Saturday, August 31, 2019

War is Hell

I ran across this series on Amazon Prime the other day, gripping television it is. Juvat and I have written of Gallipoli before, here and here. Having a relative who fought there, makes the tale just a bit more personal.

Uncle Robert survived that campaign, many of his fellow soldiers did not. Uncle Robert did not survive the war, he was wounded and died shortly before the war ended. He's buried in Gaza.

Yes, that Gaza.

If you have Amazon Prime or IMDb TV, watch the series, though it is definitely not for the faint of heart.

I've watched the first four episodes so far.

It's left me a bit pensive.

More later...


  1. What a group fornication that operation was. Thanks for sharing part of your family history.

  2. I’ve read numerous accounts of the campaign.
    None of them painted a pretty picture of the leadership.

    1. A bad plan poorly executed. Lies nearly completely on the shoulders of the colonels all the way up to the PM.

  3. Sarge, another one of those weeks where I can't find the time for reading much here, or otherwise, but the weekends offer some catch up time. Regarding your Roots post earlier this week, that picture of that aerial fight scene: Etrich Taube at the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre, Blenheim, New Zealand was simply amazing. With how the plane was set up and the mural behind it makes it seem like you're in the air with them. Do animals have souls? It was noted that that eyes are the window of the soul, and dogs' eyes are full of expression so yes, they have souls. Can you see into a snake's eyes or other reptiles- not so much so I'd say no to them. I can't love a snake anyway.

    Juvat's Roots post was great as well- with some of my faves- Tomcats, catapults, Mustangs, and some birds from Indy- a Dambuster, a Queer (meaning strange, not anything else. Yeah, even so, we can't call it that anymore I suppose). That was a popular post, if only for the sheer number of comments. Love how the Battleship Memorial Park features a metric half-ton of aircraft too! Anyway, looks like a good week for you, despite your muse being on vacation for some of it.

  4. Hey AFSarge;

    That operation didn't endear the British high command to the Australians and New Zealanders. The further misques during WWII from Afrika to Singapore really didn't leave a good taste in the mouth of the Aussies.

  5. Replies
    1. It was not. The aftermath saw him in the trenches in France commanding a battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. (Same regiment as my Uncle Robert, different battalion.)


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