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Some have bemoaned Trump's presumptive nomination to be the Republican Party's death knell. Nope, sorry, that was sounded some time ago. Think John McCain, think Mitt Romney, think John Boehner. The GOP came down with a deadly illness in this century and I don't think it will recover.
The Democrats apparently have decided to be a progressive, socialist party now. I know, I know, an argument can be made for that having been true for a long, long time. I don't know, I don't consider myself to be an expert on politics. Perhaps I am simply becoming ever cynical as I get older.
I fear the type of world my grandchildren may have to face when they come of age.
A guy I have a great deal of respect for has made a pretty good case for Trump. The DiploMad has seen Shrillary and her flying monkeys up close and personal in his days at the State Department. She is no alternative at all. As to "the Donald," read a few of Lewis' recent posts starting here. He makes the man sound almost tolerable. Judge for yourself.
As to Shrillary, I am reminded of a quote attributed to Sir Winston Churchill...
"If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."No, I'm not equating Shrillary to Hitler, though my distaste for that "lady" is close. As to Trump being the devil?
I just don't know. I do know that if Shrillary (or through some twisted circumstance Comrade Bernie if he manages to overcome the odds) is one choice, I shall make the other. I may be holding my nose while doing so, but a vote for an independent or (Heaven forfend, no vote at all) puts one squarely in the camp of the Shrillary and her flying monkeys.
Make a difference this Fall, though once again we here in these United States get to vote for the lesser of two evils. And remember what Captain Aubrey had to say on that subject...
Hear, hear!
One of the nice things about the 2300-0700 shift, is that I am sometimes the first to read your blog. A nice way to end the day!
ReplyDeleteAh yes, what we called mid-shift in the AF. No management around, the phone seldom rings, unless it's important.
DeleteThanks Scott!
I was battle chief at the JOC for Bright Star a long time ago. I had the 2300 to 0700 watch, in addition to my other duties. When the phone rang it was rare, I still get a kick out of the call I got from the Air Force Det at Cairo West telling me that I needed to file an OPREP3 with JCS to inform them that a B1 taxiing to the runway had knocked off a portion of its wing when it rubbed against a building.
DeleteMost nights, running the JOC was pretty tame and I simply dealt with little things like the aftermath of 2 CH53s from Italy inadvertently using one of Mobarek's palaces on the Mediterranean Sea shore as a GPS waypoint. They were engaged by 50 calibre guns as they crossed the beach.
I'd have been all over the blogs back then but all we had was siprnet and the only blog then was the 'View from the Peak'.
Sigh. The "good old days."
Delete(Bright Star puts me in mind of a book by Harold Coyle. I must re-read that.)
Well said Sarge. We definately have Political Masters (or Puppets) that have done their best to keep their hands on the wheel of power. The time when either Party represented that part of the population that was either Liberal (in the Truman, Kennedy or Moynihan sense of the word) or Conservative (Ronald Reagan) have long past. One major change is that the Press no longer pretends to provide information to the public -they are strident supporters of the Socialist / Democrat side now. While many have concerns about Trump, it is all about what he might do: there is no question about what Hillary or Bernie would do. Once again it is hold your nose and vote. Not voting gives an edge to the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteYou had mentioned DiploMad, others are Dr. Jerry Pournelle and Newt Gingrich. Neither Jerry nor Newt are neophytes to the political process and they both are taking a far more positive view of Trump than those that only throw out scenes of gloom and doom.
It will be very interesting to see Trump's VP choice. Almost has to be from one of the big Electoral College States that Trump needs help to win. http://www.infoplease.com/toptens/electoralvotes.html
"While many have concerns about Trump, it is all about what he might do: there is no question about what Hillary or Bernie would do. "
DeleteExactly! He has said a lot of good things, but I can stand on top of the Empire State building and say that I can fly. Saying the words doesn't mean I will (falling is not flying). I would have preferred someone who actually had done the things he'd said he would. Walker, Perry and to a lesser extent Cruz fit that bill. Not to be, so I'll vote for Donnie, because the flip side of that is true. Clinton and Sanders HAVE done what they said they'd do and there is no reason to believe they won't do so again.
For some reason, a Beatles song has been playing in my head continuously for quite some time now.
