Monday, December 2, 2024

Looking forward to a return to normalcy

 Well Campers, November was sure a whirlwind month for the juvat clan and friends, not that I'm complaining.  Good friends, beautiful scenary, good food, great wine, what's not to like?

There were a few bumps in the road, but nothing that couldn't be handled*.  The holiday season began when MBD and crew drove over from their neck of the woods arriving around 10PM the day before Thanksgiving. (FYI, The Rev's Mom and Mrs J had a high level conference to decide who the kids and grand kids spend which holiday with each of us.  This year we got Thanksgiving. Next year Christmas.) 

In any case, Mrs J and I greeted them as they arrived and I assisted in getting little Leon' out of his car seat.  

He expressed his gratitude by spraying the milk contents of his stomach all over me.  A baptism of fire so to speak.  Fortunately, I have a larger inventory of clean clothes than he does,  I didn't have to run around in my underwear.  

Yes, Sarge, I realized a mental picture of that would have scarred your mind for eternity.

Two sets of clothes went immediately into the washer and some medicinal wine was served to the adults.  

Who? Me?  


The city had decorated our town square (AKA The Marktplatz) for  Christmas.  It had an Ice Skating Rink, lots of things to climb on and slide down for the younger set.

Even some not so young kids (AKA The Rev) were climbing on things.  Leon' is impressed with his father's monkey skills.

They even had a Glockenspiel.  Miss Mags wanted an upclose view thereof.

The rest of the holiday went by relatively smoothly until RTB.  All visitors were loaded in the car.  The Rev was in the back seat to take care of the kids.  Just after car start Leon' decided to baptize The Rev with milk (pre-consumed of course) which also doused MBD in the driver seat.  So...a quick change of clothes, dirty ones went into the washer.  We'll be mailing them to MBD shortly.

As you can see, a highly entertaining Thanksgiving week.  

That having been said, it was nice to have at least part of the family here.  Just as an FYI, while writing the first draft of this post we also spent about an hour video chatting with Little J,  LJW and Miss B catching up on their Thanksgiving.  

Ain't technology grand?  An hour on a live video halfway around the world for FREE?  A ten minute phone call with waves of garbled conversation from Kunsan ROK to Las Vegas cost about $100 in 1981.  That was a significant portion of my monthly salary.   It still amazes me, but I'm extremely grateful for the improved technology.

To change the subject somewhat, this is going to be a not very fun week.  This afternoon (Monday), I'll be visiting my GP.  This'll be my quarterly "Poke and Prod" visit.  I do have a couple of things I want to discuss with him also.  He's a good guy.  Straight shooter.  We'll see what we will see.

Tuesday, first thing, I visit the dentist.  I'm having a crown replaced.  She has me on Amoxicillin and said I will be completely sedated (AKA knocked out).  Not sure why that might be, but she's the Doc.  

Wednesday, I get to visit my Cardiologist, that's always an interesting visit.  I've been pretty darn religious about taking my meds, but there are still a few symptoms I'm a bit concerned about.   We'll see.

Finally, my Brother will be arriving on Friday.  Had enough of California, so is moving here.  He'll be put up in one of our guest houses until he gets settled.

So...Lots of balls in the air.  We'll see what the results will be.

Peace out, y'All!

*Handled by the Ladies. Handled by The Rev and I?  Not a chance, we'd still be trying to clean things up, including ourselves!



  1. I am glad you had an excellent Thanksgiving.

  2. Family Time is Best Time juvat even with the cleanups......(heh heh heh). Can remember making long distance phone calls back Home on Sundays nights cause that was the cheapest time going........(sigh). Looks like Leon + milk = not traveling well........ :)

  3. You have Thursday! Enjoy it.... and good luck with the different doctor visits!


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Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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