Sunday, January 22, 2023


Actually it is, but I decided to take the day off.

Just my way of saying, "I got nothin' ..."

Stay tuned for juvat tomorrow, I'll be back on Tuesday.

I'll be watching the playoffs ...

The Muse is back, but she wants Sundays off.

Who am I to argue?


  1. I'd call you a slacker but I didn't check my emails and I haven't even posted since over a month ago.

    Playoffs? What is this thing you are talking about?

  2. Yeah, no habla "playoffs".
    If the Muse is back, best accede to her demands. Looking forward to whatever she inspires.
    Boat Guy

  3. Muse with demands eh? Why does the phrase "by the short hairs" spring to mind? :)

  4. Enjoy the day! I suggest something with cooking outside but then I recall it's winter... enjoy the day none the less!

  5. This IS not the blog I was looking for. I will go about my business....

  6. Cue Cheech and Chong..."Dave's not here, man!"

    Enjoy the day. :-)

  7. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Sunday is a day of rest, after all.

    Musie sounds like a certain movie Pharoah, So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be DONE! Geez, maybe Musie is more like Yul Brynner, then...?

    Enjoy your day off Sarge, I have a pleasant one planned with The Base Commander myself.

  8. ...There is the hedonistic joy of spending the day doing absolutely nothing productive (how well I know)...

  9. You want the day off? What? Did you have several hundred comments this week? Or what? Beans and I are neck in neck at 5 comments each usually. Wears us out, it does. So...Buck up Bucko, your followers love you. Take the day off, I've got a repeat primed for tomorrow. Your goal for Tuesday is 500 comments or else...No Beer for you!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

NOTE: Comments on posts over 5 days old go into moderation, automatically.