Thursday, February 6, 2025

Still in the Hangar ...

Not feeling all that chipper still, but am feeling a bit better than yesterday. Staying hydrated, warm, and cozy. Good thing I don't need to go anywhere.

So I've got that going for me.

That beast in the photo above is what I worked on for nearly eight years, sometime in the last century. Looks complicated, and it was, but for my purposes it was pretty simple. Something doesn't work, you run BIT and then based on the tech order, or experience, you pull the offending box, and take it to the shop. There, they either tweak it (as in adjust the settings) or give you another.

Simple, but time consuming. And some of that stuff is heavy and/or awkward to take off and remount on the aircraft. Fun times in the heat or cold.

Anyhoo, I'm resting, recuperating, and reclining.

More tomorrow, one hopes, as I seem to be on the mend.


  1. After reading that description this morning I'm glad you're not being replaced because of the crud malfunction.........:)

  2. Eight T-handle wrenches for adjustment? Wouldn't it save weight to just have one? And just WHO will be there to do the adjusting? :-) And thoughtful to include that Louisville Slugger for scale. I prefer a GOEX can, myself, but the Slugger works.

    In the Harry Turtledove anthology, "Departures," there's a story, "Nasty, Brutish, & ..." in which a trader is in a bar that caters to all, and sees a species (Fotani) with which is is not familiar. He asks the bartender about it, then goes over and asks to join and buy it a drink. So they start swapping information. Turns out that the stranger was a species that has a huge galactic empire tens of thousands of years ago, and suffered a civil war that nearly wiped it out. Earth had been at the fringes of that empire, but they had been unable to subdue the population. As in the primitives on Earth had even managed to kill and eat one of the 7 foot tall, wolf/bear warrior creatures, so they decided to wipe out humans. So they created a respiratory virus that could not be cured. At this point our trader sneezes and the Fotani asks about the sound, as his universal translator had no word for it. Our intrepid trader starts to talk about a minor virous that has plagued humans for tens of thousands of years, and the cure was always "just around the corner" and he stops, they look at each other, he buys another round of drinks.

  3. Patience, my Friend, patience. I know it’s difficult for us guys to be ill, but…patience is needed.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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