had completely forgotten this until today. He told us a story once about being in a cell next to a captured soldier. He talked to him about home. They grew up in the same town. He said, "remember when the theater burned and we chased all the rats down with sticks?" And the POW opened right up and answered every question... I can see him in my minds eye right now, a pudgy, funny faced grandfatherly figure... That was a cagey interrogator in WW2, debriefing the most dedicated enemies we had fought up to that time. Men like that taught me to not underestimate what I see as an old man. Warriors hide in bodies like that... Like Opa Heinz.
DeleteOld warriors are doubly dangerous, they survived to old age!
DeleteHey Old AFSarge;
ReplyDeleteExcellent Story, I remember hearing that story about the 2 POW's, great way to work it into the Storyline and awesome of SSG Hernandez to stress that the POW's make it to the POW pen alive, and with some of the "accidents" happening to POW's on account of Malmady and the SS.
If you don't take prisoners, there's no incentive for the enemy to surrender.
DeleteNor information to collect.
DeleteThe casual form of Karl-Heinz amongst us Krauts is "Kalle", but Opa is working fine.
ReplyDeleteGood to know, I like knowing things like that!
DeleteGood story, from my perspective as someone who was brought up in Surrey in the South of England is has a bit of resonance. A lad in my year at school ( I was born in the mid 50's BTW) was the product of a marriage between a local girl and a German POW. He integrated very well into the local community and ran a nursery (plants not children). He never spoke much about the war only to say that he once ended up on the 'dead pile' at a field dressing station on the Easter Front when he was only concussed. He was very glad to be captured on the Western Front and that he was captured by the Americans/British. There were also a lot of Italians in the area. They were put to work as agricultural worker labourers and were generally well regarded as hard workers.
Great story. My Dad was in the Occupation Forces in Berlin from '46 to '49. He was a supply sergeant and one of the guys they had working for them was a former German POW who they all knew as "Red." He had been captured in North Africa. My father remembered the man fondly.