Well said Ron, I respect the opinions of Dr. Pournelle and Mr. Gingrich as well. (Both of whom are also excellent novelists!)
DeleteJuvat, that song seems on continuous play in my head as well.
DeleteOne school of thought is that the quickest and most most painless way to get the rotation started is to elect the progressive pantsuit. Most painless does not equal pain free, of course.
DeleteSadly, we've seen this before, ladies and gentlemen (and all rakes, cads, and Naval Aviators). Rome, just before 44BC. The problem is, by 27BC, Octavian had decided that he was YUGE enough to declare himself Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus. Then the republic of Rome died, and the despotic empire was born... And the legislative branch became all but an irrelevant rubber stamp.
ReplyDeleteEither one of the two party choices has a head and ego big enough to decide he (or she) is deserving of such lofty titles.
We share similar fears Jim. (Glad to see that you know your history!)
DeleteWe are headed toward a battle to choose between the evil of two lessers. At this point I believe that I will support None of the Above.
ReplyDeleteI fear that none of the above puts Shrillary in the WH.
DeleteAt least you can plead innocence. I get that.
I see a mud fight
ReplyDelete...and nobody really wins
DeleteAnd the pigs will enjoy it.
DeleteOh someone wins all right but it won't be the United States of America as conceived.
DeleteAh, it's "Chinese Curse" time . . . you all know, "May you live in interesting times." Never have been a Trump fan. His name seems to permeate the very air, here, in southern NY State. They don't call him "The Donald" for nothing. Now, he's running for president. Instead of occasional mention on the evening news, he's there every day . . . multiple times! He must be very happy.
ReplyDeleteAs for Hillary . . . a more corrupt and twisted candidate I cannot imagine. While her husband is not but a flimm-flamming con man, I find her to be a vile creature, right out of a Tolkien work.
The lesser of two evils, in my book, would be "The Donald." And so, that's how I'll vote.
Unfortunately, my vote and my wife's vote usually cancel each other out. I tend to be more The Conservative; She, The Liberal.
Can't really say this year, as she dislikes both candidates as much as I do.
Sigh . . . life in these United States, so it goes.
So it goes, aye.
DeleteNot sure I can hold my nose 'til November but I'm gonna try. I look at my two lovely granddaughters and wonder what their future holds. I know I've done my best to make it a better, safer place but those that lust for money and power may well undo all that. I'm not so upbeat about the way things are going right now.
ReplyDeleteWe are of like minds.
DeleteAs my friend John Cox would say, "Have you ever had to choose between ptomaine or salmonella for dinner?"
ReplyDeleteThose are our election choices!
Pretty succinct, Proof!
DeleteProof, I thought your open letter this morning was excellent! Well done.
DeleteSame here!
DeleteJuvat & Sarge: Thanks! I try to call 'em as I see 'em!
DeleteAnd you do it with humor and style!
DeleteWhile I generally ignore professional blowhards, the run down Hwy 71 from I-80 to I-76 is so boring I listen to Rush Limbaugh. Today he was saying Trump's positions in an interview in Playboy magazine circe 1990 wasn't much different from what he is saying today. I still am firmly in favor of anybody but Shillary.
ReplyDeleteDitto. (Pun intended.)
DeleteOur founding fathers got a some things wrong (such as legitimizing slavery in the Constitution) but there was a general distaste for political parties among them, and I'm sorry that they didn't use the Constitution to outlaw them. Maybe things would have turned out the same. You never know. I feel that the deadlock we have in this country has brought us to the current alternatives, and the parties have cemented this choice in place, whether they meant to or not.
ReplyDeleteOn the bright side, we've had devious and incompetent leaders before. The Grant and Harding administrations were corrupt on a massive scale, although the presidents themselves were likely unwitting tools of those they trusted. Pierce and Buchanan all but guaranteed the Civil War with their drunken and slovenly ham-handedness. (Is "ham-handedness" even a word? Hmmm...) Hoover, by all accounts an intelligent man, laissez-faired (NOT a word!) us into the Great Depression.
We've always overcome these failures in the past. I have a feeling we'll again, as the Brits say, "muddle through."
I hope we manage that as well.
Delete(If "ham-handedness" isn't a word it should be.)