Saturday, March 15, 2025

Well, She ... it.

So the plan was to work on the second half of the prequel, maybe it's volume three of my historical fiction magnum opus, but like most plans, it didn't survive contact with real life.

Last week I'd made sure that everything I needed to continue work on the books was loaded on my fancy thumb drive.

Up to date? Check.

Put it someplace where I won't forget it when I pack? Yeah, sure, I can do that. [foreshadowing]

Laptop packed and ready to go? Check.

Upon arrival at Chez Nuke et Tuttle, I unpacked my gear, got it all set up and checked it out. We're good to go.

Now here it is, Friday (as I write) and just where is the thumb drive?

Yup, back at Chez Sarge.

Take it away, Clay ...

Last time I remembered to bring the thumb drive, just forgot to update it. Maybe next time I'll remember to do both - update it AND bring it.

Sigh ...


  1. Sarge, I’ve never done that, no never! Well, not this week! So far! Yet!

    Looking forward to the story. Still in the Sydney airport. About an hour and a half til boarding. .Waiting in airports is not my favorite activity, but this too shall pass!

    1. And you're still at the airport ...

      You have the patience of Job.

  2. Oh Sarge...............

  3. With apologies to Mr. Burns
    "But Sargie, thou art no thy-lane,
    In proving foresight may be vain:
    The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
    Gang aft agley,
    An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
    For promis’d joy!"

    When I have something small that I MUST take with me, something not in my normal kit, I put it in my shoe. "What the heck is that? How in the world...Oh yeah!"

    1. Hhmm, that would work. But ...

      "Why does your thumb drive stink?"

    2. I first came to metroparkcentralis to house sit for my sister as she and her family went away for a year. Enroute to their there one of them decided to put all the credit cards in his shoe in Iceland and then forgot about it so when they arrived their they thought they needed to replace them all right away. I was stationed at their home to take the new credit cards and Starbucks gold card and mail them right along to their temporary home. Oddly, they had me wait until the Starbucks card arrived before shipping the lot in one envelope. I think it cost me $22.00 to mail an envelope with 5 cards in it....

    3. Another reason to avoid shoe storage!

    4. Well, I don't have all that many pairs of shoes. A pair of Walmart brand crocs for most things..getting the mail, walks around the mobile home park, shopping. A pair of black semi-dress shoes for church or visiting people. And a pair of worn out black shoes that are only for if I'm going into mud or such.

  4. Had the 50 page draft of a technical approach to putting some very nice surveillance systems into Luzon and other parts of the PI in my checked bag on a thumb drive when I flew to Manilla. Spent the next 2 days typing it back into being because it apparently fell out of my bag along with my ties enroute. What a waste. If only there had been of some kind.......:)

    1. Ah yes, the cloud. Yes another thing I don't trust. (No, I don't yell at it.)

  5. Sarge, it is amazing how often I have to make lusts and check them twice anymore - not that such a thing ever happened yo me me, of course. Other people...

    1. Checking your lusts? Freudian.....very Freudian.

    2. HAHAHA! Well played sir, well played.

      Sigh. Now that I am back in the US, time to stop trying to post on the little screen.

    3. I would make a list, which I would then lose.

  6. when this (or something similar, anyway) happened to me, I took it as a sign that The Muse wanted a re-write.
    I had the general story line in my head so off to work I went.
    when I returned, I compared the two, incorporated the parts I wanted, and found the story was taking a different (read better) direction.

    1. I took it as the Muse didn't feel like working.

  7. Someone mentioned the "cloud." Isn't that the thing that old men shout at?

    Being an antiquarian and something of a Luddite, skeptical, and certainly a slow adapter, I resist any knowing use of the cloud.

    Remember four years ago when the OHV DataCenter in Strasbourg, France burned to the ground, along with all the cloud data stored there, triple backed up? Lots of folks lost irreplaceable image files and other data. Not to mention concerns about hostile hacking or EMP threats, although my piddly date would be very low on the list of problems arising from those events.

    I still rely primarily on a desktop, and copy data to an external drive, and then load it on my laptop for travel. That at least provide a double backup, albeit all eggs are in one basket in event of a California style house fire. But, it works okay for my travel needs.

    Pro tip- if you leave your laptop power supply at a hotel or other location, it is cheaper and faster to just get a replacement from Amazon that to try to get them to send it to you. DAMHIK.

    But on the bright side, the kiddies have your full attention! Enjoy. You can get back to your pseudo-work when you get home...and get the garden done.

    1. I'm a little excited about spring this year. The Missus Herself has authorized funding for a riding mower!


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Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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