Thursday, June 13, 2024

Life's a Beach

Sunset was incredible.
OAFS Photo
How can you complain when the sky is clear, the water is refreshing, and the view stretches to forever?

Short answer?

You can't!

Tuttle and the shore party examining the breakwater.
OAFS Photo

Cormorants chilling.
OAFS Photo

The Missus Herself supervising the preparation of the beach defenses.
OAFS Photo

The Nuke declares a break for all hands.
OAFS Photo

Uh ... What is that triangular shape?
Note that that was well offshore.
OAFS Photo

What are those dots to the south-southwest?.
OAFS Photo

Ah, ships at anchor.
OAFS Photo
No beach pics tomorrow, we're off to Pungo.

Plane pr0n is in the forecast!


  1. Your mission, should you choose to accept it.......take LOTS of photos Sarge, Warbirds!! Much photos!! Warbirds!! Did I mention WARBIRDS?!?

  2. A sunset into the water is not something I generally think of as an east coast thing...

  3. South-southwest? On the east coast? Man, my cartographer just started spewing 404 errors. Glad I'm at

    1. We're on the Eastern Shore, Chesapeake Bay to the west, Atlantic to the east.

  4. Thanks for the pictures Sarge! What a spectacular day!

    East Coast beaches are so different from the ones I grew up with. Novel, in fact.

    1. Water is fairly pleasant this time of year in the Chesapeake. Unlike Maine where it's much colder, even in summer.

  5. The triangular object? A one man submersible with your Boss in assessing the probability of you returning to work or just saying screw it and staying where you are!
    Just sayin’

  6. Life is full of binary choices, like:

    This or work?
    Choose wisely!

    So happy you and some of the clan are able to do this now!
    Enjoy Pungo. I need to get there someday.
    John Blackshoe

    1. Got to see their Corsair fly by, land, take off, land again, and fold its wings!

  7. Preparing beach defenses! Outstanding!! #6 could have been taken from inside a bunker....glad y’all are having a good time, enjoy, savor every moment, thank the Lord for his providence and I know you do......


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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