Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Brain Fried ... Must Sleep ...

Angriff der preussischen Infanterie, Hohenfriedeberg 4. Juni 1748
Carl Röchling
I am at a loss for what to write about today. The weekend was long, a lot of fun, but also unbelievably tiring. Up at 0430 on Thursday to drive to Boston and back. Staying up too late most nights, then getting up at 0530 on Monday to see the kids off and then to drive back home again.

So my creative side, my Muse if you will, is off on a walkabout. Probably trying to "find" itself.

So today you get a cool painting of the Prussian guards advancing during the battle of Hohenfriedberg, which happened a long time ago, and not much else.

The comment spammers are coming in waves now. Some days I don't see them at all, other days I'll get twenty new comments urging me to chase some link where I can make 50 billion dollars a day bilking people on the Internet.

I suggested to Blogger (yes, I begged them to make it stop, they have that power ya know) to just mark any comment with a link in it as spam. I can always pull it out of the spam filter later. Pulling one or two innocent comments out of there is much easier than marking 20 comments as spam and then deleting them. One by one ...

Before Gargle changed their software to whatever it is now, comments marked as "spam" were immediately deleted from the live comments and placed in the "spam folder," where you could delete them en masse. Not the case anymore. I would complain about the deficiencies of software people at Gargle, but in reality they are the same everywhere. A lot of people get into this field without any talent, those who do have talent get browbeaten and rushed by idiot managers. ("Idiot manager," something of an oxymoron innit?) Then what do you get?

Crap, ya get crap.

But enough whinging.

How about the political scene, isn't that farking exciting? Every day a new twist from the stealth administration and their puppet masters. But enough of that as well. (Don't take this as carte blanche to go nuts in the comments with a political rant. You want to rant about politics, start your own blog, I'll show you how.)

Blargh ...

I always tell myself that I'll go to bed earlier, but I never do ...

"Omigod! Is it really 22:30!"

"Why yes, yes it is."

Think I'll go to bed now ...


  1. "...You want to rant about politics, start your own blog, I'll show you how.)"
    prob is, I, like everyone else, am just too lazy to go to the time and trouble to start my own blog: it's just so much easier to rant on someone else's.
    What a terrible way to go through life, neh? knowing you're just too damn lazy;
    OK! OK! the best/easiest excuse is I just don't have the time - or I can't find enough to write about every day, usw. that's all Bravo Sierra
    the real reason is just plain laziness.
    at least I own up to it

  2. There comes a point where leaving another political comment is like spitting into the wind, just too messy. Oh, BTY, ran across a video of "Learn to Fly" by you know who, good song.......... :)

    1. That was the first song I ever heard by them, I was hooked.

  3. Sleep? What’s that?

  4. Vacations/fun trips can be a double edged sword without a hilt. Fun and all that, but you need a week or two to recover from them.

  5. Sarge, I completely sympathize. A really busy weekend takes me days to recover. I really am developing a more sedate lifestyle because of it.

    I love this painting. I think I first saw it here on your site.

    Take your waves of spam as a sign that your blog has a long reach and is worth trying to hack.

  6. Have a the best Wednesday you can!

    1. Love it. Rob, may your Wednesday be awesome as well!

    2. It will be, Jerry Boyd put out the next installment (#49) of "Bob's Saucer Repair' on Amazon. I do enjoy the story!
      But I do have to drive into town (we are a 30 minute drive from a gallon of milk or gas or a parts store or anything) for a front brake caliper this morning...

    3. Always nice when a favorite author releases a new book!

  7. Love the artwork!
    Irritability may be caused by lack of sleep, large crowds, excessive noise.......;-)

    Spam is a huge problem for bloggers and others with online presence, usually invisible to most of the visitors, but a real PITA for management. You do a great job of controlling it, which is a modern equivalent to the old time activity of shooting rats at the dump.

    Prayers for Juvat and Mrs. J on "big day" today.
    John Blackshoe

    1. 🤣

      I do like the "shooting rats at the dump" analogy in regards to deleting spam comments.

      Yes indeed, prayers for the Juvat clan this day!

  8. Was gonna just like on FB, but Idiot Managers grabbed my attention.
    They’re the ones who believe it’s necessary to put their stamp of approval upon every action taken by those subordinate to them.
    Real managers are almost invisible.

    I may get to bet “early enough” about once a week.

    1. Bingo! Skip's got bingo!

      Real managers are the grease on the wheels, idiot managers are the sand in the gearbox.

      (Yes, I suck at analogies, why do you ask? 🙄)


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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