Thursday, November 26, 2020

Taking Some Time Off From the Story...


I had had such high hopes for this week, it being Thanksgiving and all. Though we hadn't planned on going anywhere and none of the progeny were coming to visit, it was still a few days away from work.

The Missus Herself was even going to make the traditional Turkey Day feast, sans pie, she doesn't care for pie, I do, if we had pie I'd eat all of it, not all at once mind you, but over a few days I'd be gorging on pie. So the ruling from on high was, "No pie." [Sigh] I suppose there's always Christmas...

But now those plans have all been swept from the table.

Sunday night I felt a bit of a twinge in the lower belly, left side. First thought was, "Ah crap, diverticulitis." Went to work Monday and felt okay, decided to check in with my doc anyway. Glad I did, Tuesday I was most assuredly "not fine."

This isn't the worst bout of this illness I've ever had (that one cost me a big chunk of intestine) but it's still annoying as Hell. Clear liquid diet for Thanksgiving?!?!

Damn the bad luck.

While I don't feel bad, I don't feel good either. Most assuredly I don't feel creative. (Uncle Herzig paid for my ill temper yesterday.)

So it's a few days of sparse to maybe nothing at all here at The Chant.

Believe me, it ain't you, it's me.

I'm just not up to it.

Be back soon, hopefully. (Well, as soon as the antibiotics kick in, knock on wood.)


  1. Take care of yourself.

    Enjoy the time with your family, and we all still have much to be thankful for.

  2. This gives Paddock's guys the chance to eat the turkey brought up to them in Marmite insulated cans. The Army did try to get the turkey to the troops up front.

    1. They will and I guarantee the Germans will leave them in peace this day, they are up to something in the Eifel.

  3. Maybe you can have some pie over the weekend, when you feel better! BADGER Positive Waves headed your way!

  4. Gute Besserung und eine schnelle Genesung!
    Ihnen und Ihren Angehörigen alles Liebe und Gute!

  5. Ouch! Had a bout of diverticulosis once, had a BM at work with blood so a visit to the ER resulted in the diagnosis and a couple of months of pain along with increased fiber consumption in the diet. Well Thanksgiving (the eating) gets postponed but you're still above ground Sarge to give thanks. Prayers sent and one of my thanks is this blog.

    1. Thanks Nylon12, The Missus Herself has promised a delayed feast whenever I can handle it. Not quite the same, but nothing about this year is quite the same.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving and I hope everything blows blows over quickly. We have several holidays with challenges like you are having and remember it is not the food to the presents but they are all about remembering family and friends and recounting the memories of all of the blessings we have had over they years. Even when they can't be in person or the festivities are delayed a day or several weeks.

  7. There are very few liquids that are MORE "clear" than vodka...

    Hope you are doing better soon, before the death panels get their chance at you...

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. How about Everclear? I mean, it's in the name, innit?

      Thanks Mark.

  8. Merry Thanksgiving, Sarge and Missus. Clear broth eh? I could probably make a pie that would count toward that! Heh. I'm praying for you, that everything "moves" along well, and no other work is needed.

    Ditto Nylon12. This blog is the high spot of my morning coffee routine. The folks that show up here are part of the tribe I understand and feel most comfortable around.

    Thanks for blogging. It has really been a help to me. Honestly it has, especially this year.

    1. Thanks STxAR. As Lex used to say, you're all among the best friends I've never met. Though some of you I have met, and am thankful for that.

  9. Hoping you have a speedy recovery, and thanks for your postings thus far.
    As for pie, my mom's version had marshmallow cream mixed in with the pumpkin.
    For some reason, at family gatherings, it was always the first one to disappear :)

    1. Now that sounds like a great recipe!

      Thanks Frank.

    2. In case you can use Sad Puppy Eyes to good effect:
      1/2 lb of marshmallows, 1 C of canned or cooked pumpkin, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp salt , 1 C whipped cream
      Place marshmallows, pumpkin, and spices in a double boiler, heat and stir occasionally until marshmallows are melted, cool on counter top for 50-60 minutes. Stir 1/3 C of whipped cream into the mix and then fold rest of whipped cream in. Place in 9 inch pie shell and place in fridge.
      You may want differing spice mixes, as tastes vary.

    3. Am I now forgiven for the heinous pun committed in the previous post?

  10. Get well, and sorry about the Holiday feast that isn't.

    1. It's simply postponed Cap'n, the day itself will be honored as I thank the Good Lord for my many blessings.


  11. Hey Old AFSarge;

    Hope you get to feeling better, There is always the Christmas feed to look forward to, that will give both you and the misses time to marshall the resources to make that happen. And if you need pie, I'm sure you can sneak to the store when you are sufficiently recovered to get soome from a bakery that makes some good homemade pie and "indulge yourself". Prayers to your recovery my friend.

    1. Thanks MrG!

      This year's plans include a trip to The Old Line State to spend Christmas with the newest member of the clan. It will be his first. I shall let my daughter know that pie is desired, and expected.

