Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Busy, Busy, Busy ...

OAFS Photo
No, this is not Your Humble Scribe being reprimanded by my Muse. But, she has a point.

Monday 1 and Monday 2 were very busy at the paying gig. Monday 3 and Monday 4 look to be no better.

Or worse?

Because yes, I love my job.

I mean someone has to do the necessaries in the la-bo-ra-to-ry before the stuff goes to sea. Right?

Man, I love my job.

But it does get busy at times ...

Yup, it's my crazy time of year.

Not really, but I like the clip.

Busy, busy, busy. Talk quietly among yourselves ...

... not driving a car through the front of a building but, well, maybe, we'll see.


And yes, it was time to change the header ...


  1. Interesting low hedge skirmish line header. Looks like Lee-Enfield's in use, just before WW1 as there is a soft lid vs tin helmet in use. No Brodie Helmets in sight.

    1. I think it depicts elements of the BEF in action in the early days of WW1. Mons or Le Cataeu but I stand to be corrected.

    2. The painting is Our 'Little Contemptibles', 1914 by William Barnes Wollen, which depicts the BEF in the late summer of 1914 in Belgium. The British Army didn't start thinking about helmets until around November 1915. The first major issue of the Brodie helmet was in 1916 (according to my sources). In 1914 the Germans were the only ones with helmets, which were made of leather and were replaced later with the steel helmet.

  2. Good to see a change in the header, a little variety Sarge.

    1. I've been meaning to do that for over a month now. The new one hasn't been used before. (I have about 70 headers ready for use.)

  3. What! Field test something before implementing it in the field? Rank Heresy, Sir.

    Sigh. The number of computer updates having to be pushed because we found "bugs" is staggering to my non-technical mind.

    1. Software is like a rotten log. If you didn't find any bugs, you're not looking hard enough.

    2. And when you find one software bug, it's like finding a wood tick. You can feel things crawling all over, and just know there are others lurking somewhere.

  4. Replies
    1. Never, they're being replaced with this.

    2. Maybe these would work:
      CAUTION: Massive volume change at the end. It's LOUD!

    3. Bleedin' contractors would probably overcharge the Navy for those corks ...

      Just sayin'.

  5. I like the new header. Has nice (different) colors. ;)


    1. I needed to change it up. Haven't used this one before.

  6. "Ten Rounds Rapid!" And a legend is born.

    1. Mons.

      The Germans thought the Brits all had automatic weapons!

    2. I may have mentioned it before but when I was about 5 I saw one of the surviving 'Old Contemptibles' perform the mad minute at Bisley ranges, very impressive and looking back he was only a couple of years older than I am now. The standards of 'musketry' as the British Army were unparalleled at that time, of course industrialised war meant that as tactics evolved the machine gun and artillery ruled the battlefield.

    3. That must have been a sight to see!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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