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The March to Valley Forge by William T. Trego (Source) |
Well, guess what? It didn't and it's not going to any time soon.
Was everyone happy over the outcome of the recent election? No, of course not.
In every election there are winners and there are losers. Among the candidates, not the people who supported those candidates. If you supported one of the losing candidates and you feel that that makes you a loser, well, odds are your candidate had nothing to do with that.
Was I happy about the outcome? No, not at all. My preferred candidate wasn't even in the race. Will I tell you who that was? No, as it's irrelevant.
Was I unhappy? No, not really.
In 2008, I was unhappy.
In 2012, I was unhappy. Did I run around saying that Barack Obama was not my President? I most certainly did not. As far as I was concerned, he was my Commander-in-Chief and will be until the 20th of January. He was elected fair and square. That's all I need to know.
This country has survived many hard times. Let me assure you, there were no special snowflakes at Valley Forge.
None were to be seen at Lundy's Lane.
Nor at First Manassas nor at Antietam. (See what I did there?)
There were no special snowflakes at Chapultapec nor on San Juan Hill.
None in the Argonne nor at Château-Thierry.
There were no safe spaces at Pearl Harbor, at Wake Island, Bataan, or Corregidor.
Weren't any of those at Normandy or in the Ardennes in a cold December in '44.
None at Pusan, none at Taejon, nor on Pork Chop Hill.
Didn't hear of those at Da Nang, Khe San, or Hue either.
What I'm trying to say is that if we all just do our jobs, then everything is going to be fine. We've been through a lot in this country. No doubt we'll go through more, but damn it, we're all in this together. We're Americans, no matter what color, what sex, what religion, or what language we speak. Let me repeat that, we're Americans. Got it? We don't wuss out, curl up into a ball and cry nor do we need to be coddled. We're Americans, when have we ever done that?
Grow up. Do your job.
When did we become a nation of whiners?
I don't think we are, not really.
Anyhow, that's how I feel.
Now get back to work, the problems out there are not going to fix themselves. That's our job.
Very sensible Advice to America who seems to have lost it's mind recently.
ReplyDeleteI fear that my Canadian cousins must think we've lost our minds down here.
DeleteClearly you are a deplorable misogynous, racist, xenophobic, antisemitic cretin. Otherwise you would adjust to more correct thinking! #didntgetmyway #imnothappy #waawaawaa #iwantmyjuiceboxandtrophy #notfair #throwatantrump.
ReplyDeleteTee hee.
DeleteI must fess up, for a while I was rather anti-Trump. Jury's still out on that. But big boy (and girl) pants are needed right now. On all sides.
My choice, Mr. Cruz, was also not there. But I went to the Village of Baraboo Village Hall, Not the Township of Baraboo, nor the Town of Baraboo, or the City of Baraboo, and certainly not the Village of Baraboo town Hall, ( same street, but two blocks North ), but the Village of Baraboo Village Hall, and voted for Trump. I then went home, and took a shower. He is El Presidente, and we must work with him, as much as possible, to try and repair the damage done in the last eight years.
ReplyDeleteYup. You have the right of it Sir Badger.
DeleteThose out there in the wilds causing a ruckus probably would not recognize many of the places you named in the nine sentences noting fields of battle. I do think that a major part of the problem is people being paid by Dems, or Soros or others that just want to muck up our Country.
ReplyDeleteEventually I think things will calm down.
DeleteThanks to the lying MSM, I know a few first generation immigrants (fine Americans all) who think that Trump means to throw them out. I like to assure them that if that happens, it will be over my dead body, broken musket nearby. The MSM forgets (or lies about) the fact that those here illegally are NOT immigrants.
It's worth keeping in mind that almost all of the news you are seeing -- tee-vee (including fuchs informationen), print, interwebs, is pure propaganda. You're not being shown the places where there are no riots, the schools where students are going to class and taking tests, the countless pleasant and polite and perfectly normal interactions between human beings who the propagandists continue to label as oppressed and oppressor.
ReplyDeleteI hope this doesn't come across as mean spirited or condescending, but passively watching or reading from the usual and established information outlets is a very bad idea. The repeated hammering of the false narrative eventually wears you down and you start to believe.
There is actually good info out there, but I've come to believe that you have to be active rather than passive, you have to go out and get it. The interwebs are perfect for this, but it takes time and effort and having a huge skeptical chip perched on your shoulder to winnow through garbage and find good and reliable gouge.
Whoops, sorry 'bout the rant. But all that feces on the idjit box and on koobecaf? It's not reality in 99+ percent of the nation. Shoot, boys, go to any riot site in any city, then simply go around to the other side of the block, and guess what you'll find?
All good points my brother Shaun. The Propaganda Ministry, er, MSM has an agenda to sell. If they don't lie to us and magnify the bad, then there is no point to them.
DeleteWhy there you go, there is NO POINT to them now that they've stopped reporting the news.
I'm sure I must have something to say about the tear stained teeth gnashers, but the words escape me at the moment
ReplyDeleteYes, the wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth grows tiresome, does it not?
DeleteThat gnashing of teeth and wailing comes from a position of absolute belief in their point of view. They can't see that there are other viewpoints and they are valid. For blacks, days, legal immigrants, to be afraid comes from the left's arguments against the right. They aren't usually valid, but they use fear to inflame their base because their platform points aren't enough to sway them.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have been seeing those fears from certain of my acquaintances, friends, and colleagues. It's scary from their point of view. The real problem is the media, they don't report, they editorialize.
DeleteMy father-in-law is 86 now, career Army, survived Chosin Reservoir. He's in declining health these days but never complains although he may comment to my wife that he's in a bit of pain. These days when we visit him, his house is far too warm for us but I brush it off, figuring that anyone who fought at Chosin is entitled to keep things as warm as they like. Love him like my own long-departed dad.
ReplyDeleteThey didn't call it the Frozen Chosin for nothing.
DeleteAnd if that man needs to keep the heat up, God Bless him. He earned it.
For years a FB poster used, "We Survived Bush, You Will Survive Obama". Today I saw, "We Survived Obama, You Will Survive Trump". Not the same person, but a clear message. As long as we, as individuals, accept our personal responsibilities and respect our fellow citizens, we will be just fine.
ReplyDeleteRoger that!
DeleteThanks, all of y'all.
ReplyDeletePaul L. Quandt
DeleteOne of the nice things about these new fangled electronic voting machines is that they make it much easier to vote while holding yer nose...
ReplyDeleteI hadn't thought of it that way. But you're absolutely right.
DeleteIn Little Rhody we still use paper ballots. As I get older, I find it harder to hold my breath for that long...
It took me a while to translate it into English, but the missus and I used our write-in privileges - sometimes wondering if we got counted. FL went our way, so must have. First time I have voted for a winner for a L O N G time. Not that Mr. Trump is a winner in every sense of the word. I hope that he will live up to some of his rhetoric. It won't take long to see.
ReplyDeleteI did one write-in on my ballot, though the name didn't register in the results, I did note that the number of write-ins for each office was tallied.
DeleteGood to know. As to Mr. Trump, only time will tell how this is going to work out.
For the sake of the Republic, I pray all goes well.