Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Chapman had the host seat her at a table with a nice view of the Potomac, her server came by, she ordered water with a lemon slice, and a chopped spinach salad. While it was a meeting, it was in a restaurant, and it was lunchtime, so she was going to eat. The drive from her office hadn't been too bad, but it was still DC traffic.

She heard a familiar voice as she was digging into her salad, she looked up and sure enough, it was the man she was supposed to meet with.

"Hi, Beth," Jack Morgan said with a grin as he sat down across the table from her.

"Pretty ballsy, Jack, meeting like this."

"I remembered that when you lived in Old Town you liked this place."

"Well yeah, I still get down here from Annapolis from time to time. I didn't move to the moon you know."

Morgan blushed, he and Chapman had been a 'thing' when they were in the Navy. She flew helicopters, he had been a surface warfare officer, specializing in boarding operations.¹ They had spent a number of months in the Persian Gulf, he had been assigned to a destroyer, she had been on the same ship as part of the Air Detachment. They had behaved aboard ship, but the few port calls the ship had made, they had not.

After her helicopter had gone down in a sandstorm and she had badly injured her back, they had gone their separate ways. She had been stationed at ONI while undergoing rehabilitation, he had stayed at sea until he got out of the Navy a year later. Eventually she had been medically retired with three years to go until her twenty, he had separated from the Navy when he'd been passed over for lieutenant commander for the second time.

She often wondered what would have happened had they been closer in age, she had at least six years on him.

"Anything I need to know about?" Morgan asked.

"You've got no worries on my end." Chapman answered.

"What's good here?" Morgan asked as he glanced at the menu the server had dropped off.

"Food's better in the evening, the only reason I'm here at lunch is I like the view."

"Hhmm, ah, I'm not hungry anyway, call me?" Morgan said as he stood up to leave.

"Only if I have to, Jack. Only if I have to."

Johansen was just hanging up his phone when Morgan walked into the office. Johansen gave him a sour look.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Morgan sat, uninvited, before he answered, "I was down in Alexandria, thought I had a lead on something, but it turned out to be nothing."

"What kind of lead?"

"Let's go for a walk Ephraim, it's nice outside."

"Spill it, Morgan."

"I heard a rumor that someone who works at the Pentagon, the E Ring² mind you, may, or may not, have heard something about our little after hours activities."

Johansen's face paled slightly. "Anybody important, or some staffer?"

"Like I said, it didn't pan out. The guy I talked to, a staffer, is an old buddy of mine, another blackshoe³ sailor, he'd heard one of the flags say something offhand about 'traitors in our midst.' Turns out he was talking about a Marine who's rooting for Army this fall."

Johansen raised an eyebrow at that.

"The Marine's son plays tackle for West Point."

"Ah. So this was much ado about nothing?"

"It kinda concerns me that this staffer would think to bring it up to me, what does he know, or thinks he knows?"

Johansen, "I'd ask for a name, but I don't want to go poking around over in Arlington. Best let sleeping dogs lie. If something comes up, will this guy get in touch?"

"I doubt it, he's headed back to sea in a couple of months."

As Johansen walked back to his building, Morgan went to his car. In the glovebox was a burner phone, he opened it and hit a single button.


"I brought the bait, don't know if the fish are biting."

The phone clicked off on the other end.

On the way back to his apartment, Morgan stopped at a convenience store and picked up a six pack. The phone, which he'd snapped in half before putting it in a paper bag with a rather ripe banana peel, went into the trash outside the door. The chip from the phone was somewhere on 295, just past the sign for Exit 1A. He had snapped that in half as well.

Vice Admiral Tom Shaeffer was tired. It had been a long day and it wasn't over yet. It was just past 1900 and he had another meeting over at the Navy Yard which would probably run until midnight.

As he settled into the back seat of his car, his driver, Master Sergeant Turner Johns, USMC, turned to him, handing him a paper sack. "I bought you a sandwich, Admiral. Tomatoes and cheese on dark rye. Mayo, no pickles."

"Thanks, T. Did you get to eat?"

"Yessir, went home to Mama and the kids while you were hobnobbing with the Congresscritters. Had some red beans and rice, some boudin, and a nice cold beer. Ya shoulda come with me, Sir."

"You're right. Talking with those bastards from up on the Hill always makes me want to shoot myself."

"Take it easy, Sir. They'll get theirs. You know what they say, right?"

"I do, T, I do. What goes around, comes around. After you drop me off at the Yard, go ahead and go home. I'll leave a message as to what time to collect me tomorrow morning."

"Roger that, Sir."

"I have not yet begun to fight," the Admiral said softly as he exited the car.

MSgt. Johns nodded as he drove off, "Amen to that."

¹ Morgan would have been part of the Navy's Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) teams. Very active in the Persian Gulf at certain points in history.
² The most senior military and civilian officials of the Department of Defense and their staffs work in the E Ring.
³ Surface Warfare Officers (SWOs) are often referred to as "black shoes" due to the color of their footwear when not in whites. Naval aviators are especially fond of referring to them that way. Aviators wear brown shoes, my son, a SWO, did some heavy eye-rolling when his baby sister, a Naval Flight Officer, bought her first pair of brown shoes to wear with her khakis after being winged.


