Thursday, July 25, 2024

Drought, Politics, and What?

As you might gather from the picture above, the creativity drought continues.

There is a 65% chance of creativity occurring as the weekend approaches. Satellite and radar both show a major creativity system moving into the area as early as Friday. This will coincide with the Sarge getting a full night's sleep. (Whatever that means at this point in time. I'm not used to being in my 70s just yet, I'm still a rookie old fart.)

So yeah, not feeling it, don't feel like creating any new fiction, though I am thinking of resurrecting some old fiction and extending it. We'll see how that goes.

Though I tend to refrain from commenting on politics ...

I'm going to comment on politics.

Who is running the show in DC? What in the wide world of sports is going on in our nation's capital?

So Sleepy Joe isn't going to run again, so the braying jackass (the spirit animal of that party) steps up. (Not going to name names here, can't abide any of 'em, even the Rethuglicans.)

The head of the Secret Service steps down. I did watch some of the beat down by Congress the other day, she answered questions just like every politician answers questions. With word salad and absolute drivel. Of course the Congresscritters saw right through that, after all, that's how they talk as well.

I suppose if I sat in front of Congress and had all of them telling me "You suck at your job," well then, I might step down too. Who needs that kind of aggravation anyway?

Surprise, surprise, she resigns the next day.

As to the other guys?

Seems we're back to the classic options of the American voter ...

In truth though, I think a return to the Orangeman is the only rational choice.

Though I am reminded of what they said about Mussolini ...

"At least he made the trains run on time."

As an historian I have to be wary of "the man on horseback."


Editor's Note: Comment away, just remember Rule #1, BE NICE!


  1. I think your Muse knows more about the Machiavellian Politics (did I do an oxymoron here?) of the swamp than you admit.

    The Romans saw their Empire in trouble at the speed of a man walking information system.

    Today we have the internet and social media.

    Trusted friends and trusted family is far more valuable in times of trouble than "money in the bank" as Crowd Strike pointed out to us.

    1. Oh, I know about it, I just find politics to be somewhat distasteful.

  2. Trying to force creativity is like trying to force butchers twine into the eye of a silk needle.

    All people need to do to get to the difference in the sides of the aisle is to compare The Once Golden State to The Lone Star State or the Sunshine State. While I find Orangemanbad to be an arrogant hind end, full of bluster, bombast, and braggadocio, at least he knew how to be effective and quietly got things done. I sometimes think that his public bluster etc. is a maskirovka to get his opponents to focus on that rather than what he is doing. Also, he doesn't seem to care much about what public opinion is, he keeps on his own course.

    The party of "Blast Away" and The Kackler is like a ragged flag, flapping wildly at the whims of the fickle whims of public opinion, and always with the most strident gusts.

    My first three presidential elections, starting with Carter, I was straight party blue. Then I started noticing the differences between words and deeds. Then, in '88, when I had grown out of my youthful idealism and gotten some maturity, and started splitting the ticket, voting on record and deeds, not on rhetoric. I think what brought it into focus was when a certain Lady High Mayor of San Francisco, when questioned about her concealed carry permit, and if she was going to relinquish it in light of her push for gun bans, snapped, basically, that she was an important person who sometimes went into dangerous areas, and so she needed a gun. Well, excuse me for living, but I'm just as important as you.

    Looking back on it, the sea change in the politics of that party came in '72 when McGovern sold the party to the politics of the fringe left. She also advocated, I think around '04, for stripping "citizen journalists" of their "freedom of the press" rights. You, Sarge, are a journalist just as much as any of the pundits paid by Big Corporate Press. There is no provision in the Constitution that grants to corporate press more rights or protections than any single citizen has.

    1. I've never been a party guy, I align with the Rethuglicans so I can vote in their primaries. They are closest to my political leanings, I consider myself a small-r republican.

  3. Take your time Sarge, let those creative juices flow since it takes time.....just like other flows take their time once you hit the seventies (ask me how I know......... :) As to politics the rapid cognitive decline may be the public reason for Joe to NOT run for President again but not enough to keep him from BEING President until January.......have I got that right?!? "I'm so confused"........ to quote Jackie Chan.

    1. Don't forget, he was also found not fit to stand trial. But he is just a figurehead, so it doesn't really matter. (And damn it, it should matter.)

    2. Yes TPTB have really turned up the DC Climate controls to Wacky Circus levels...
      But the part that Really concerns me is the Fact we have a person who everyone knows to be far to demented to run for President, but entirely TOO many Politicians (of both parties) are quite happy to have supposed control of our Government and finger hovering over the Nuclear Button for the next SIX MONTHS.
      Rant over. Time to sing happy tunes and forget the world exists.

      MSG Grumpy

    3. Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

      Yes, the circus has come to town.

    4. He was found not fit to stand trial PUBLICLY and nothing happened!
      More proof that there is cabal behind the curtain running things... and that we no longer have a free press, just owned media companies.

    5. Pravda and Tass seemed more honest back in the day ...

  4. Oh and Prayers for the muse to return and hold ya tight, (for selfish reasons as I really wanna know how the new Prez works out and if the Chinese will calm down...)
    MSG Grumpy

    1. Ah, you want more of President Nakagawa? I was thinking along those lines as well.

  5. Nobody gives Mussolini credit. He not only made the trains run on time, he made the Italian trains run on time.

    1. And he rallied all of Italy to act united for once. By the end of him, pretty much all of Italy hated him. Eh, you take what you can get.

