Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Great Read

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Try as I might, I couldn't come up with the next chapter in Uprising, I have vague ideas but nothing solid as of yet. Soon, my pretties, soon.

One thing with all of this writing (and still working 8 to 4, sure, only 4 days a week) is finding the time to do other things, like read someone else's scribblings. James Holland, whose book above is my current read, is one heckuva scribbler.

Here's a nice video on the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry (which is the regiment followed in the book) -

The passion of the man in that video is in his writing, he knows his subject and he relates it brilliantly. This is no dry scholarly account, no, you are there in the tanks with those men. Mr. Holland brings them to life. You also feel the tension and stress of warfare, it can be  a harrowing read at times. But well worth it.

I highly recommend this book and all of Mr. Holland's work. He is very good at his craft.

Now, if you'll forgive me, I must go and read some more. I hope to pick up where we left off in Uprising soon, though it might not be until the weekend.

'Tis busy, I am.


  1. Oh man.......another interesting book, the bookshelves are already groaning in protest at the load they're carrying now. Now where did I hide that credit card?!

    1. I know!

      I also picked up Masters of the Air by Donald Miller (the book the HBO series is based on).

      I need to build an addition to the house for my library!

  2. Read away Sarge!

    I picked up two Osprey Publishing books this weekend on the Reconquista of Spain and suddenly I find myself consumed with interest in Al-Andalus - which, of course, then fed into looking for more books on Byzantium. I am never going to catch up on my reading list.

    1. Don't bemoan the fact that the reading list gets longer and longer, for when the day arrives that there is nothing left to read, it will be a sad day indeed.

      No, my wife isn't buying that either ...

  3. Don't sweat it, Sarge; the next chapters will be coming soon. I'm afraid we'll be living them.
    Boat Guy

    1. Which is something that might be holding me back ...

    2. What's that quaint New England phrase to signal affirmation to someone's comments? Oh, that's right. "Ayup."

    3. That's what they say in Maine. Other areas of New England would have other responses.

  4. I've heard about that tank unit before.

    As to your tale of woe and death, it will come.

    As to book space, you have lots of room, right? The Missus herself will allow you to convert another room or two into the OAFS' not-yet-memorial Collections, right?

    1. Fat chance of that happening, I already clutter things up far too much for her tastes.

  5. James Holland is brother to historian Tom Holland, author of Dominion (the influence of Christianity on Western Civilization). James hosts a podcast "We have ways of making you talk" and Tom hosts the podcast "The Rest is History".

  6. Watching the excellent video I couldn’t help but think of my late father. He joined the army before WWII and participated in what he called the major FNAFUs ; Dunkirk and the retreat through Burma to India. I wonder what he would have thought of the UK today.


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