  1. Interesting backstory. I was reading some Clancy lately. Yours would be a page turner.

    1. Thanks, Michael. If I may ask, which book of Mr. Clancy's did you read? I'd be hard-pressed to pick a favorite.

    2. Shadow of the Dragon. I too would be hard pressed to find my favorite.

    3. Michael,
      I agree. Sarge's story(ies) are page turners. The problem is, you're only authorized to turn one page a day. Unlike Beans, I read much faster than that.
      How's that? A two-fer gotcha in one comment! A new record!
      Just kiddin' guys. Put away the torches and nooses.


    4. Whoa, settle down. A pilot who can read? What are the odds? (JK)

    5. Oh, juvat, you only get a high page count because you read books with lots of pictures and short sentences. So there! pthbbbt!

      Last time I tested, was around 3K wpm. Read "The Stand? one night. One very long night.

  2. Morgan is a busy little bee. You've a good storyline going Sarge.

  3. Hmmmm.....Muse seems to have dined on spaghetti and guacamole pizza washed down with a coffee malted milk

    Likely a red gefilta fish, but at the moment I'm fixated on Morgan. How high in the tree is he? How many sides is he playing against each other? Where do his loyalties, if any other than to himself, lay? What does he suspect Johansen of? And why does he seem to be setting him up?

    1. Eventually, all will be revealed.

    2. (putting on Veruca voice) But I want it NOW, Daddy!

      Interesting and convoluted intermingling of characters. "A toe-tapping page turner for the ages!" as one critic puts it.

  4. Having read the "backstory" I gotta go back to the beginning and start over; perhaps I'll figure the players without a scorecard. Nice touch with Beth, though, so far her story is the most interesting.
    The "shoe" thing in the Navy is as old as Naval Aviation; though the aviators in typically lazy fashion often just refer to SWO's as "shoes". None of this is to disparage your family members.
    I read nearly everything Clancy wrote himself; my favorite being " Red Storm Rising", nothing personally against Jack Ryan, but Clancy didn't need him to make a story run. After that my favorite would be "Cardinal of the Kremlin" for the description of SDI among other things.
    Boat Guy

    1. Having sprung from aviation myself, I enjoy the interplay between the surface types and the aviators.

    2. "Red Storm Rising" was a great story!

    3. I've read that book at least five times. It's outstanding.

  5. Deliciously complex and complicated. Six years? Oh, she's older.

    1. The allure of the older woman is nothing to sneeze at.

  6. A spy story eh? I guess most of the war stories are at some point... I like it!

    1. I fished you out of the spam filter. Damn Blogger effed up again.

  7. Hmm. Morgan failed to select for LCDR? That almost requires total incompetence, or a deliberate act of defiance. VBSS guys would tend to be fairly sharp, so there is probably more to his story than has been revealed, yet.

    Remember, "Black Shoes Matter!" Otherwise the aviators would all be P-3 bubbas collecting per diem instead of flying off big or little boats.

    John Blackshoe (son of a brown shoe)

    1. Depends on what time period this story is based on. 20 years ago I'd say, yeah, Morgan's incompetent, probably ran aground or something. Today? Maybe too white, or too male, or too religious, or not gay enough or only uses traditional pronouns and doesn't buy into the whole DEI hookum.

    2. JB - We're going to learn more about Jack Morgan, count on it.

      My son-in-law Big Time and daughter LUSH (aviators) love referring to an aircraft carrier as a "boat." Especially when LUSH's big sister, The Nuke, is around, she HATES that term. (The Nuke was part of ship's company on the Ike.)

    3. The ships company are the boat people... :-)

    4. Beans - There are multiple ways to not make O-4 which have been true for centuries. Let's just say that Morgan isn't overly fond of rules, nor is he overly fond of idiots. Kind of a tough way to get ahead in the military, unless it's wartime. I'll leave the exact reasons until ...


    5. Rob - Good one, Big Time and LUSH approve. The Nuke? Not so much.

    6. And Marines are just passengers, right?

    7. Beans - That's the Gator Navy, a whole different breed. The Marines aboard a carrier are aviators and their support crews. To a SWO they're just another species of brown shoe.

    8. Rob - See my comment to Beans above.

    9. Carriers have - or used to have - A MarDet ( Infantry types, not Wing Wipers) aboard to guard certain special magazines. As such they also act as the CO's "Orderly" and other such JarHead things, as they used to do aboard battleships.
      Boat Guy

    10. BG - The MarDets were discontinued in 1998, now those duties have been assumed by sailors.

    11. Anything that can carry aircraft isn't a 'boat', it is a Target..... So says this submariner :-)

    12. And the Silent Service chimes in!

  8. While maintaining an appropriate level of PersSec; I will say it is possible to Fail to Select for LCDR without being a f*ck*p OR malcontent. All things happen when and as they're supposed to. Again without divulging too many details it is also possible to Fail to Select for LCdr and still retire from Active Duty wearing scrambled eggs on one's cover. Kind of a unique situation, though.
    Boat Guy

    1. If you can imagine a scenario, it's probably happened once or twice. (Or more ...)

  9. Favorite Tom Clancy is The Hunt for Red October.

    1. Mine as well- the original book that put him on the map. Although Patriot Games comes in a close second.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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