Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Monday was Blah, So Tuesday is Kinda Empty ...

Yes boys and girls (and all you other genders out there - heh), your beloved Sarge has naught to offer in the way of a new episode of Uprising. (That's the working title for the potential book it could turn into.) Though we drove back on Saturday and I had the Biblical day of rest on Sunday, getting up at 0600 was painful on Monday.

At the paying gig I was busy as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest, so I expended a lot of energy doing that as well on what was otherwise a very nice Monday.

I see some Brit top cop has declared that he will extradict Americans to the UK if they post stuff on the internet that he doesn't like.

Next thing ya know, the buggers will want to tax our tea.

I've come to the conclusion that most young voters are abysmally stupid. They wouldn't vote for the old fart (Slo Jo) but seem to prefer the Ho over DJT. That's right, little Miss "iIf elected I'll do something." Uh, what have you been doing for the last few years, you idiot?

I suppose we get the government the bulk of the populace votes for, 'tis a shame the rest of us have to live under it. I won't say we get the government we deserve, we get the government they deserve. How about we ship them all off to someplace else, someplace vast and empty, where they can only screw each other.

I'd say Antarctica, but I like penguins, they don't deserve such a shite-show as we're seeing these days. Sigh ...

That's all for now, I'm depressing myself. Have at it in the comments, but be nice and if you're making claims for some historical event, I want sources. Some folks have only a fleeting grasp of history. Probably blame the public schools for that. I don't want a bibliography, just a "I read this here ..." sort of thing.

Alright, I'm off now. Play nice ...


  1. That Met Police Czar....er....Commissioner doesn't seem to care that one other time higher-ups in London issued similar utterings to folks living across the pond resulted in unintended consequences. It seems being called "Sir" has gone to his head.

    1. Just tell him to walk up to Concord, from Boston, he'll receive a warm "welcome."

    2. Looking at the "Fearsome Chap" I'd say just have him walk though some of the more feral parts of Boston for a thrill :-)

    3. Good point, why go all the way to Concord when they can sort him in Boston?

    4. Sad thing is, there are lots in our government that would allow arrest and extradition, especially of people like Elon Musk, because it would secure the deep state.

    5. Just like in 1776, had Loyalists then who'd sell you to the lobsterbacks for a farthing.

    6. Lobsterbacks. That's a nickname/curse I hadn't heard in a long time.

      Maybe it's time for Disney to release pro-USA movies like "Johnny Tremaine" and others.

    7. Fat chance of Disney ever doing any such thing these days!

  2. There were too many people suffering who dislike 45 who would have held their nose and vote for him because of old joe, but now they have this savior that is gaining traction solely because she is not old joe. That bar is really low for these low to no information voters.

    1. And they're voting for the reason they're suffering, the Uniparty.

    2. The low and no information voters are actually voting for "free stuff." Those providing it (at taxpayer expense) understand that Santa Claus never lost an election. Therein lies the explanation for why we will never see serious attempts to cut spending, end deficit spending, or pay off the $35+ Trillion dollar debt. The inevitable cataclysmic economic collapse will result in dystopian conditions, especially in urban areas, where survival of the fittest (or best prepared) will eventually give rise to some new form of governance.

      Or, the Chinese may simply seize control and do as they please, while "protecting their citizens and business interests within our borders." You know, like we did in China from about 1850-1950?
      John Blackshoe

  3. They will be no happier under the regime of the Assistant Vice Resident as the policies that currently are destroying their lives and their futures will be exactly the same. Yet they are convinced otherwise because the harsh laws of real life have not made the cause and effect connection in their lives.

    1. The pampered brats of modern America, not sure what it would take to make them see the light. Apparently doubled gasoline costs and massive increases in the cost of groceries didn't get their attention at all.

    2. But it won't be "Red man bad", and do they pay for those groceries or do their parents? And gas is bad, right? We should all buy electric so the grid fails.
      But maybe that would make them see their error, when all their toys don't work...

    3. When the toys stop working, that would get their attention.

  4. You guys sound like you think voting actually matters. The DEMONcRAT Machine owns and operate too many Election Boards in critical swing states to allow Trump another go. Dominion voting machines and pre printed ballots guarantee a Commie, pedo, Satanist, traitor victory, just like 2020. Remember, Uncle Joe Stalin told us, "it's not who votes that count, it's who counts the votes." They eff'd up in 2016, because they didn't anticipate the overwhelming tidal wave of "anybody but Hitlery!" that was out here. Slow Joe and the Ho didn't win in 2020, they lost bigly, but (((They))) learned that lesson for 2020 and 2024. For our national future, be prepared to embrace the suck.
    Russia isn't our enemy the DNC, funded and managed (blackmailed) by the Globo Homo, Deep State, Chinese CCP Incorporated, are our enemies.

    1. Yep. Has anything in the vote counting process that was so odd odd odd in 2020 changed? Doing the same thing over again and expecting different results..

    2. Tree Mike - I hope you're wrong. (For the record, I don't think you are.)

    3. Rob - A number of states passed laws to improve the way votes are tallied. From what I read, the Democrat governors in those states (5 or 6 as I recall) vetoed those bills. So to answer your question, nothing has changed.

    4. Nothing has changed... I'll try not to be surprised in November when statical improbabilities once again make an appearance and ALL THE MSM tells me I didn't see what I saw.
      I'm reminded of the phrase, "fat, dumb and happy".