  6. As other have pointed out, including BRM, much damage can occur from an unrestrained SloJo. He has been a snake his whole life; what else should we expect?

    1. True, if he is incapable of running, how is he capable of holding the office?

  7. small-r works.
    So’s our governing system when operated as the founders intended.

  8. As for the creativity drought, this too shall pass.
    Your daily musings on anything are welcome, preferably filtered from the cesspool of politicians and their misdeeds, malfeasance and fiscal insanity.
    (PS- I saw above a rat from the dump which Sarge will gleefully exterminate, so we don't have to be bothered by it. Most will never notice, but it's part of the service he provides to keep his neighborhood family friendly.)

    1. Thanks, JB,

      (Gotta go get more ammo, the rats at the dump have been very busy today.)

  9. Sadly, I am fully expecting the Joetato to suddenly end up with a big case of dead within the next few months. Thus making the Throat Goat (thanks, BCE, for that appellation) the actual president meat puppet as controlled by the Shadows (a Babylon 5 reference, for those who haven't watched the best Sci-Fi show ever.)

    What totally peeves me is that Spuds McPresident isn't substantially more brain dead now than when he was wound up for the 2020 election. Back then he required major days of prep to do an evening performance, as the 'Sundowner Syndrome,' that being dementia and Alzheimer patients doing better in the morning and then losing cognitive function by the late afternoon, was already quite evident. What's that phrase, 'gradually then suddenly,' applies as he was gradually clocking out of reality during the Lightbringer's reign of terror, and then was functionally not there after stepping down as Veep.

    Sad days. I feel no compassion for the diseased soul in that meat husk. I have met actual 'evil' evil people in my lifetime, you know, people that literally seem as if there's a demon inside, and he's been just like them. Sold his soul, so to speak, and now the bill is due.

    The way that suddenly the Giggler is on every internet site, pimping herself for a few bucks, gah. Can't get away from her.

    1. I truly despise the Cackler.

    2. But Alex Soros LOVES her. He apparently thinks his willy is Brown enough for her!

  10. Trump comes across in the same bombastic tones as what I had with dealing with any New Yorker. But in mid-seventies he needed a excellent engineer for Trump Towers so he hired a black woman engineer who constructed Trump Towers. Friend was with him going into boxing match back in the 90's and Trump stopped to speak to the doorman. Friend found out that Trump had paid all of the medical expense for the daughter of doorman. Clip from Maury Povich surfaced on facebook of Trump giving a $150 million to little girl who had rare medical problem but family too poor to pay. And flew them on his plane to Ca. for treatment. But the Maury clip disappeared after I saw it. Can't have that kind of info out there.

    1. Bombastic describes it well, which is kind of off-putting. But I do think the man has a good soul. Something most D's lack entirely.

    2. Bombastic? He's less bombastic than most politicians out there. At least he follows through, mostly, with his bombastic claims.

      Everything I've read (that's not just pure leftard hate) about Trump has been about how, well, he truly understands the concept of noblesse oblige. He may be rich and bombastic, but he takes care of people, oftentimes people he doesn't even know, without fanfare. Just that, the way he treats people openly, with honor and dignity, surpasses anything he seems bombastic about.

      Name one other person to fix something in NYC under time and under budget like he did to the Wollman Skating rink, which was 4 years late and millions over budget before he took it over.

      I don't read him as so bombastic but more theater-trained. He speaks to the masses. Speaks in short clips. And does most of it without teleprompter or cue cards. I'd love to hear him recite the St. Crispen's Day speech from Henry V.

    3. We obviously have different views on bombastic.

    4. An interesting book is Trump's early "The Art of the Deal". A shrewd businessman and negotiator who usually got most of what he wanted. And a brilliant showman. Remember his arrival as President at the European G7 conference with his helicopter escorted by a flock of helicopter gunships (you could almost hear 'The Ride of the Valkyries' playing).

    5. Right now, everybody running for office makes me nervous.

  11. Sarge, any day you write is a good day. It is a good reminder to all that writing is not an "always on" thing, and we struggle as much as anyone else to produce content somedays. The important thing is to keep at it.

    1. One must strive!

      (I get antsy if we don't put something out every day.)

  12. Pretty much what you write, I'll read. I read a piece this morning about Trump and a silly 50 shot round of golf. It seems there are a least two or three of him. The noisy bombastic publicity seeker; a generous human who plays golf honestly, and someone who chooses which is the costume of the moment. Reminds me a little of what I've read about Gen. Eisenhower.

  13. I recently responded to someone who dislikes Trump (massive understatement there) when they were worried about WW3, becoming communist, destroying democracy and the like, if any of those things happened last time. She about blew a gasket, but after that there was silence as she allowed her brain to consider my question. I won that round, but there were no others unfortunately. A small dose of red-pill for the win!

    1. I remember the utter chaos some libs experienced when he was elected the first time. None of what they predicted transpired.

  14. If I can offer some help, I have been working on a guest post different from the usual Ewok report. Will mail draft soom.


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