Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Weather and Other Things

The eye and surrounding clouds of 2018 Hurricane Florence
as seen from the International Space Station.
Public Domain
After one devastating storm (Helene) ripped into the South, another is inbound. I have a number of friends in the path of this one. Keeping channels open to Sky Six that everyone pulls through.

Beans? Keep your head down and your wits about you, let us know, when you can, how thee and thy Missus doth fare.

The Missus Herself returns from California this day. It's a redeye flight so I'll be picking her up around the time the not-so-early risers are reading this.

It's good that she's on her way home, I need her. She is my rock.

I have a new Primary Care medical type, she's not a doc but an NP, and so far I'm impressed.

"So you quit smoking in 2012?"

"Yes, I did."

"How long had you smoked prior to quitting?"

"Um, lemme think, oh yeah, thirty-five years." Honestly, it didn't seem that long.

"When was your last CT scan?"

I couldn't remember, perhaps a couple of years ago for the diverticulosis. 

"Well, I want to get a CT scan of your lungs, see what's going on in there."


So I did that, the phone call was, "There's nothing to really worry about, but I want another scan of your chest, and your heart in particular."

Not worrying, until a couple of days later when the office called again.

"You have a mild case of emphysema and your arteries look a bit not great. So we're putting you on this heart medication. Any problems with that?"

As I do wish to remain among the living, I said, "Sure, beats being dead I suppose."

The laugh on the other end was genuine, not a nervous sort of thing. So I don't feel too bad. Other than some of the side effects of the new medication, I'm fine. but my morale could use a boost.

All that makes me a little less creative than I'd like to be as well. I did start another chapter (note the use of the word "start") of The Revolution but couldn't sustain the effort. We shall return to that, hopefully soon (-ish).

Oh, and Tuesday was flu shot day. Once again, it feels like I've been kicked in the arm by a not very happy mule. This shall pass. I've had the flu, twice, don't care for a repeat. (Both occasions were in years when I forgot to get a flu shot. Haven't missed one since. Knock on wood.)

Those of you in Milton's path, stay safe. We're praying for you.

Be seeing you.


  1. Well, not too bad healthwise considering the length of time that smoking lasted Sarge.....:( Intend to get the flu shot tomorrow morning after my physical, been getting them for over two decades now. Since retiring only came down with the flu once during that time, not having face-to-face contact with the public five days a week might have something to do with that...... :)

    1. Not being in the petri dish which is modern society has to help.

  2. As you say, beats being dead.
    Your Missus will likely have horrifying tales of 100+ heat every day.
    Flu shots - we will get ours sometime this month, I think. Now the pundits are raising a scare about a possible avian flu outbreak in The Once Golden State. I'm also getting reminders from Safeway Pharmacy to get the Newest and Greatest COVID shot. No thanks. The ones I got so I didn't need a Brown Bess Ramrod in my head every week for work put me on my substantial butt for two days and had me feeling like dog vomit looks for two weeks after that. No thanks.

    1. She said they had one pleasant day, weather-wise. It was still 100+, but the humidity was low.

      But like I said, one day out of fourteen!

  3. Prayers for all in the path, and those who have wisely fled before it.

    NPs are usually pretty good folks. Along with DOs (Doctor of Osteopathy) and the only slightly different MDs (Doctors of Medicine). May God bless them all with wisdom and alertness when ministering to His creations. Most beings lack the knowledge or tendency to take proper care of themselves, so it is good when they (we) listen to others who know better.

    1. I'm really liking my NP so far. She's bright and proactive, I like that.

  4. Prayers up for all those in their paths.

    I have had an NP once or twice; I honestly felt no difference.

    Rest up and heal up; we are a patient folk.

  5. The person I see in my regular cardiologist appointment is an NP. Quite talented, and not afraid to bump me up to the MD. Pretty happy with her.
    Hang in there Big Guy, the Missus is on her way.
    Prayers out to Beans, Mrs Beans and Floridians in general. Looks like it’s gonna be a rough ride.

