Saturday, February 22, 2025

PBY Rescue Mission

Consolidated PBY Catalina
This is a special guest post which features a video presentation from a friend of mine, Robert Gale. Take it away, Mr. Gale! If you're in Colorado Springs, check out the National Museum of WWII Aviation (linked on the sidebar under "Tail Numbers, Museums, and Records."

I haven't been to Colorado since 1987, looks like a return trip is in order!

We'll get back to Russia tomorrow.


  1. Well now..... a History Lesson, just the thing Sarge........ :)

  2. Thanks for hosting/posting, Sarge! I'm flattered.
    Please do come out and see the national treasures we have here. Every aircraft that has skin on the wings is flyable - and flown - on a regular basis with one notable exception.
    Rob Gale


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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