    2. Aw, poor you!!!
      You are so loved, so you can be assured that many prayers are being prayed for your recovery.

  12. Take care and get (and stay) healthy. You are in our prayers my Friend, always.

  13. Maybe will send you a guest post meanwhile. My thoughts have been wandering around WW2 battlefields.
    Stay healthy, COVID or not this time of year is known for being germs having holiday, courtesy of packed interiors and sudden shifts of temperatiure between interiors and outside.
    Give me mail to send ready text?

  14. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless to you and yours!

    My one bout, so far, with your ailment was at St Patrick's Day about 20 years ago.
    I don't ever want to do that again.
    Feel better soon!

    1. Aye, 'tis no fun at all.

      (Keeping with the St. Patrick's Day theme...)

      Thanks Skip!

  15. Dude! Duuuude... Dude. Dude..

    (Translation from Surferspeak)
    (OLDAFSarge! That really sucks, like really sucks, like breaking a new board sucks. Just ain't right. Get better..)

    Yes, at one time I spoketh the language of the Board, which mostly consists of various intonations of the word 'Dude' along with 'Gnarly,' 'Bodacious,' 'Tubular,' 'Whoa' (there's a whole dialect based on 'Whoa' but it's mostly found in Southern California and I speak East Coast Surfer...)

    Glad it didn't happen while you were traveling, or when you were down at The Nuke's

    Get better.

    And the Forest waits...

  16. Thankful that you know what ails you, and that you have written so much, so well, that we are all eager for he tale to resume.
    Thankful also that your spouse is so tolerant of your scribbling for your imaginary friends.

  17. Sarge, praying hard that you will recover quickly. By all means take it easy - like most of us doing this, it is sure not for the fabulous financial rewards that we publish a blog, but rather than the love of writing. Hope you feel better soon, and a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    1. Thanks TB, may you and yours have a great Thanksgiving.

  18. Hope you get to feeling better soon!!! {{{Hugs}}}

  19. If it is any consolation, some studies have people consuming 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. You don't need to worry about the weight gain. Instead, you can double down at Christmas!

  20. Get well soon! And Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

    1. Thanks Cajun, and no jokes from me about you being at the first Thanksgiving. (I'll leave that to juvat!)

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. No pie?? Bummer!!!

    Yes, Everclear is a clear liquid...NO you do NOT want to drink it on a clear liquid diet for diverticulitis!!!! That just hurts to think about!!! However, diluted down, ya could use it for hand sanitizer if that was all there was....just saying...

    So, yes, Happy Thanksgiving to all. Like what Nylon and Stxar said, I drop by daily. And my vote is we all drop by Frank's to have dessert. That recipe sounded good, and I am not even a big fan of pumpkin pie...I am an apple kind of girl.

    Do what you have to do to get better and to stay out of the hospital...full of sick people they are!! We will be here when you are feeling up to it. This blog should definitely not be something to stress over!! Focus on kitty quality time and feel better.

    1. And my daughter sent me pictures of the two pies she baked today! (As we're going to her place for Christmas, I'll expect her to make more!)

      Frank's for dessert, a very good idea!

      Thanks Suz!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving Sarge! Glad you're with your Bride at least.
    Hoping you're feeling better soon!
    Thanks so much for the writing to date and looking forward to the future installments -and book
    Boat Guy

  23. Hang tough, Sarge. Probably hard to see, currently, but you DO still have blessings to be thankful for. Count 'em. :) Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    1. My blessings far outnumber my ills.

      Thanks, to you and yours as well!

  24. Mein lieber Kamerad,

    I guess you are flat on your back now (regrettably so!) but this means that you will have ample time for reading.
    Here is an interesting link for you, covering the military argot of German and German-speaking (Austria) Forces from
    Imperial times to the present.
    I guess you will find it interesting -- despite more than 40 years with the Colours I found some expressions which were new to me.
    Have fun ... Hals- und Beinbruch!

    1. Ausgezeichnet!

      Some real gems there!

      Napoleon-Gedächtnisrennen caught my eye immediately. All soldiers have a rather dark sense of humor. Keeps us sane I guess.


  25. So sorry to hear, Sarge. Had a friend with that issue, and it could really knock her down once in a while.

    Hope you and The Missus have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  26. (Don McCollor)...A quick recovery and a Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sarge!!!...

  27. best wishes for a speedy recovery, Sarge - my wife has had issues with that disease, it's not fun! Save some turkey for later enjoyment!

  28. Late here as usual these days, but the best to you & yours OAFS, get well QUICK! (It's an order..)

  29. "Uncle Herzig paid for my ill temper yesterday."

    Immediately brought this holiday quote to mind:

    “You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!”

    Although Uncle made out much worse than Dickens' characters did :)


    1. And old Marley was already dead!

      The time to watch the George C. Scott version of that classic approaches!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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