A 'blog' button on my computer would be
so very nice. I'd like one that would automatically formulate a post for all of you, but alas- Bill Gates is far too busy with his philanthropic endeavors, and Steve Jobs is possibly in that great computer lab in the sky.
I read a post on the NepLex Facebook page where several writers discussed what blogging program they use, and the time commitment that the hobby requires. I'm not sure how Lex did it- posting at least once per day, and often more, while also working full-time in
cubicle hell. I suppose his work back in the cockpit gave him more time to write though. Sarge usually gets a post out daily, sometimes two, also while working hard for the man, at least when the New England weather allows it. Just like them, and probably many of you, I too have a full time job, and this volunteer position I have as a part-time pithy political blogger is far less than even a
part-time gig. However, I find that it still keeps me from things I should be doing- like yard work, among other things.
I'm very
good at procrastinating.
We renovated our front yard last year, taking out two ficus trees, the lawn, and the white picket fence that the
then-new wife wanted oh-so-long ago. The minnow and teenangster are older now, far past the time in their lives when they wanted dad to chase them around the yard. Even the loyal pup seemed indifferent to the grassy area, and his desire to mark every inch of it had apparently lessened. He has hip problems now anyway, brought on by his very old age (16+), so while the idea of fetching the tennis ball might get him excited, he'd surely pay for it afterwards, and I'd regret even bringing the ball out of it hiding place.
Mickey in earlier times. |
So, in a defensive measure against the ever-increasing water bills here in drought-prone San Diego, we decided to put in a mix of hard-scape and landscape. This included a cozy seating area, fire-pit, and putting the plants on a drip irrigation system that reduced our H
2O footprint. Yes, those usually go in the back yard, but ours is about 3 feet wide before dropping off steeply into one of the many canyons around San Diego. While I was glad to no longer need our lawn mower, that monthly chore was far less time consuming than the constant fight against overgrown plants, ground cover reposition/replacement, and acidic neighborhood doggie urine. Last weekend, my wife pointed out to me that we still have a little grass- although it's growing out of our rain gutters. The neighbor's Jacaranda tree dropping its leaves over our house is to blame, but it's yet another blog-deferred responsibility of mine.
So, with those lame excuses out in the open, and some much-needed yard work ahead of me,
not to mention a severe lack of creativity, I relapse back to a tried-and-true trivia post staple for me,
Guess The Cockpit.
Interesting canopy. It's not an F-16, but sounds similar. |
It's not US-made, but the exchange rate is about 1.14 to the dollar. |
If you don't know what this is, maybe a small flying animal will tell you. |
This Army cockpit is just jammed with switches. |
This is only a simulator cockpit but that's partially because there aren't any of the real ones in service yet. |
I saw several of these when I took my daughter on a tour of SCAD. |
Not a medium-sized hound, nor a diurnal hawk, but a person who engages in persistent attacks on others sort of works. |
An asymmetrical cockpit? It's a cliché, but this thing is ugly and weird. |
Here's where his buddy sits:
It's named after a Catholic college in Nebraska, but it's really only his first name. |
This picture isn't very humerus, but it's sort of femur, tibia, or metatarsal. |
Visit McMinville to take a gander at this one. |
Are those portholes? Well, it is a type of ship. |
They're still using that ugly green? I thought that would end with these newer aircraft. |
Ugly cars, but cool looking jets. |
Dorothy, these are in the UK, not Kansas. This is the rear cockpit. |
The clues probably gave some away, the pictures- a few others. Some were probably too tough to guess. Here are the answers.
AH-1Z Viper (upgrade to the Cobra) |
Eurofighter Typhoon |
AH-6 Little Bird |
US Army EH-60C helo that jams signals. This is an EH-60A, but I couldn't find a C or E. |
Gulfstream G-650. The company's HQ is in Savannah |
AV-8B Harrier |
Mi-24 Hind |
M-1 Abrams |
B-1 (B-One "Bone") |
The Spruce Goose |
Spaceship One |
Tornado GR-4 |
Saab Gripen |
Su-35 Super Flanker |
Ok, enough for now. Back to the yard work,
right after I check Facebook.
Up front I'll just say, if it's not an F-4 cockpit I'm pretty much lost.
ReplyDeleteWith that being said, I was able to recognize the helo cockpits. Not which bird they belonged to but that they were indeed helo cockpits.
The only one I got 100% correct was the gunner's position in the Abrams.
Spaceship One has a rather claustrophobic feel to it. Rather like the He-111, but worse.
Nicely done Tuna!
That's why I give you so many obvious clues- like gander, a bunch of bones, and little flying birdies!
DeleteTo me the phrase "obvious clue" is impenetrable as to its many shades of nuance and subtlety.
DeleteFor me a clue is something along the lines of "This is the cockpit of the Su-35 Super Fl_nker." Then, and only then, I might get it.
If by all this you gather that I suck at trivia...
You have discerned my meaning.
I often wonder what "clever" feels like.
Woo-Hoo! Some helicopter love, at last! Some trivia, the Blackhawk cockpit is a UH-60M (glass cockpit) not an EH-60 (steam gauges). I think all of the EH's were converted back to UH-60A's years ago, and most of the airframes have been retired now retired. I like the way you threw in the Abrams just to keep everyone honest.
ReplyDeleteRoger that. I guess you can't believe everything you find on the internet- my trivia posts included! Here's where I found it: http://www.hypercoolstuff.com/really-cool-cockpits/
DeleteNice to see the AH-6 (son of Loach). I wonder what the rooskies say about our cockpit paint?
ReplyDeleteLike Pogue I got the UH/HHC 60 M as Son#2 flies them. The HH60M is the Medevac bird. I also got the Gunners's office in the M1A2. Nice quiz Tuna! I got more from your hints than most of the photos tho.
ReplyDeleteYou got me with the M-1... sigh... :-)
ReplyDeleteYou got me with the M-1... sigh... :-)