    5. Well I'm waiting to see what happens here in Pennsylvania. In 2020 I changed my place of residence. When I was updating my driver's license there was a box to check if I wanted my voting information changed as well, so I checked it. In October I got six mail in ballots. Three from the old address and three for the new. The names were variations on my first and middle names, like J.L. Cxxxxxx, James L. Cxxxxxx and j. Cxxxxxx for both addresses. I found it funny because in the past I been turned down twice when I REQUESTED a mail in ballot. I burned all six and voted in person. The reason that I mentioned this is because under Pennsylvania law a mail in ballot is required to stay with the inside envelope. It is the inside envelope that has the voter's information on it. On the say so of our Governor, the Secretary of State and the State Attorney General (all Democrats) these envelopes were destroyed upon opening. As a result there was no way to prove that they were legitimate ballots in the event of a challenge or recount. Under the law any ballot without it's envelope is NOT to be counted. So you have millions of ballots floating around and no way to verify them. In the movie 2000 Mules, approximately 1400 of those mules were in Pennsylvania, primarily in the Philadelphia area. That's how we had precincts in Philly with over 100% turn out and not a single vote for Trump. In both the 2020 and the 2016 elections I was asked to witness a Poll Worker helping to correct a person's ballot. In the 2016 election the person selected a straight Republican ticket only to have the Presidential vote come out for Hilary. In the 2020 election it was the same thing except the vote came out for Biden. A local Judge (again Democrat) said that there was nothing wrong, it was just a "calibration error". Bullshit. I've programmed touch screens. I played around with mine when I was voting and discovered that the touch area for Biden was about five times the size of the one for Trump. When you figure that only 80,000 votes determined the election, you have to ask how many people didn't double check their ballot?

    6. And people are convinced that Slo Jo and the Ho won legitimately. Why? Well, they believe the GD main stream media who are in the tank for the establishment.

  5. The real question behind the offended English law enforcement people who want to have Americans arrested for social media posts ... "will our government do it for them?

  6. Well, aren't you a special ray of sunshine today? Yeah, sucky times, and the Ho without Jo but with Sto-Valo, the eneMedia is doing its very best to paint that particular version of incompetence and evil as good. I don't think it's working too well, though.

    Like, well, JD Vance walking up to the reporters in front of her plane, while she was hiding from said reporters, and holding an impromptu press conference. Serious dig about her not ever giving a press conference. Then there's all the photos of her first rally, from people standing too close to her plane (not allowed) but with no reflections cast on the shiny surface. And 'a million' showing up to hear her speak, yeah, right.

    Getting weird out there.

    1. Computer generated crowds goes really well with the computer generated votes.

    2. Beans - I am keeping my fingers crossed.

    3. Rob - Good point. AI-generated people vote too, right? 🙄

  7. We have millions of arms dating from any war fought by any country (even Swiss straight-pull rifles they didn't need to fight WW2 with, and why not should provide a cautionary tale) up to todays latest offerings. We have billions of rounds of ammunition from not only domestic manufacturers but from countries which do not permit arms sales to their own citizens (Mexico, Aguila) because this is where the market is.
    This being so, one would think evil-doers would be cautious about the actions they promulgate. Our war of 1776-1783 resulted in the Tories decamping to Canada. The war of 1861-1865 resulted in military governance of the losing states fornearly 10 years. If todays insanities result in armed conflict, things will not fare well for the losers - and since all that armament is mostly owned by consevatives, i think they are unlikely to lose.

    1. I get that, while I would rather avoid bloodshed ...

      If push comes to shove, "they" will need to watch out.

    2. We have lots of bang bangs. Cool. How about water, you know safe drinking water.

      That stuff you die if you're not drinking it for 3 days? Oh, surface water. Unfiltered and or treated can you spell dysentery? Every freaking time we have a problem with toilets people are *hitting in their apartment hallways and backyards.

      Bad water, in about a week you'll be dead or wishing it was so.

      I could go on but folks who were in the military Should have an Idea WHY it's about 10 soldiers providing support for ONE Grunt, probably same for fighter jock. Little logistical things like fuel, water, spare parts, AMMO (I Know how much I went through in one small incident in the sand box, reloading magazines with strippers isn't that easy or fast when incoming fire is happening) FOOD?

      We're not talking about busting caps on little brown people waaaaay over there while Wife and kids are enjoying Walmart and regular grid electricity. We are talking about Bosnia complete with random shooters (not really snipers but).

      I suspect that the first week will be really brutal and exciting (not in the good way). Then the dead from lack of safe water and the sudden realization that the few boxes of ammo I have are probably IT.

      Nobody wins.

      “The living will envy the dead.”
      — Nikita Khrushchev

      Or Ecclesiastes if you prefer a non-Russian quote.

      Combat medics don't glamorize war.

    3. Keep your fingers crossed and your powder dry.

  8. I'm fine with throwing all the money the government collects into space travel in hopes we can find them a nice spot of moon or planet they can spend their angst and stupidity on. Anyone want to bet how fast they slide backwards.

  9. Off the subject what is the stuff of the WWII book ?

  10. What is the status of possible book of the Normandy to Berlin Story?

    1. Still awaiting publication. I haven't had much chance to work on that lately.

    2. Thanks for the update !

  11. Sarge,
    Save the Penguins!!! Ship the bastiges to the Artic! Santa knows who's naughty and nice, he can sort them out.
    Had to inject a small bit of humor. Too much very scary "What if?" going around. Not that they're not valid concerns, just need to lower my BP and heart rate a bit.

  12. And being for gun control, there is no need for them to have weapons to potentially harm those big, cuddly, and harmless polar bears.

    1. Nope, wouldn't be right. Principles and all, dontcha know?

  13. Well if you want to be depressed allow me to suggest that your muse needs the regular daily grind of a commute and a tussle with idiots before the muse is satisfied that all is well and starts to produce. So, you're going to have to continue to arise every work day, drive to your old office, pull into the parking lot, peg a rock or two at the building, raise your fist to the heavens and shake it while declaiming something profound and alarming, crawl back into the car and drive home listening to NPR all the way. That will set you up for some really fine wordsmithing!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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