    1. The Missus Herself made her triumphal return this morning. After a night of agony, she threw her back out at Fresno, she made it home, fourteen hours of travel, not counting the getting to and the returning from the airports on either end. At least she had extra strength Tylenol to get her through.

      Latest reports on Milton are not good.

  6. A bit of this, a bit of that- I guess that's better than a lot of this or that. Don't be too down about it, if at all- probably par for the course of the lives we lead. If meds can help, all the better! I'm grateful for the healthcare we have for sure. We had a guy in the office pass from cancer that went undetected- because he hadn't been to the Dr. since his separation physical 12 years prior. I'm all for the preventative care.

    1. I see my PCP once a year, if something feels "off," I make an appointment. SO far, so good.

  7. One good thing I've noticed is Milton is weakening due to land interactions, cooler water over the Continental Shelf, and cooler, drier air from the northwest. This can mean a lot for a hurricane. What was once a category 5 can weaken to a strong category 1 or 2. The difference can mean much of the forecast destruction never happens.

    1. True, it's weather, which means it's inherently unpredictable.

    2. "True, it's weather, which means it's inherently unpredictable."
      Unlike climate which we know with 100% certainty than mankind is effing it up and making it WARMER, and we're all gonna DIE- long before other physical maladies claim us. Mainstream media told me so, and I gotta believe it, just like everything else they tell me.
      Sarc off.

  8. Sometimes in life, all you can do is lower your head, bare your fangs, dig in your claws, and Badger through.

    1. Yep. I grew up that way and so did all of my peers.

    2. Scott - I'm more bear-like, but I see your point. 😊

    3. Any Mouse - Yup, if it works, why change?

  9. So, NP Feel Good vice Dr feel good? I've been seeing the same NP for that last 13 years about once a year and it has been very good so far. In the eye department I get the once-over by a new eye doctor trainee but then the consult immediately after with the real ophthalmologist takes just about as long as the initial exam so I wonder why they do it. No complaints says the guy who only saw relatives, Army docs, Navy docs and nobody else ever. I think the relative docs were the most abrasive by far. They couldn't help shouting good advice at me. Honestly, you would think I was deaf as they were. :)

  10. We're only going to get some wind and a reasonable amount of rain. It's one of the great joys of living in North Central Florida, basically on the spine of the peninsula. The people south of Ocala are the ones that are going to get pummeled. Still gonna suck.

    On the other hand, Florida is probably the best state you want to be in if you're going to get hit by a hurricane. Between ever-stiffening building codes, requirements to keep the power lines cleared of debris, new things like police escorts for essential supplies like gas (to make the delivery quicker) and such, things are so much more better than other states.

    Sadly I'm inundated with water due to the stupid water heater so today is move heavy furniture and use a carpet wet-vac to suck up what water we can.

    Other than that, yeesh, dude. Need to keep better care of yourself. Clogged arteries are a no bueno.

    1. You also have a governor who seems to have his shit together.

    2. Glad to hear you're OK.
      P.S. I agree with Sarge vis a vis DeSantis.

    3. The internet would never be the same without you, Beans.

    4. Though living in North Central Florida sucks during the summer due to no sea breezes, the same factors that make outside miserable during summer also mitigates large swirly storms. That and being 150' above sea level.

      As to DeSantis, I occur. Did not want him to be Prezzy until after Trump 2.0.

      And as much people talk poop about JEB! Bush as a presidential candidate, he was a very effective governor during hurricane seasons. He'd declare a 'state of emergency' days out, which allowed fed and state response to be prepared.

    5. Your second paragraph echoes my thoughts.

  11. Since Beans did not use up most of the rain, we got a bunch as Milton did a pass over the condo. It is still standing (built in the 70’s with real cement and lots of rebar). We had lots of water intrusion, but not like some of our neighbors who felt as though they had no doors. Our eighth
    big blow and we stay prepared. Out of power for three days tends to deplete the rum supply, but Monday’s a-comin!.
    The good Lord watches over Miss J and me way more than we deserve and I am thank for that. Only to His glory do I comment on our situation. Thanks for the prayers of my digital family. Fuzz aka D4.

    1. Fuzz makes it through another storm!

      Glad you checked in, brother.


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